by Paula Yocom
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Many of you may have heard this famous quote by the late Fred Rogers of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”
Well, take a look in the mirror, because this quote is describing you. After all, you wouldn’t be reading this blog if you weren’t a caring person. You wouldn’t be checking in just to see if there was anything new happening. Though your mind could be in a million other places – on your kids, your job, personal interests— you are here. Thank God for people like you. You make the world a less cold, indifferent place.
In an age in which celebrities are worshiped, and the acquisition of material wealth is considered to be the largest measure of success, there is something different about you. Rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, serious or silly, introverted or extraverted, young or old, all of you have one thing in common – when you see another person in need, you care. This caring can manifest itself in a variety of ways, some of which are visible, some of which reside within your heart. All that you offer is valuable, and all that you do to help Ryan makes a difference in his life.
You’ve probably heard this quote too: “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” I imagine many have found this saying to be true. It came to life for me when my mother was nearing the end of her earthly life. It was a time fraught with great heartache and sorrow, and each morning I awoke filled with dread. My mother was suffering greatly, and she was afraid. As strong as I could be for those who need me, in this situation I was weak. I was consumed with anxiety. The world became a gray, miserable, lonely place. I detested it.
Then something happened – people began to show up. Old friends from the past, friends I had only recently gotten to know, acquaintances, strangers – they appeared as if on cue to keep me from drowning in an ocean of despair. They did this in many different ways, seen and unseen, large and small — and every single thing they did lent light to those dark and mournful days. Some of these caring souls quietly retreated back to their lives and our paths have not crossed since. Others remain connected in tandem with the fickle rhythm of life. I am everlastingly grateful to every single one of them for pulling me through the sorrow. A few had never even met my mother, yet walked into her hospital room as she lay dying and prayed with and for her. I will treasure these strong, giving, compassionate souls for all of my days. Why did they even show up? Something – or Someone – beckoned them, and they followed. I believe God sent them to ease my mother’s pain and walk with me through this terrible time.
What is it about these special souls that causes them to care, pray, reach out? They seem different because they are different. Some may say it’s because they have a good heart. I experience it as the grace of God and I feel this whenever I see such people. They understand that life just isn’t all about them. They don’t pretend to be perfect. In fact, maybe their own failures, missteps and struggles in life have served to soften their edges and open their eyes to the woes of others. Or maybe they were born this way. However it happened, I thank God for them. You won’t see them turning their backs on someone who is hurting. You won’t hear them constantly highlighting their own successes. Not that they don’t have them, because they surely do. But they know true happiness absolutely does not evolve from acquiring things, but from giving things.
The caring souls in the world – the ones like you who show up in the lives of those who are suffering – understand this. That’s why, though they may not have the most in material wealth, accomplishments or power – they are rich in the satisfaction of life. They understand why they’re here. And that difference makes them shine like a thousand suns in the midst of the deepest suffering life has to offer.
So, do me a favor – go look into a mirror and see what I see… a person filled with grace and love and kindness. Thank you for showing up here for Ryan, Ken, Sue and Kari. You may never realize the full measure of what you mean to them. But on the first Spring day when the hand of God opens the flowers and scents the air with beauty, bask in the warmth of the sun and know – this is what you have and continue to give to the Divineys during their darkest hours.
You are truly the sunshine in their lives. Please know how grateful they are for every act of kindness you have done. May someone different like you always show up when you need them. God bless you always. Keep shining.
Deb H. says
This is, by far, one of the best written, most poignant, and heartfelt thing I have EVER read. God bless you and thank you for the warmth, courage and inspiration you share. I have goosebumps!
Mary T says
Wow! Just Wow! Thanks for sharing that, Paula!
Tony says
That was really a great post Paula, and it is so true. People who come to this site do so because they care. There is evil in this world and there are good people praying to God to help the innocent. In our case, we pray for God to help Ryan continue getting better and to help his family. I see evidence where God’s hand is at work helping Ryan: such as overcoming the critical early stages (storming episodes), being infection free last year, the generosity of Koons auto donation, work by Blue Moon Construction, the organizers of the Bicycle event, the large number of followers from Facebook, the ability for Ken to become so knowledgeable about healthcare and treatment, the seminar at Duke, these are to name a few of the signs I see where I believe God is at work here and the reason I pray that he continues helping Ryan.
Gail Doyle via Facebook says
So beautifully said Paula! And all so very true <3
Kaila Richmond says
This brought tears to my eyes. Blessings to you and your family.
Christina Brucker Shupe via Facebook says
Beautifully written!
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says
Who ya callin ugly, Paula? We’re all beautiful 🙂
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
On the website it appears the comments being left are not displaying. I’m working on it now. Please comment as usual and it will show when I fix it.
Carla Liberty says
Another winner post, Paula! Make sure that you too, look in the mirror, because you provide that beacon of light for the Divineys (and all the people/causes you pray for and support). You exude goodness….and I’m proud to call you my friend. Bless You.
Sending love and light to Paula, and to Ryan, Kari, Sue & Ken.
Gail Doyle says
Beautifully said ,Paula ,and oh so true!!! God bless you too.
Love, Gail
Gail Doyle says
Beautifully said, Paula ,and oh so true!!! God Bless you too.
Teddy Heather Goddard via Facebook says
WOW-this REALLY, REALLY got my day off to a good start. Your words about those of us who follow Ryan and the Diviney’s story touched me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. I care because I was instilled with great empathy and compassion and I hurt for those who hurt and suffer-especially so unfairly-like the Diviney’s. But in your words, you raised my low self esteem today and I thank you. You are one amazing, caring and loving lady and we thank you for caring as well. We all love the Diviney’s and in some ways-I feel like we are all a family. It’s a beautiful thing.
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
<3 for you, dearest Sister Paula. So grateful for all you do, and for your writing that reaches our very soul. Thank you.
Dana Keith via Facebook says
Don’t forget you are just as caring !! Hugs!