Lesson Learned
Last year a campaign was started and lodged by the readers to nominate my wife, Sue, as an “Unstoppable Mom”. This was a contest sponsored by Live with Kelly and Michael! (ABC Network) and delivers a $100,000 prize to the winner and her family. What can I say, “her family” could make good use of this money. Further, it’s a means of keeping Ryan relevant and bringing national attention to brain injury and violence. But I’ll tell you what it really does. It is undeniable, living proof that some moms can’t — and will not — be stopped, even when all hell breaks loose and the world is crumbling down.
I suppose know I was overly confident last year that Sue would make the cut and get into the top 5 finalists. How could she not, I reasoned? Arrogantly, I was just waiting for the call. Well, the day of the announcement came and went and our phones remained silent.
I was crushed. For me, sure, but mostly for her. I cursed myself for letting her down (and not knowing exactly how I did this), and I do to this day.
Then hope resurfaced!
I began receiving many emails over the past couple of days with some encouraging news. Turns out, this contest is being held again this year. Seeing as I can think of no other woman, let alone mom, that is as deserving I’d like to ask you to help again. I just can’t imagine that Sue will be overlooked twice. She is the epitome of an “Unstoppable Mom” and does this with humility and grace. She asks for no recognition. No pat on the back. No “Atta Girl”… but is deserving of it all.
I swear she must be hiding her halo from us all. It’s probably behind her invisible armor that only chinks when no one is looking. But that’s her… not wanting others to feel the hurt and despair that burdens her during every waking moment and invading her restless sleep.
Qualities of Past Nominees
For the sake of comparison and reference, here are some past entries that made the cut, but you can see all of these on the official page (link provided below):
- Elizabeth. As she looks for ways to improve her indoor playground business for the community, Elizabeth engages her children, encouraging them to use their imaginations and contribute their thoughts. Through this process, her children are empowered to make decisions and experience the satisfaction of seeing their ideas come to life.
- Elisangela. Whether it’s picking out her mom’s clothes for work the next day, or helping to select paint for a contracting job, Elisangela encourages Nadean’s independence. Elisangela provides an open forum where Nadean can express her individual thoughts and, in turn, Nadean knows that her opinion counts.
- Malia. Malia teaches her children that by being resourceful and creating things by hand, they will feel a sense of accomplishment. Being cost-conscious also teaches her children how to be creative and self-sufficient.
- Ronalyn. Between pursuing her degree and working full time, Ronalyn makes sure her children know that she is always there for them. Supporting their education and creative pursuits comes first; this busy mom makes sure to be the best example for her kids.
These remarkable women are certainly deserving of their recognition and I believe Sue is too. She works full-time in a highly demanding and stressful career quite high-up in management. Then she comes home to work full-time as a caregiver… a mom… a wife… a friend. She works with Ryan nonstop (and puts up with me nonstop too, come to think of it). Without a single vacation day or full night’s sleep in well over four years. There is no one that holds a candle to her when it comes to encouragement of their child. In this case, both her children.
Ah, you see, let’s not forget everything she does for our daughter, Kari, too! Oh, the lessons Sue is teaching her… and was suggested by Kathleen, in the comments, that this might be an area to focus on for the nomination. Sue teaches, guides, and models loyalty to family, unrelenting dedication, personal and societal accountability, and unconditional love. Sue does this for Kari in the gravest of circumstances. No. She does this in spite of them.
Sue’s sense of commitment, passion, and perseverance is something to behold, even if not recognized through this contest. Unquestionably, many would have been stopped dead in their tracks. Stonewalled and flattened, if truth be told. Not her! She’s not only unstoppable, she’s un-fuddruckin-believably unstoppable. She lowers her shoulder, leans in, and pushes through… somehow with dignity and grace. So sweet, yet so strong.
Call to Action
So I ask, no, I beg (here on Begger’s Corner)… please take the minute to nominate her if you feel even half as I do about her. Really, it’s only a minute.
Whether you nominate her via the online form or mail it, here is all the information you will need that is pertinent to her (just copy & paste):
- (Mom) Nominee’s First and Last Names: Sue Diviney
- (Mom) Nominee’s Address: 21092 Carthagena Ct., Ashburn, VA 20147
- Birthdate: They are asking for yours (to meet the age requirement to nominate), not hers.
- (Mom) Nominee’s Mobile number: 571-305-2662
- (Mom) Nominee’s Work Number: 571-305-2662
- (Mom) Nominee’s Email Address: Kdiviney@ryansrally.org
Click this image below to be taken directly to the nomination form!
All submissions (either mailed or submitted electronically) must be received no later than 6 pm EST on February 7th, 2014.
Truth is, Sue was unstoppable her entire life. Now, given the circumstances — she neither wanted nor asked for, mind you — she is more unstoppable than ever. She’s unimaginable! You really need look no further than her own words, written well over one year ago, in her post Family. It’s What We Do.
Sharing is Caring
Please, please, please (and please, again) share this on your social media! This is a two-step process First, she must be named a finalist. Here we must rely on the solid judgement and common wisdom of those who will learn about Sue and all she conquers. Then it gets down to voting and that’s when we, Team Diviney, kick in. If we can get to that point then my confidence and excitement will need held in check. This is exactly where we shine (among so many others, I should add). Fondly, I think back to all the “campaigns” you have waged for my family… for me… for Ryan… and I’d be foolish not to ask for it again. This time it’s for Sue.
A mom, but more. The silent, unstoppable, hero mom.
I sent the nomination,as a mother i just can even imagine what you guys are going trough ,but i admire you so much,you guys will be in my prayers!!
nominated – using your wonderful words!
Done! I hope she gets it! Truly deserving. Praying for Ryan and your family!!
Now that I have learned about Ryan, he will be in my prayers as well as the other members of the family. May God bless you all and give you strength!
Just finished nominating her! Our thoughts and prayers to your lovely family. Thank you for showing us all what grace looks like on earth.
I nominated her! Way to go Sue
Nominated and Shared.
Nominated and shared….good luck <3
Nominated (Using some of Ken’s glowing words about Sue) and shared!!
What I find so striking about Sue is how she has never let go of her values — her kindness, compassion, commitment to her job, concern for her friends, unending love for her family — her responsibilities. Sue presses forward, through the fatigue, the fears and tears, and finds the light. She sacrifices constantly, always keeping her family’s needs foremost in her mind. But she does it with such strength and class! Whether on a train to her job in New York, or in her car to her D.C. office, Sue stays the course despite minimal sleep and maximum stress. I admire her intellect, her candor, her composure — but most of all, I admire her loving tenderness towards her family and friends. She knows the words to lift up her children’s spirits, encourage them and keep them focused on their goals. She lavishes her family with love and wisdom. Sue is unusual for her ability to navigate through the deepest, darkest waters of life and find its calm, peaceful shores. She is unmatched in her determination to hold onto all that is good and daily weave it into the lives of the people she loves. And by any definition that matters, Sue Diviney is the queen of unstoppable. On behalf of all of us who love, admire and respect you, I hope you wear this sparkling crown with pride, Sue, for you are so very worthy of it.
Love, hugs, prayers always – and I’m still here, still believing!!
I hope you don’t mind, I use your above compassionate response on the, “Mom Nomination” for Sue. I don’t know the Diviney’s personally, and this was so beautifully written and heartfelt. I hope Sue is recognized for all her hard work and efforts in putting her family first.
Yvonne Palestino
Castle Pines, CO
As soon as I get to a computer I will put in my nomination for Sue!! Will send you a message once it’s done!!
Will do. I thought of Sue this AM when I saw it on the show.
Every one of us needs to do everything in our power, and more, to make sure Sue wins this. This is a big one, we need to win it.
Sent my nomination in for our girl Sue Burick Diviney!!! And I agree with Rita’s comment; she is the epitome of unstoppable love and grace.
Absolutely, 100 percent correct.
I just filled out the nomination form. NO ONE is more deserving than her for Unstoppable Mom (and no one is more deserving than you, Ken, as Unstoppable Dad!!) You are an inspiration to me of what it means to have true love for one’s family.
Ken, it is my great pleasure to nominate Sue. God’s love and peace to you all.
For sure has my vote!
She’s got my vote 🙂
I just submitted my entry. Based on the confirmation message I received on the screen afterwards, it appears that voting will be more important than nominating. Will you let us know when someone’s nomination has been approved and we can get on to voting? Let’s get Sue the recognition she so deserves, and the prize that will so help in Ryan’s care!
That’s good information to know. Hopefully the advance Sue to the voting phase this year.
Please share this with as many people as you can.
Ken- made my entry this morning. I love this show and it would be so awesome to see Sue as a finalist. As a Mountaineer and former Ashburn resident, I think of you all often. Best of luck to the Diviney’s!
Entry complete!!! And I will share the post so that others can help!
what part do you copy and paste? Just name address, etc. Or the story?
If, at first, we don’t succeed, we’ll try and try again (until we do!).
Reading the posts about last year’s finalist, I wonder if this year we should focus our entries on the lessons she is teaching Kari. It appears they like that type of story.
Brilliant idea Kathleen!! Kari was always a very responsible girl but I’m sure she has learned so much from Sue!
Excellent picking up on that angle! I edited my post to ask people to include that.
DONE !! and I follow Ryan’s Rally from day 1 (my daughter is a WVU alum) and will share this…..Good luck …so hope Momma Diviney wins, A) because she deserves it B) because you all deserve it C) because the money is clearly so needed for Ryan: Lastly, with such a senseless heart-wrenching nightmare the Diviney Family has been dealt by monsters, I’d like to see a little good come their way. Forever in my prayers, Alison
Ken, we have been out of town and just saw this from Kelly and Michael in my email. Thank you for posting the info for Team Diviney. I hope everyone will nominate Sue, just as I surely will. It is very easy, and, as before, presume we have access to photos on Ryan’s Facebook page, or here. 🙂
Hope, love and prayers
What is Sue’s birthdate? I didn’t see it on here.
Stacey, thanks for pointing that out because it’s confusing. The form is asking for your birthday (not Sue’s) to make sure you meet the minimum age requirement to nominate.
Consider It Done!!!!!!
Sue is the epitome of unstoppable love and grace as a working mom. You’re right — no one is more deserving of this honor!