Last night, a minute or two before midnight, I’m sitting on the couch just off Ryan’s room watching a documentary. Sue comes from Ryan’s room and just stands there. My first thought is I must have done something wrong and I’m about to hear it. That happens a lot. I brace myself.
Then a text comes in from Kari (who’s out-of-town for the week). Sue says, “Ah, she beat me to it”. Now I’m really wondering what I did for them to gang up on me. This feels like an intervention. I make a quick inventory of all the things I’ve done wrong and prepare to take what’s surely coming.
It doesn’t dawn on me what their up to until I opened the text and Sue began singing “Happy Birthday” that I finally understood. Phew! I wasn’t in hot water. Best birthday yet!
Kari’s text touched me. Deeply. It’s was the perfect gift.
Happy 20th, Daddy! Hahaha.
Love you so much and couldn’t ask for a better dad. Honestly, I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world. And Ryan is the luckiest son ever for having you.
It’s rare to find people as genuinely nice and caring as you. I know you’d do anything for me and it intimidates me because I don’t think I could ever be half the person you are. You’re unreal and you make me stronger ever day. I look up to you more than know.
Happy birthday, Daddy. You deserve the world and I can’t wait until Friday to celebrate with you!
What a wonderful way to start another year! Here’s the thing… Kari and Ryan are already more than half of what I am. They got that by genetics alone. And all my faults were seemingly subdued by Sue’s dominant “niceness” gene. My children are better. Much, much better than I am.
Really, that’s all a Dad could ever really want for his birthday… or legacy.
Wow, so beautiful…I have a lump in my throat…
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Love & prayers … always
Happy Birthday Ken. Your children both love you. There’s no greater gift than that!
Happy Birthday Ken, hope you had some smiles today!
Happy Birthday, Ken.
Last week I bet my husband that I could stay off of face book for a whole week. Well I did it. But…I checked up on you every single day through the web site. Hugs and many more birthdays to you!
Donna Z.
What a sweet sentiment from Kari! Ya raised ’em right, Ken and Sue! Yessir! Raised ’em right! Hope your day was simply the greatest. Maybe next year we will have real fireworks. Happy birthday evening. SHSP always
Happy Birthday Ken! You are definitely Father of the Year!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN !!!!!! I was going to send you some cookies, but Christina said you already received some! I really just wanted to send some Happy Birthday wishes through cookies, lol Hope your day was a day to CELEBRATE YOU, and all that you mean to so many people!
Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest dad!!!!!!
SHSP in Morgantown
Happy Birthday Ken. I hope it’s filled with joy. You truly are an inspiration!
Happy happy birthday!! Wishing you lots of happiness today and in the year ahead!!
Happy birthday, Ken!
Happy Birthday Ken from all of your Yes! Grace Rocks friends.
Lovely! Happy Birth-day Ken.
Happy Birthday! SHSP
Happy Birthday Ken! Kari’s text touched my heart too. You deserve the very best of everything — because you give the best of yourself (and then some) every day to your family. You are a real blessing!
What a precious text from an equally precious girl! Ya done good my friend, ya done good! Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Ken!!! I hope you enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Ken! May this new year be filled with more ups than downs, more hope than dispare, more love than hate and more light than darkness.
Happy Birthday! SHSP!
Beautiful 🙂 You have another special gift: “arrogance” tempered by incredible humility. You deserve all the love and praise of your children, birthday boy! We’re all pretty much in awe of you too. Yes, you and Sue sure did pass on some amazing genes…
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy ,Happy Birthday Ken,What a beautiful text from Kari and every word is true,right from her heart.Ryan can’t text yet,but I’m sure he’s wishing you a Happy Birthday and to save him some cake.Hope your day goes smoothly and a hug for you today.
Love gail
Happy Birthday, Ken!! Your kids are so blessed to having such an amazing,caring,funny guy for a dad. Take a minute today to celebrate you!!!