Ryan went off the IV antibiotic one week ago tonight. So, this afternoon we send out his urine for culture and hope the infection is gone. If not, things will get dicey really quickly. From my experience, we won’t know the results until early next week. There’s an outside chance of hearing something on Saturday, but that probably would indicate a problem.
Yesterday we signed an agreement to charge our credit card $12,000 to buy a ultrasound bladder scanner in the event insurance denies it. Brain injury is so flippin’ expensive! We couldn’t keep our heads above at water level without all your help. This equipment is necessary so that we can watch, in real-time, the volume of urine in Ryan’s bladder. This way if Ryan is holding too much urine between flows and/or is retaining urine after a flow we will know. Knowing is the easy part, getting it out is not. We’ll need to place a catheter in his penis and thread it into the bladder to completely drain it, then remove it. This is commonly called” In/Out” or “Intermittent” Catheterization. Here’s the kicker… this type of catheterization significantly increases the risk of urinary tract infections. Hmm, another instance of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The supplier provided us with a loaner until ours arrives and we began using it immediately.
Sue has the lead on scheduling Ryan at Johns Hopkins for further evaluation of the Celect IVC filter. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, please see last Tuesday’s post, Ultimate Paradox. Everything came to a screeching halt with the Memorial Day weekend. Did everyone in the United States take off last Friday?
Well, there you have it. Another fun-filled, action-packed week of keeping our son alive and healthy.
John Sc. says
We have that particular scanner, people have dropped the probe twice now and it cost 2500 dollars to replace each time. Not worth the price of this very expensive scanner, there are less expensive models out there that do the same job.
Will says
I am really praying that all goes well for Ryan. He is your son and has become our brother.
I am glad you had some enjoyment setting up an apartment for your daughter. Times like that bring peace during your busy days with Ryan.
God will take care of those who harmed Ryan I am sure. So try if you can to free yourself with occupations of the mind that concern these hateful paople.
Patrice says
Seems dirtbags run in the family lineage…—————————————————————————-
Last Name:
Vantrease First Name:
Birth Date:
1987-10 Race:
White Sex:
Other Names Used: 1
Last Name First Name MI Suffix Sex Race DOB
Vantrease Cody Male White 1987-10
Case History: 1
Warrant Number DUC Number Court Comments
C111000439 1107000991 Dewey Beach Alderman Court 36 Capias Ftp/Disorderly Conduct By Obstructing Vehicular Or Pe
Anna says
My first thought is, why can’t Jon May charge something to a credit card and start paying for something? What a dissapointment to society he and Austin Vantrease are.
ryansrally.org says
My guess is he’s not very creditworthy.
Feisty NYY Fan says
Just thinking of you all, and hoping a streak of good news comes your way real soon! You deserve it so very much!!
Jan says
So Cody Vantrease has a warrant?? Wow, some really good upbringing there, huh? Their parents must be SOOOO proud. What did this genius do?
Gail Doyle says
Ken.Just here, hoping and praying Ryan doesn’t have to have any more invasive procedures. How you keep up with all this is unbelievable. Hoping catheter doesn’t cause any more infections. Thanks for updates and all I can say is always here and thinking of you all Love Gail
Beth Brittingham Richardson via Facebook says
praying for a clean specimen. you all deserve a moment’s peace.
Jo says
This looks like as good a place as any if anyone wants to know more about catheters. Ken, You probably wrote this for Wikipedia, huh! LOL
Praying that Ryan doesn’t have to put up with this invasive procedure!! And, too, thinking that scar tissue has so surrounded the IVC filter, removal isn’t necessary. Prayers continue. Love