It’s crazy to think that in just one week my daughter, Kari, will be home from WVU on summer break. She’s now an upperclassman, heading into her junior year. I can’t wait! The entire energy level of our home changes the instant she walks explodes through the door. She’s good for me.
Sadly, it’s hard to believe that Ryan would be graduating. But, at least for the foreseeable future, Ryan will remain a sophomore with a 3.8 GPA. His dreams put on hold for who knows how long? Probably forever, if I really want to face reality.
I’m sorry, I not able to continue writing today. This realization hit me too hard.
I’m so glad that Kari is coming home! She’ll be like a heat sink to hopefully dissipate some of your daily despair. I am still very excited by Ryan’s holding up his head and turning it to the sound of your voices. What a wonderful video! We really love you guys and pray constantly for every little detail that you share with us. You mightily glorify God, whether you believe in him or not!
I’m going to admit that whenever I read something like this, I think about where I was when Ryan got attacked. I was 23, in the middle of my senior year at University of Delaware, and likely bitching about how hard my geology systems class was, as well as the Italian course I was taking and not doing so hot in. My main concerns were school, going out to Deer Park Tavern, and whether or not I could get into grad school.
It’s been 2 and a half years, and my life isn’t there anymore. I moved on, I graduated, and now I’m in the home stretch of grad school in Western P.A. And it saddens me that Ryan doesn’t get to do that- that he’ll always be a 19-year old sophomore in the fall of 2009 going out on a weekend night. At least for now. I do hope he’ll regain some kind of function in life- maybe not what the Divineys pictured for their son, but something.
Sending you our love and our promise to remain committed to keeping Ryan relevant.
Jane and the YGR Group
Sorry, Ken, that this is an even more challenging more day than usual. Your sorrow and pain is understandable….I too often erase many of my attempts to post because I realize I can’t possibly offer any words of comfort…..but I try, I try. Bless you Ken. You are on a long road…….but you are strong and your love will carry you forward.
I have just spend the past hour looking at your recently posted photos! Lump in my throat, overpowered by your strength as a parent! I look forward to bringing Tyler to meet you and Ryan, we are on the mend!
Joan Tadlock
Ken, I’m very sorry you are hurting so badly. I can only imagine how painful it must be for you to contemplate on what might have been. It’s all so unfair, and the fact that you and your family have had to suffer this way gives me great sorrow. Yet, I still have real hope — if I said otherwise, I’d be a liar.
There is no denying the tremendous achievements Ryan has accomplished in his life — too much to write here but we could fill pages. I just want to say that Ryan is still a great achiever, but moreover, he is now a conquerer. I and many others admire him greatly, as we do you, Sue and Kari. Don’t give up hope, Ken — don’t ever give up hope. If anyone can go the distance it’s Ryan. I believe it.
Hugs, hugs and more hugs…you sure are a good Dad, and Sue, Ryan and Kari are greatly blessed to have you.
Love & prayers still going on every day
SHSP!!! I don’t know what more to say, my heart is too heavy with sorrow for the circumstances. I know your faith isn’t what it was, but I know that angels watch over you and your wonderful family. Love to you all!
LOVE LOVE LOVE coming at you… from my own experience with our child’s diagnosis and the fear/reality that comes with it, I say this… Allow yourself your feelings. You have every right to hurt and to hurt hard. Release it. Provide your feelings a voice, allow them to come through… RIDICULOUS scary and painful as it may be. The process of doing so may feel and/or look like “hell” but when you’re done your body will tell you, “You’re done. It’s time to stand back up and get to work.”-and you WILL- but this time, you will find yourself STANDING with a deeper insight into everything going on around you, as well as, within yourself. You will be left with a renewed strength that will allow you to be even more beneficial to RYAN, to your family and to yourself. SO with lots of love I say, strap yourself in, hang on and go for the hell ride…in the meantime, I will be praying for your continued strength, guidance, patience and PROGRESS.
So much love and always forever and until,
Keri, MY Frankie and Family
Very powerful words. This too is what I wish for Ken (and family too).
To Ken,
I wish I had words to help you, but many times I’ve discarded post because I feel I’m really not in a position to advise you how to get through anything you may be feeling/experiencing. I can tell you that I DO FEEL your sorrow, anger, determination, and love. I hope that during these moments that you allow yourself to release…….. From what I learned about Ryan on here, I think he would want that for you.
I think about you all (and visit site) daily. Stay strong.
Keri, That is a beautiful post! I would just like to say DITTO! I cannot say it any better! Love and prayers to Ryan and Family! Welcome home Kari!
Ken,Know how good it will be for all to have Kari home!Please (as hard as it is)don’t ever give up hope for Ryan,maybe new hopes and dreams ,but still for good things to happen to Ryan. All here, always praying for you and Sue. Please tell Ryan I said hello and have a peaceful day. Love Gail
May your hope for Ryan’s future be renewed as he continues to move forward in his recovery. Nothing crushes the human spirit quite like shattered dreams. Thank God that your lovely Kari will be home soon to help lift your spirits. Praying for all of you every day and sending lots of love and encouragement. I know how hard this is…