Normally I don’t share when I take Ryan out to appointments until after we get home because I don’t want evil people taking this an opportunity to break-in to our home. I can today though since there will be at least two people here while we’re gone and we have excellent video surveillance.
Ryan has an appointment with a vascular doctor today in Reston, VA. An ambulance service was hired to transport him to and from the appointment. The “Chick Magnet” (our donated handicap van) we have would simply not work well in this case since it’s a bit of a haul and I am flying solo in getting him to/from the doctor otherwise. It’s best to have him under medical care the entire time, with the manpower to make this as distressful as possible for Ryan.
I’m not at all convinced that we even need to put Ryan through this and physically take him there, but the doctor claims it’s their “policy”. It’s not like Ryan can answer any questions. The purpose of the visit is to check the internal placement of the IVC Greenfield filter and a visual examination has no obvious purpose. Everything the doctor needs to know is provided in the MRI report and imaging. If Ryan’s overall condition needs assessed (as I suspect is their reasoning) then why not allow our family doctor to come to our home and do it and then send the information to the vascular doctor? This was suggested and examples were given of how we do this now with other doctors, but they wouldn’t budge.
It boiled down to, yet another, risk-benefit judgement. Do we risk Ryan picking up a communicable illness (e.g., flu) for what could be nothing at all or scrubbing the visit and going with the information we have (that this might be the original placement and is stable or that this might not be correctable even if it is placed incorrectly). It not that I believe Ryan is at high risk of picking something up. In this regard, I think he’s just like most people. My fear is if he contracts something. It could be devastating. It’s easy to see our recommendation to not physically take him there, but still do everything else, is the most practical for all… and clearly is for Ryan.
If we learn anything concrete from today’s appointment I’ll post an update.

I might be a good idea to use an N97 when he goes out in public. Not sure if you’ve done that..
Ken, Hope the visit is beneficial somehow and that all is good with filter(if they can tell) Sorry for the risk of taking him to a Drs office.Hope and pray he doesn’t catch anything.
Anything new on nursing situation? Sure hope its solved soon .Good luck with visit. Tell Ryan I said hello. Love gail
I’ll be praying that he doesn’t catch anything while he’s out.
Hi Ken, something inside me feels like you have made the right call to take Ryan to have this checked out — even if it’s just to be able to have better peace of mind about it. It’s been in the back of my mind ever since you told us about the possible concern about the filter placement. I’m praying that it’s fine the way it is and will not be any risk to Ryan. I’m also praying Ryan will not be exposed to anything while at his appointment. I know you are always carrying the weight of trying to figure out what is best for Ryan. Yet ultimately you make the best decisions because you know him so well and understand his physical health better than most doctors. Praying for you, Ken — I know you will be relieved once this is done and you’re back home.
And for what it’s worth — a lot of us keep our eye out on your family and your home. After what happened to Ryan, I understand that we must be watchful. I have trepidation after what I’ve seen happen to him, knowing there has never been any acknowledgement or full restitution for the crimes committed upon him. Lord, please watch over the Diviney household and keep them safe.
Hoping for a positive day for you and Ryan, Ken. Will wait to hear how the appointment went. In the meantime, know we are thinking of you.
Love, prayers, always hopeful and still believing
Hoping for an easy day for you and Ryan. I just hope the physician doesn’t insist on another MRI because, “We like to do our own tests.” Been there — done that! Hoping he won’t!
Wish we could get a report from you later how it went, but know how very busy this day will be.
Thinking of you. Hope, love and prayer. Always here.