I just received an email about another life lost to senseless violence. It sounds just too much like what happened to Ryan. There is really no need for me to expand, the email is powerful on its own.
From: Carla J. Liberty
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:22 PM
To: ‘Ken Diviney’; Diviney, Sue
Subject: Another TBI tragedy
Hi Ken & Sue,
I thought you might want to know that I heard from a friend today on FB who has been praying for (and donating to) Ryan. She is also Christian Ponder’s (Vikings QB, who signed football for Ryan) aunt.
I’m copying/pasting our brief back-and-forth, but I wanted you to know about it in case you would like to pray for this family and/or make mention of it in your blog. So sad and so senseless.
Here’s the conversation:
Jan Hiott Lokie: One of Alyssa’s friends was sucker punched this weekend in Orlando while out with his Dad. The guy who did it was drunk and doesn’t even know why he hit Trent. Anyway, he hit the curb at a really weird angle, causing TBI and he has no brain function. His family will take him off the vent later today or tomorrow. It just reminds me of the senseless act of violence that happened to Ryan. Hard to understand.
Carla Cushman Liberty: Oh Jan I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am. This is tragic on so many levels. May I please share your story with Ken and Sue Diviney? Thank you for your prayers and support and know that I am going to be lifting this friend of Alyssa’s (and his entire family) in prayer. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Jan Hiott Lokie: Thanks, Yes, you can share the story. Very upsetting to all. So senseless. I am assuming all of the info is accurate, but I am only hearing it from Alyssa who is hearing it from his Fraternity brothers. She was a college friend of Trents and the family is communicating through the fraternity right now. So very sad.
I posted an update regarding Trent on Ken’s blog. He has passed away. Please keep his family in your prayers.
I posted an update regarding Trent on Ken’s blog. He has passed away. Please keep his family in your prayers.
My friend Jan messaged me a short while ago and notified me that Trent has passed away. Please keep his family in your prayers. The drunk guy who sucker-punched him is in jail (has been since it happened). I imagine some charges will be levied (or increased depending if he’s already been charged with assault/battery, though I can’t be sure). This was just so senseless. And for what?
Heart breaking.
Ken, So awful to hear something like this again.Don’t know what is wrong with these people.Such SENSELESS violence! Maybe all alcohol and drugs should be banned, but I think that’s only an excuse,they just don’t care what happens to the other person ,Thinking and praying for all of those families going through such tragedies, (that you know first hand,Ken and Sue) ,But Ryan ,I will never lose hope that he will get better. This senseless violence just has to stop!!Thanks for sharing Carla and Ken Love gail
What is wrong with people today?
Evil exists, no doubt about that! This is another heart-breaking story! Just so sad and there is no end to this kind of violence, much that is alcohol or drug related. I will pray for this family as they go through the grief process. I don’t think grief ever ends in the loss of a child, but I really believe that prayer, love and kindness help the suffering and that “friendship multiplies our joy and divides our grief,” author unkn.
Thank you Carla and Ken for sharing this very heart-rending story. World peace begins at home with us.
It’s unfortunate, but while I believe the good peple outnumber the bad by a large margin in this world, I worry very much about the pain and suffering these bad people can cause. It is so sad to read articles of senseless violence and it happens too often. I pray to God to protect my family and to heal those who have been harmed.