I was a bit late in getting a post out today, but there’s a good reason. I actually did several tweaks to the website that should (and seem to) help the speed of the website. It’s most noticeable on the home page (improved load time), but you might notice it on other pages as well. The good news is that I didn’t bring the site down this time! You know, like I did over the weekend. That was a mess because I made so many changes that I didn’t have a clue about which one was the cause.
One neat trick I actually implemented yesterday is that anyone who comments on an article link on Ryan’s Facebook Fan page will see the remark also posted on the blog. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work the other way (blog-to-Facebook) because I don’t require people to register and log in to the website. I might give people the option to voluntarily sign-up, but that’s for another day. It would also offer the benefit of allowing for restricted areas by people I approve. Wow, what power…
As you know, I’m not inclined to restrict the website wholesale. Sure, people might sometimes offend me or say something that I just have to let roll off, but I like the freedom of anyone being able discover Ryan and his story. Screw the haters! In many ways they help drive readership. Beyond this, it gives everyone a peek into the level of scum we are dealing with. I would suggest they get their own blog, but that was tried and failed… miserably. What losers (at the risk of offending losers).
The best site on the net.
Just checking in, hope you get some sleep this weather is good sleeping weather with the fresh air coming in through a crack in the window. Always thinking of you.
On a side note, I had never heard of a traumatic brain injury before.
You’re an amazing dad, Ken.
Me either…
I love that your site is open and you show all the comments. I also have been glued to you guys ( or cyber stalking.. whichever ) since I saw you on the Today show. I was in the hospital and the previous morning had just given birth to my son and your story just stayed with me. I will continue to read your posts and pray for your son and family. And although I don’t know Austin Vantrease or May, the fact that they have nothing to say speaks VOLUMES.
Your friend in Florida,
Hi Ken,
I have been following your site for a while. I am currently trying to revamp my dad’s site, and was curious what you use for hosting and whether this site is created on a blog platform (wordpress or otherwise) or is it a static website. I love how easy ryansrally is to navigate and how blog posts are visible on the homepage.
Thanks for any advice you can give. I’m learning!
Vi, Thank you. I use WordPress.org as the platform and Go Daddy as my host. My two favorite themes are Weaver (free) and U-Design (one time purchase of $100). I am using the latter now.
This is very helpful! Thank you!
No I wasn’t checking every half hour to see if the blog was updated, it just looks that way ; )
“Screw the haters” — LOL Ken!! I love the way you are always making changes and tweaking the blog. I also admire the fact that you can read unseemly comments without getting sorely irritated like I do…
Random thought — wondering if any advertisers out there would be interested in purchasing a spot on your page — 1 million views (probably double that in reality) — that’s a lot of people logging on everyday to check out what’s happening.
Wishing you and Ryan a great day together — praying for continued progress for our boy.
Love & prayers always