It’s hard to believe. Today this website, that started out as little more than a place for people to post their support, will exceed one million views. Heck, for the first thirteen months I wasn’t even tracking viewership. So this one million view threshold was easily broken a long time ago. What’s remarkable is I am fussy about this count. I do everything I can, through system settings, to not double-count if a person (IP address) visits a page twice in a single day. I also never count myself in this number. I did everything to make this measurement legitimate.
It’s a milestone that reminds me how much Ryan means… still.
Today I hope to sit down and pull some reports. I always find these both interesting and informative. These are the same ones I give at every 100,000 increment: Most Read Articles, Most Commented Articles, Most Active Countries and States, Average Time on Site, Average Comments/Post, and so on. I get a bit nervous comparing to past results, hoping Ryan’s relevancy is not falling off significantly. I guess I’ll know the answer to that tomorrow.
So, for today I’ll end my writing early to (hopefully) allow time to dig into the information. One thing I know, without even checking, is the website is popular beyond my wildest expectation. One million views for a personal blog! Can you believe it?
Oh my gosh — I just glanced over at the view counter near the bottom of the page — WOW — it was crazy awesome to actually see that number: 1,000,000
Not many people have the ability to do that — it is an incredible feat!!
Thank you again for allowing us a window into your world. I know it cannot be easy to put pen to paper, figuratively speaking, on many day — yet you do.
Whatever that magic “je ne sais quoi” is for attracting people, you got it spades. Respect!
Love, hugs, prayers — never leaving
Awesome!! Youre doing well! You and sue amaze me everyday!
Many blessings!
“Once a Mountaineer, always a Mountaineer.”
Mountaineers are a family. We would never forget one of our own.
This makes me happiful! SHSP, NGA!!
Checking in daily. Always here and prayers continue for Ryan and the entire Diviney family. One Million…WOW…but then of course you guys are one in a million!!! You are loved, Ryan and his story are forever relevant to so many. Much love to all of you, Peggie
Yay!! We all told you that Ryan,You,Sue, and Kari are relevant and will continue to be!! Still here,still praying and still reading!
One Million Views – I’d say together “We Got This”!
I hope Ryan is having a good day!
Ken, That is so wonderful ,One million viewers ,Unbelievable! Mo matter what I’m doing or where I am ,I will always find a way to read about Ryan. You are all so special to us all and Keep On Writing ,Please. Hoping for a better day for you and that Ryan’s infection is getting better Love Gail
I check every day I am near a computer. Don’t always leave a comment but that doesn’t mean much cause sometimes I check several times a day. You would get sick of my comments and opinions if I left one every time. How cool is that that someone is wearing a Rally for Ryan t shirt in class, I think that is awesome! Hope you and Ryan get to watch some basketball action tonite. Rooting for Cuse here!
I heard about Ryan on the Today Show…I have followed his story ever since. I check your blog daily, and I, like many on here are amazed and awed by your unconditional love and devotion to your son. As a parent of 4, I understand about a parent’s love for their children. However, your dogged determination and commitment to Ryan and to his recovery are awe-inspiring. Your family has been through the ringer, and you are all amazing examples to each of us who follow your blog daily. I will continue to pray for Ryan, for you, Sue and Kari, and will also keep on following this story, from down here in Central Texas!
May God bless all of you! Leslie
Fantastic accomplishment, Ken — not many people can do what you’ve done!!!
Hi Ken,
WOW — One Million Views!!! I can’t even imagine getting that many hits on anything — but, I’m not surprised you have because you are one heck of a writer and you do have one fantastic son — and you are an amazing Dad with a beautiful wife and daughter — and, you are a hero to many of us — so — wow — you rock!!! Congratulations, Ken!!
Love, prayers, hugs, respect!!
wouldn’t it be great if just ONE time, each viewer sent ONE DOLLAR for the support of Ryan’s needs?
Well, that did not make a lot of sense, but my thoughts were well intended. I will use my lack of sleep as the excuse.
I agree with everyone..never to busy to check in on Ryan..!!
I am one of those who check in every day, read every comment, and very rarely post. (Though I did send in “winning” suggestion for the license plate for the Chick Magnet.) Every word you (and also Sue and Kari) write has such an impact on me – I laugh, I cry, I think. I often start to post and then think that it won’t measure up. So I keep quiet. But I’m here. And today I have to tell you that I’ve never met you, Ken, but I’ve met Sue, Ryan and Kari. You are a truly wonderful family and clearly, you always have been. ALL of you will ALWAYS be relevant for all the good you put out into the world. And the people who follow this blog will always be here.
We love your son too Ken……. 🙂 Ryan has touched us all….
We care so much about Ryan!
One million!!! Ken and family, there are so many who DO CARE. SHSP
I admit that I check in multiple times a day; especially when Ryan is having a not-so-good day. People still care…Ryan will always be relevant.
Amazing! There are so many caring people — so many readers, but not so many writers. I don’t think that is unusual, really, Think back to the old days of hand written letters. For most of us, they were few and far between, and once the telephone kicked in, especially after long distance rates were lowered, a hand-written letter was a treasure and still is. To me, it is the reader who counts the most, so read on, folks, but just so you know, I read every single comment, too. And what I meant a few days ago, Ken, was this: Don’t you dare ever stop writing to us PLEASE! Still here, still praying.
I’m sitting in class and when I looked up from this post I noticed the girl in front of me, who I’ve never met, wearing a Rally for Ryan shirt… Our support is unwavering. Still here, every single day.