Ryan didn’t get much rest last night. He was having coughing fits on-and-off. It’s nothing I’m concerned about, since it wasn’t originating from the lungs. To me, it sounded like the type of cough associated with allergies. You know, that tickle in the throat sort of cough. His eyes are more red than normal too. So, by four o’clock it seemed senseless to keep him in bed so I got him up. The coughing stopped immediately when I put him in his chair and began his ActivCycle therapy.
It seems early to me, but with all the warm weather perhaps the allergy season is already beginning. Or did it always begin this early? I guess I never paid attention to this. As for myself, I can feel some scratchiness in my throat, but it’s possible I’m just making it up to support my observations. Anyhow, people tell me that some trees and plants are beginning to bud here in northern Virginia. When the sun comes up I’ll take a look for myself.
Although I just changed the furnace filter on the first of the month, today I’ll switch the fan to run non-stop (and not just not when the heat kicks on). I’ll also clean or replace the filters in the store-bought Honeywell room units. Hopefully this will scrub the air enough to bring Ryan some comfort tonight. Maybe I should just put a surgical mask on him on the problematic days?
Bonnie says
According to my allergist, the “allergy season” is at least a month ealrier than usual because of the mild weather. She generally has her patients start their seasonal allergy medications in March but this year it was back in early February. It’s possible it is allergies causing Ryan’s naggy cough. Something to check into, for sure.
Keeping your family in my prayers.
Scott says
Something to think about….due to the Baclofen reductions, is it possible that Ryan is now able to respond more appropriately to things like allergies and cough as a response?
ryansrally.org says
Agree. I feel this way too.
Carla Liberty says
As an allergy/asthma sufferer who gets shots every other week year-round, I can tell you that I too, am suffering from this junk right now. Not just the typical pollen, but molds are affecting me too. The best thing you can do for Ryan you are already doing; and that is showering him every day, and changing his pillow cases as well. I would also (if you are not already) regularly put blankets/throws in the dryer on a high setting to kill any dust mites. I know you have an air filter but these little guys are persistent! I ended up taking curtains off of my windows to help with dust build up. And when (not if) I win the lotto (ha ha) I am going to first donate a huge chunk to you and then rip out the carpeting in our bedrooms and put down hardwoods.
SHSP, NGA! <3 carla
ryansrally.org says
Love the suggestion about putting blankets in the dryer!
Cheryl says
Allergies have definitely kicked in early for us too, Ken. The whole fam. We recently saw an allergist, ENT and our family doctor for their opinion on Justin’s allergy issues and our family doc suggested installing a UV light in our ducts (in addition to a new combination of drug therapy). Of course, he has indoor and outdoor allergies (everything but cats as it turns out!) – but maybe something to look into.
Just passing along ~
ryansrally.org says
Thank you. I hope Justin finds relief.
Anna says
I have been having the same problem, small coughing attacks. I did hear that the allergy season would be bad this spring since we did not have a really long and cold winter to kill off all the pollen, mold and what not. Anyway, the next few days are supposed to be beautiful and warming up so hope you boys get to enjoy some patio time together and enjoy a croak or two from the frogs in the neighboring pond.
Meg says
I agree with Paula. I usually have some spring allergies but with the warm weather this season, I have already endured two sinus infections. I have heard that it will be a very hard season for allergy sufferers and that it will also be an interesting season with insects since we have not had enough cold weather to kill off some of them. Definitely check with his doctors. Hope you have a great day and can enjoy some sunshine!
Rita says
On the positive side, one of the benefits of having switched Ryan to Zantac is that is also acts as an antihistamine, so maybe you can check with D-Rod about just increasing the dosage a little to help alleviate the worst of Ryan’s allergy symptoms through spring. I hope that you guys can both catch a nap today… without any annoying interruptions 😉
Paula says
Hi Ken,
Yes, I believe it’s allergies. I checked the tree pollen count the other day and it was very high for cedar trees. Everyone I know last week was sneezing, coughing, irritated eyes == they were not sick, it was allergies. The night time coughing is that irritating drip that causes the tickling and it makes you feel like you can’t stop coughing. Good idea to get Ryan up, he can catch up on his rest later today. It’s got me wondering though, what is the safest way to treat Ryan’s allergies?
No doubt the trees are going to continue with their early Spring blooming. Praying you and Ryan will be able to have a good day together in spite of it. Thank God for the sun, hoping you’re able to get outside later day.
Love, hugs, prayers forever
ryansrally.org says
Safest way? I think I might just put a surgical mask on him and see if it helps.
Jo says
It is miserable to have a cough like Ryan has. I don’t know if it is allergies. We have had a little bug with this kind of cough and a slight sore throat You might have to order some of that really good, knock-you-out cough medicine from the doctor to help him sleep. Speaking for us, none of the OTC meds helped the coughing fits at all, and getting out of bed didn’t either. Hope this goes away as fast as it came, Ryan. You can rest assured that Doctor Dad will take care of you.
Busy day ahead for me, Ken. I’m working on ideas to brighten up your scrubs for our video. The importance of good set decoration in the making of a successful video can’t be over-stated. Lucky for me, we don’t have to think about a menu (except for a snack while we watch you and Ryan) or the guest list for obvious reasons, so we can cut right to set decoration. I’m working on it! That and shortening my posts… …
Have a wonderful day with our man Ryan today, Ken. Looks like it’s going to be warm and sunny, but haven’t checked weather,com yet. Love and prayers.
Gail Doyle says
Ken,Sorry to hear you both had a rough night.Up here people’s allergies are acting up because of warm weather.Hoping that’s what it is with Ryan.You really got an early start,maybe you can quit early too, and get some rest.Praying your day goes smooth and calm.Thinking of you guys. love Gail