I’m cranky. I’m tired. I’m cranky because I’m tired. Ah, good old cause-and-effect at work. I’m sure you know the exact feeling. It’s that “everything is getting on my nerves” sort-of-day. This is the level of irritation that makes a person itchy all over (anyone else have this happen to them?), which just adds to the crankiness. It’s so bad I’m even pissing myself off, which is odd since I usually tolerate myself quite well. I suppose my opinion would be different if married to myself… so I’m told… often.
What put me in this snit? I was up all Fuddruckin’, mother-of-pearl night. Yesterday morning the nurse called-out for the night and I found myself smack in the midst of a grueling thirty-six hour shift. With Sue away on business I felt vulnerable without backup. It’s not like daytime when the world’s awake and help is readily available (without as much disturbance). Fortunately, Ryan helped me out by having a wonderfully calm and restful night. This is a wonderful sign after the baclofen reduction on Tuesday. That’s my boy!
Speaking of Sue, I didn’t tell her about it. There’s no need to cause her concern. Her knowledge of the situation wouldn’t change it. In truth, she probably would have been on the next flight home if possible. My thinking is we need her career more than I need my beauty rest. Before anyone thinks it’s funny to comment on my beauty rest, remember… I’m tired and cranky. I’m also hungry, smelly, and on the verge of bitch-slapping myself. Did I mention I’m itchy too?
What I need is food, a shower, sleep, and someone with sturdy fingernails.
Have you thought about having come to you for a much needed massage? You are so good to Ryan..treat yourself..your body will thank you for it!!
Thank God Ryan had a restful night. Don’t tell us you missed your episode of Swamp People too. I’m sure that may have put you over the edge. How could you stand to miss seeing Elizabeths’ latest work?
haven’t joined in the discussions lately but wanted you to know I am still here….every day. I wear my We Got This T-shirt all the time and share the story to everyone who asks about it. I can see in their eyes the disbelief that something like this could happen. I tell them to share the story…and I hope they do. My heart and thoughts are with you every day.
Ken, don’t know how you do it — I wouldn’t be just cranky, I’d be incoherent!! Where you get that strength of yours, I don’t know but you got us all beat. After I read many of your posts I feel like the biggest wimp ever!!
Well…it looks like Old Man Winter may be paying us a snowy visit this Sunday. Hoping Monday is a holiday for Sue!!!
Sending love, hugs, prayers and — admiration for the way you do the things you do!
Ken… maybe you are too tired to remember this. Yesterday’s blog: “So, running amok will probably consist of eating a frozen dinner and watching Swamp People. Yes, the nurse will object, but perhaps I’ll do this in my butt-naked.” … and the nurse called out? Hmmmmmm…. coincidence?
Yikes! You might be on to something there.
I kind of thought the same thing. You went from only wearing boxers (the last time Sue went out of town) straight to going commando. Surely there is a step in-between those two…??? :o)
Crab cakes on Saturday? Will that help to take the crankies away?
Ken, Hoping you find time to rest a little today and the nurse doesn’t call-out tonight. So glad Ryan had a good night.I’m sure one of your “angels” will stop by and help some( a little far for me to travel) but one day Jo and I shall return..Have a restful a day as possible.Give Ryan a hug from me .Always here
Love Gail
Tired? Kenneth, how many of the girls did you work in yesterday anyway? !! Oh, Ken, it seems that you are never too tired to give us a good laugh! I don’t understand why there isn’t a back-up nurse. Dammit, wish I had taken nursing in college instead of all that English and journalism! I would be there in a flash — just so you know — even through all that cussed (cuss-ed is a Southern word; we almost never say accursed)traffic and godawful roads to Ashburn from here.
Itchy? Will send over some of my antihistamines (OTC or prescription? I have them all) and cortisone creams. But this isn’t about me; just letting you know I’m high on meds this morning, yesterday and the 363 days before, so please don’t take my writing too seriously. I thought it was ironic when you said that most physicians won’t take Ryan. Well, over here, they will all take you, take your money and send you on your way, usually to another doctor. Sometimes illness happens and the reason (like Ryan’s UTIs) is never found, or if it is, there is no cure. Geez! Lord, help us all!
Down? See that! You need the Silly Jokes section, but I’ll see what I can come up with later anyway. I hope you can catch a nap today. It’s a fact that you do need your beauty rest, but like all the other beautiful people of Ashburn, you are lookin’ pretty good. There now, feel better?
Hoping some cheerful soul will stop in today. As always, thank you, dear Kenneth, for putting up with all my ramblings. Just remember what we said about our “middle son.” And, Ryan, you keep up the good work, and have a really fine day with that great dad of yours. Always on our mind and in our prayers. Love