I’ll put out a disturbing post later today. It doesn’t involve Ryan’s health. Truth is, I seriously doubt it will affect anything at all. It’s about something that is just wrong, on many levels. It’s about a trouble-maker who hides behind anonymity and feels compelled to make our lives more difficult. But, I must wait to fill you in until I get one item behind me.
So, you faceless bastard, I’ll be writing about you and your actions later today. You are perhaps little better than the thugs that caused this situation in the first place. Like them, you attack, hide, and won’t make yourself accountable.
I expect nothing less than a public apology when this all plays out. One that I can post to the website. If you were well-intended but just an ignoramus, so be it. From my perspective, it makes no difference. My life, and that of my family, is an open book for anyone to read. It’s non-fiction. There is no need to lie or make crap up. When I say something I attach my name to it. This is called credibility. It’s being accountable. It’s the responsible thing to do. Still, this does not give you permission to take what I write and make your own asinine assumptions or mold it into your hateful actions. In case you live in a hole, I tell it like it is. Some say I’m real and raw (and my ego loves that description!). I lost my filter at the entrance to Ruby Memorial Hospital on November 7, 2009.
If I don’t hear from you than I’ll believe you meant to cause chaos. Either way, I’d rather you go away. You serve no good, and like my children I only surround myself with people of solid judgement and character… and you don’t even come close to making the cut in one or the other (and, likely, both).
We’ll see if you write the apology. If not, you are a conniving, hateful, low-life coward in my mind.
It’s disappointing you would stand in judgment of someone that you don’t know anything about. Isn’t that what you’re complaining about them doing? I understand the frustration the referral caused, but it is social services that is protecting his/her identity, not the individual himself/herself.
You are enraged that someone would judge your situation and refer it to social services, but you are judging that person in the same way.
Try not to let these people drag you down to their level. Take the high road, and if you have to show social services how well you are taking care of Ryan, take it as an opportunity to gain an ally that may be valuable/useful in the future.
I wish you all the best.
Yo, Jim,
It’s disappointing that you are defending the person. Unless you are the person or know the person who reported Ryan and understand their specific motives, you are speaking WAY out of turn.
If you wish to defend the process, that would be a very different conversation. That one I’ll entertain.
Are you in defense of the person who made the report, or are you defending the family services process and procedures?
It certianly appears that you have a personal interest here.
you keep calling these kids “thugs”, did you ever think maybe your son was just as much a “thug” as these upper class kids who did this? blame everything but a bad circumstance
Ryan was not a Thug.
Blame falls to the attackers.
A bad circumstance? Absolutely.
The circumstance is not to blame.
Blame falls to the attackers.
A Circumstance did not break Ryan’s jaw. Someone specifically decided to hit Ryan. Someone did that
A circumstance did not cause Ryan’s brain injury. Someone decided to kick Ryan. Someone did that.
I’m sorry, but I have to say something here. Have you seen the video of the incident? Have you watched to see how Ryan backed away from these thugs, tried to disengage, and avoid conflict?
Yes, these boys are thugs. Yes, these boys deserve every bit of blame that has been heaped on them. This wasn’t a bad circumstance for those thugs – it was a conscious decision to cause horrible harm to a fellow human being.
Yes, these thugs are thugs and deserve blame – and much more.
You go Ken, flush them out of their hole like the animal they are.
Still here, still praying; not ever going away. When you hurt, we hurt!
Obviously the Ignoramus Faceless Axxhole is really sick with serious PFS! I don’t know if there is a cure, but this one should take a long, deep look into her/his soul. If there is any good at all there, he/she might be cured, but I’m thinking wellness of this one’s soul may be a long, difficult road. To begin, this one might take a look at the fundraisers on Ryan’s Rally: We got this and contribute to some/all of them.
Ken, Sue, Kari — I know you will eventually take the high road; you always do!
Always here with much love and prayers.
I’m so sorry for the jerks in this world. Words cannot express it and I cannot imagine the pain you must suffer. Did you happen to peek outside at 4pm yesterday and see the snow falling? Not enough to cause a problem–it just looked good and was fun. Today is a sunny, crisp day–nice for the patio, maybe? I’m praying the very best for you guys.
Hang in there Ken! There are so many people that love and admire you and your family. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of evil people in this world – keep up the good fight!
Ken ,Don’t know who or what person would ever try to make life harder
for you and your family, and sincerely hope you get an apology.Sad to think of all the evil people around, but Ken you,Ryan ,Sue and Kari are surrounded by all of us who care deeply and would do anything to help ease your pain…Don’t ever forget Always here NGA Love gail
I’m so sorry that someone has found a way to deliberately cause you more pain than that of those spineless thugs and their parents. I will tell you this and I hope that everyone involved in this tragedy realizes: KARMA – She is sweet and what a punch she packs. They will all get theirs, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week – but it’s coming, looking over their shoulders won’t help, it’ll happen like no other force they know.
I’m waiting!!
How is Ryan doing. We havn’t heard to much about him since he came home from the hospital.
I don’t know who this person is or what they said/did to you or your family, but I feel like I can safely assume that they probably don’t even know what ignoramus means. So, let’s dumb it down for them.
Ignoramus – noun
Definition: An ignorant person.
Synonyms: fool, stupid, know-nothing, unskilled.
Still here, still praying, always.
I’ll go you one further with the Ignoramus….. I think it should be “Ignoranus” – Ignorant A**hole Yep!
Ewwwww, girl! You go!
Ken, I don’t know who this person is, or what he/she said, but — when it comes to people lacking in compassion, understanding and kindness, well — let’s just say there’s no shortage of them…alas.
Stay strong. We must rise above the tide of darkness that threatens to consume our hope, and not allow those with hearts of stone to wound us. May God help us in this quest.
Love & prayers always, Ken
p.s. to the person(s) who has chosen to deliberately add to Ken and his family’s pain — all that is unseen, is eventually seen; and all that is done to inflict pain upon others, will never result in anything positive or good for you.
Amen Paula!
Cowards always hide behind something. Internet brings them out in massive numbers! Everyone who has heard of your son’s tragedy that has any heart , deeply feels for him and your family. That is what matters, not this idiot. All my love and prayers to you.
Everyone… except a for a few, it seems.
Ignoramus or Trouble-Maker? These are not mutually exclusive. This person may very well be both!
Hang Tough, Ken!
Or neither. When we judge others like that, we are no better than the ones we call ignoramuses and trouble-makers. This is why the identity is confidential – look at how much scorn and rage this person will face if made known. Perhaps it was a person of the same moral character as you that heard or was told something that wasn’t true. By saying nothing, people who are really in danger will go unnoticed. If you heard that someone was being abused or neglected, would you simply ignore it? If you told social services “Hey, I don’t know if this is true or not, but I heard that so-and-so might be in danger, maybe you can check and make sure if they are safe,” would you think it fair to be called an ignoramus or trouble-maker, or perhaps just a concerned citizen who doesn’t look the other way when possible situations exist in the community.
Yo, Jim,
Before we begin, I would like for you to take just a second to think about all of the positive things you have done for the Diviney’s. Words of encouragement? Financial Support? Helping out with any of the projects that have taken place in the past 2 years? Liking a facebook comment? I hope that you can answer yes to at least one of these.
Now, I would like to respectfully take you to task here.
You reference confidentiality? There is no confidentiality left in the Diviney’s Life. Everything done there is an open book. Pretty one-sided.
You mention moral character. This person did not attempt to determine the situation. Morality inherently necessitates due diligence in all cases. Persons of moral character do not simply cast stones at something they have not attempted to understand at all.
You mention saying nothing. Ken is possibly the very last person who can be accused of saying nothing. (See first comment, above). Ryan’s life is an open book and he has doctors checking and double checking health and situation weekly. There is a nurse there EVERY DAY. Each of these health care professionals are bound by law to report anything that may endanger Ryan.
You imply that Ryan may possibly be in danger and it would go unnoticed. Are you actually attempting to convince anybody that anything about Ryan would go unnoticed? Really? See previous comment.
You imply that this person is simply a concerned citizen.
Don’t buy that.
I don’t buy that this profile you have presented….. A genuinely concerned citizen who is of high moral character and fiber, and not ignorant of the situation they are addressing. Such a person is not someone who would report false, misleading, incomplete and/or absolutely unsubstantiated information. If this person was not ignorant, they would know exactly what happens on the other end of a report of this nature, what the impact is to the family and MOST IMPORTANTLY how this will take time and energy away from Ryan’s care.
It’s clear to me that this person had not even put 5 minutes of research and a second of thought into Ryan’s situation…..unless he/she is simply trying to make things more difficult for the Diviney’s
Troublemaker? Absolutely!
Ignoramus? Definitely Ignorant.
Your defense of this person? Unconscionable (not guided or controlled by conscience)
Am I Protective of Ryan and the Diviney’s? Guilty as charged. Go ahead…… judge me.