The twenty-fours hours post-surgery were uneventful. The orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Reeves, did a remarkable job (we did check the x-rays with him). That’s not to say Ryan wasn’t uncomfortable overnight. He was. Even with the pain medications taking the edge off. There was some concern he might be developing pnuemonia, but I no longer am inclined to think so after performing a deep-suction this morning. His blood work confirms this too.
We began talking discharge, and it might be as early as tomorrow or the following day. We pushed for hospital discharge directly from the ICU and there wasn’t much resistance (that I could tell). So, for today, we already gave him a full range-of-motion stretch and will get him out of his bed and into a chair.
Once home, aside from being cautious of the soreness from the surgical incisions, Ryan can go right back into my intense therapy. We are limited on showering until the incisions close and stop draining (about a week or two). Other than this it’s “business as usual”, as they say.
Hi Ken,
I read this and thought, that’s great he is going home soon. Then I thought, why are you the one doing the suctioning and the range of motion? You should be able to sleep and rest knowing he is well taken care of, but it sounds like the nurses are not taking care of his necessary needs. This makes me so angry, because I know this happens so often. The family member has to take care of their child while the nurse checks her email or whatever she/he is doing playing internet games? I may be just projecting, or this may be the case. But what I do know, is you will have to stay awake with him 24/7 for a few days while he is home, so now is the time you should be able to sleep and not worry that his is properly taken care of. Hope I am wrong, and you are catching up on your sleep, and Ryan is being watched around the clock. Please let us know how you are doing as well. And let the staff know you have 6,500 people reading your blog every day. That should keep them on their toes, hopefully. Ryan is a VIP, and when you say jump, they should ask how high?
Hi Ken, this is such great news!!! Thank you so much for keeping us informed all throughout this, I am very appreciative!! And you did a deep suctioning on Ryan, I gotta say it, you’re amazing!!!
Love to you, Sue, Ryan and sweet Kari too.
Sending hugs, prayers and gratitude … to everyone who helped Ryan at the hospital and beyond…
I’m so glad that he didn’t spike a fever post-surgery.
I don’t think “Intense Physical Therapy” is always good. It may be too stressful on his body.
Great report and happy to hear about Ryan’s progress. He came through surgery lke a trooper.
Great news. I know the sooner you get him out of there, the more relieved you will be.
Will they do the tests that you wanted done to determine the cause of the UTI to save you a trip out again? Did they offer any reason as to why his femur broke or did I miss that? With all his nutrition and exercise it seems his bones would be stronger?
I am sure there a lots of readers who would want you in the foxhole with them! Bless you all! Praying.
WOW! As hospital stays go, this has been a pretty good one for Ryan. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way and that they keep listening to you Dr. Ken and follow your advice. Hope you and Sue got a little shut eye. Prayers on this Sunday to yours.
Glad to hear things seem to be progressing in a positive fashion. I hope the discomfort decreases soon. Here’s to getting everyone home!
Hope Ryan is feeling more comfortable soon. Love, Peggie
Thank God! This is the best news I have heard all day! I know that You, Sue and Ryan will be happy to be back in the comfort of your own home.
I have been so depressed about Ryan and some other people who are sick or dying, I’m doing everything I know of to lift my spirits — praying, reading the Bible, humor, satire, etc. — but I just have crazy thoughts (Re: my status post this morning). I think I combined all of them, God forgive me!
Ryan is always on my mind. Love
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
-Proverbs 17:22
This is what worries me! I’m off to read some Dave Barry or watch a Steve Martin video on You Tube!
Psa 34:18 NIV – The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
I thought of this verse for you, Jo. It is one of my favorite ones.
You’ll never know, Mary, how much this verse means to me! I am going to pass it on to some others who are having a bad time just as I am. Thank you for this reminder that our Lord is close, and now you have helped me to feel Him as He lifts my spirit and soothes my aching heart. Thank you, God, for folks like Mary who take their time to reach out to comfort others. Amen.
Ken, So glad Ryan is doing well and hoping pain eases. Know how bad you want him home and pray it is only a day or so. Please tell him we’re thinking of him. hope you and Sue get some rest. love , Gail
Well given the circumstances, that is all very good news. I know what the comforts of home do for your family. Aside from the discomfort, it’s good to hear that Ryan is tolerating everything else with no adverse side effects from the surgery. Hope you get home soon and you’ll have smoother days ahead.