Let me start with some good news. According to some early blood work, Ryan’s kidneys and liver are functioning properly. That’s not to say we can rule out an infection yet, but at least there is no damage even if one is present. We just need to wait (alway waiting!) on the urine culture. In the meantime, Ryan will stay on his antibiotic (Cipro). The earliest we could get an answer on this is Saturday evening and Dr. Rodriguez said he will check for lab results over the weekend.
We began the process of bringing two more areas of medical specialty into the mix. We put in calls yesterday and are waiting (waiting!) to hear back. The first is an infectious disease doctor. The other is a urologist. We are working to set up an appointment to run three specific tests. The first is a CT scan of the bladder and kidneys. Second is a scope to probe the bladder. The last is called “urodynamics”, which measures bladder capacity and function. We need to see if Ryan has a stone in the bladder or bladder overflow with a lot of residual urine. Fortunately, all can be accomplished in a single visit.
More good news. So far, at least, Ryan is showing no negative signs from the baclofen reduction from yesterday morning (but, no positive signs either). The critical twenty-four hour window passed, and we’ll wait it out (again, waiting!) until Sunday morning when the equally critical seventy-two hour threshold passes. This latest reduction brought him to 109.9 mcg (from 135 mcg). The next decrease will easily bring him below 100 mcg, and I already set-up a tentative appointment for the day of love Hallmark, February 14th. Does anyone out there have better plans than us for Valentine’s Day? This brings a whole new meaning to “getting lucky”. Ahhhhh, that’s amore.

<via tomstuart.org/resources/messages/>
You know what else? Maybe I’m on to something with this whole “waiting” thing. I wonder if there is already a game out there called “The Waiting Game”? My first reaction was to make this a board game, but it might actually work better as a drinking game. The last one to pass out wins. Some variations of this game could be “Come Hell or High Water”, “Hurry Up and Wait”, “Shut Up and Wait”, and “When Hell Freezes Over”.
The possibilities are endless. I’ll get to it at some point, probably when pigs fly.
This isn’t the most “proper” website (ie: women, but it occured to me when I read Cipro, that in a woman, this would definitely give us a dreaded yeast infection. So I wondered, “can men get them too?” Apparently, they can, and they are uncomfortable. Just a thought you might want them checking for this too if he seems uncomfortable again:
Ken ,Glad reduction is going well so far….Just read post, Ryan ‘s on way to ER, thinking and praying all goes well, never ends sometimes,hoping it’s not too serious .Just please ,when you can,keep us updated GOOD LUCK Ryan!!!!!!!!! Happy liver and bladder seems okay Hope you get scans ,etc.. Lets get that leg better <3 Love Gail
Catching up on things today, been working at the shore with out computer access, (or good tv). Hopefully I will get cable and computer set up there soon enough. The library closes at 5:00 during the winter so I cant go at night to use their computer. What an awesome guy you are Ken, your family is so lucky to have you. Even in this situation you always have a funny bone. No wonder Ryan is the funniest person Jonny has ever met. Your board game is great. I don’t see a “Go To Jail”, “Be Accountable, Pay Hospital Bill”, or “Payup You Deadbeat” spaces for anyone to land on if they play. I hope you have a space for your doctors, great neighbors and Michael & Sons so if I land on them I can win some money! Anyway, glad Ryans kidney and liver blood tests are looking good. Now that I am working in dialysis I am amazed at the things that can damage a kidney and put someone on dialysis beyond the usual diabetes and HBP.
Always thinking of you and praying.
all power to Ryan
First of all, I’m glad to hear that the news you’ve gotten back so far is good. We hope and pray that all other test results will be good news also. Secondly, two things come to mind: Tom Petty’s “The Waiting is the Hardest Part” (so true!), and that new Geico commercial which shows that pigs can indeed fly. Hang in there, Ken and Sue. We are all here for you <3
How about “Waiting” but it has to be said in the Charlie Sheen “Winning” voice.