The past two nights and all day yesterday were not comfortable ones for Ryan. Something’s bothering him. His heart rate is about twenty beats per minute higher than his baseline and his respiration is up just a tad. Fortunately, there is no accompanying fever or blood pressure concerns.
Yes, it could be anything, but my feeling is it’s the antibiotic’s side effects. He is on a strong one, for sure (Cipro). Then again, perhaps the urinary tract infection is not getting better? Maybe it’s both? I did a urinalysis yesterday morning (and will again today when he comes out of the HBOT) and it was negative for leukocytes and nitrites (meaning the UTI is, at least, suppressed).
If only he could tell me what is bothering him…
I’m anxious to figure this out since a baclofen decrease is looming in just three days, which coincides with when he completes the antibiotic. Ryan did so well with the last baclofen reduction too. That is, until that UTI developed. Fortunately, a ton of blood work and two urine samples went out on Friday that might show (or eliminate) the source of his discomfort. Meanwhile, we’ll both need to make it through this rough patch. There’s no choice. Like always, it’s a matter of waiting it out.The game plan today is to attempt for Ryan to do all his therapies. If necessary, I can cut the intensity or duration, but that’s certainly not my thinking going into it. Like always, I will push him to the brink of his comfort level.
Jen says
My only idea on what it could be is the cipro. Has he had diarhea (sp?). This is a tremendously strong antibiotic, I have been on it myself. It does make you feel horrific, as it helps clear the infection. I trust that you will do everything you can to figure it out, you always do. I know you push him as far as you feel he can take it. Have you tried to give his body a break with his workout routine. Maybe his body will recover if he is given a bit of a break. Just a thought~ Much love to all of you!
Vivian says
Hi Ken,
Cipro requires extra water intake. You might want to try increasing his water with each dose. Ryan could be slightly dehydrated causing his pulse to increase. Hope this helps. Hopefully, he will be feeling better when the UTI and medicine are over. Hang in there.
Vivian says
Hi Ken,
You might want to consider increasing Ryan’s water intake. Cipro needs to be taken with plenty of water. The increased pulse could be because he is slightly dehydrated.
Pittsburgh Here says
Ken- I’ve also heard that Cipro can be kick-butt, but I am going to go waaaaay out on a limb here. Have you ever heard of the correlation between barometric pressure and how it affects the human body? I have, and I don’t know what the weather has been like in NVa these past few days, but do you think this is plausible?
As I always say, I’m just “throwin’ it out there…” and hoping Ryan has a more restful night. You, too!
Will says
Cipro did the same thing to me. It was not nice. My prayers are for Ryan during this difficult time.
Will says
Cipro did the same thing to me. It was not nice. My prayers are for Ryan duing this difficult time.
Christal from WV says
This is the first time I have posted anything, but I have followed Ryan’s story since the very beginning. I think I may have a reason why Ryan is so uncomfortable. He could be experiencing nausea from both the UTI & the antibiotic. Usually it’s just enough nausea to make you feel bad, but not enough to make you vomit. It’s the worst feeling. As a nurse, this happened frequently with my patients. As a patient, it happens alot to me. Just something to think about, anything to make Ryan feel better. says
I agree with you that this is the likely cause.
Jo says
Is is possible that his awareness is increasing, as Paula said? Are there ways of determining this for sure, or at least the possibility of Ryan becoming more alert? I hope and pray that this is what is going on. Always here. says
Like Paula, I always want this to be the case, but I just don’t think it is.
Paula says
Hi Ken, I’m sorry to hear Ryan seems to be feeling uncomfortable — is there any chance that as he becomes more alert that is also processing more and may be a bit agitated from it? I’m just trying to look at all the angles.
It’s frustrating because you are so in tune with Ryan and can usually get to the bottom of what’s troubling him. It could be the Cipro, which begs the question, should his antibiotic be changed? There have been some antibiotics my kids just couldn’t tolerate…made their stomachs hurt. I know you’re always trying to weigh out every decision you make when treating Ryan.
Your thought to dial back his therapy a little might be a good one –just til you can see he’s not so uncomfortable. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help out.
Sending lots of love and hugs…and please keep us updated on Ryan as much as you can. Thanks, Ken.
sue g says
Not a doctor, just my personal experience. I have had similar reaction to Cipro. Cipro is a very powerful antibiotic!
Vicky-Jonathan's mom says
I can totally relate to trying to figure out what is wrong with someone who can’t tell you what is wrong, or where the discomfort is. I could go on and on, however, about side effects. Praying the urine stays clear, and the side effects go away. Priority mail envelope sent on Saturday.
Reading and praying
Andrea- Thomas' mom says
Look for a broken bone-red,warm,swollen. This has happened with Thomas before and all you can do is reassure him that you know something is going on and you will figure it out. says
Yes. I’m always on the lookout injuries too.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Feel so bad when Ryan is uncomfortable .Praying the source is found,and he will feel better…So hard for both of you. How great the day when Ryan can tell you what’s bothering him….soon ,I hope. Meanwhile, here for you,Sue,Ryan and Kari. You all are in my prayers always..
love Gail
Jane Martellino says
Our thoughts and concerns are with you. You are never going to be alone.
Lindsay says
Maybe things will be better in a few days.
I am sorry I can’t give you any medical advice.
All I can do is praying for Ryan.
Well,just wait for the results and you’ll have time to make a dicision.(Actually there is no choice.)
Ryan,please hold on.
Ken,please keep cool.I know your love will always be behind Ryan.Try to comfort him with words or something else.Maybe it works……