Here’s a question for you. Does the amount of alcohol a victim consumes give any justification for them being repeatedly kicked in the head, all the time being unconscious? For me, I simply cannot make this connection. It seems a person could be sober as a judge or drunk as a sailor and it’s still not relevant.
Let me take this further, is there ever any good reason to brutally attack a person who is defenseless and posing no threat (for the time being forget that they flat on their back unconscious)?
During the trial, I sat in complete astonishment as the future convicts tried every conceivable angle without any success. They began with self-defense, but after seeing the video surveillance it was clear Ryan was doing everything in his power to avoid physical conflict. Ryan did everything right. He disengaged several times, but was pursued the mob. Ryan went so far as to back-peddle over a distance of at least ten yards with his hands up, palms out (just imagine someone being held-up).
This demonstrated two things to me: 1) Ryan was not wanting any part of a fight, and 2) he was clearly not at any level of intoxication that affected his agility and coordination. Hell, back-peddling is difficult enough, even for athletes in prime condition.
I’m just surprised this might be used again as a possible cause to inflict a beat-down, as though there ever is any good cause. I’m just happy to see that they have absolutely nothing to prove their actions. Two of these thugs are not only criminally guilty, but all are civilly negligent.
Jonathan May readily admitted to hitting Ryan when Ryan wasn’t looking. Austin Vantrease readily admitted to kicking Ryan as he lay unconscious. Their actions really violates two codes; the criminal code and the moral code. To me, “never shot a man in the back” and “never kick a man when he’s down” has meaning. Society finds these actions cowardly. So, like I said in court to these scumbags… You are guilty. You always will be guilty.
Let me now add, “You are cowards. You always will be cowards.” Your actions on November 7, 2009, the chronic hiding, the failure to accept responsibility, and continued disregard of any accountability prove this.
Anna says
Cowards they are, how can they even come out of their home and face anyone?
Vivian says
You are a very strong family! I go to your site every morning and it inspires me to be strong for my daughter, Alicia, going on three years since her accident. I don’t know how you contain your anger towards those boys who harmed Ryan. And I don’t know why they both didn’t get life in prison. I pray for Ryan to get better, I feel he will. Thank you for sharing your feelings. You are Ryan’s Hero!
Paula says
Hi Ken, if you see this message — I’m probably missing something but some folks are having trouble ordering “Stem Kine” (sp) — help? says
Looking into this. Looks like an issue with RBC Life site (script error).
Pittsburgh Here says
Ken- it’s obvious the thugs, punks, (yes, I am consulting my Thesaurus right now), goons, hoodlums, ruffians, gangsters are grasping at straws. NO! Alcohol consumption by the victim does NOT justify brutality. They are such idiots.
Ann H Tearle says
NO JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER, NOW OR EVER. This attack makes me so mad i can hardly contain myself. There just are no words for me to write right now (can’t write tears), other than to write SH,SP,NGA. I wear my little blue Rally for Ryan bracelet 24/7, think of him and you a lot during each and every day. Everytime i touch my bracelet, it’s like i’ve said another prayer for him. Please give him some hugs and kisses from me, Love, Annie
Sam says
The only “defense” that is valid is the “no moral value” defense. But since that’s not a legal defense… nuff said. Love you Diviney’s. <3
Jo says
Of course it isn’t relevant, Ken! Any judge that would think it is shouldn’t be sitting on the bench! I can’t believe any judge in the world would side with, or even lend an ear, to these crazy, sick, and violent perpetrators who took Ryan’s life! They enjoy hurting, and they are murderous killers! They are evil and should be locked up, away from society, where they can’t ever do to anyone else what they did to Ryan and to his family. They make me sick — they and those like them who continue their violence of this kind! Prison is too good for them, because they corrupt the other prisoners! May God help us and keep us and our families safe from the fate that might befall us from these evildoers and destroyers — they’re out there — spread the word and caution your family! Share the Ryan Diviney Story and please get involved in whatever way you can!
Carla Liberty says
PS: Is anyone else having trouble clicking a thumbs up? I can’t get it to work anymore.
Jo says
Yes, Carla, off and on — no “thumbs up.” I thinkit might be better if there were not any. We don’t want anyone to think that you got 10 ups and they only got 3. The posts are very important and hope everyone will continue to do so, although the “hits” rise all the time. Keep posting… …
Carla Liberty says
Jo, I don’t care about if I get thumbs up props or not. I just like to acknowledge others who make great points, ya know? says
I’ll get to work on fixing this. Taking it offline for now. says
I think I fixed it now.
Carla Liberty says
It would be so nice if acknowledgement, acceptance and accountability were words in the vocabulary of the guilty. While it wouldn’t (couldn’t) undo what has been done, accepting responsibility could go a long way in making some sort of reparation. Until such time, I’m going to repeat part of a post I made the other night…..
If these kids and their families had any idea of what your life (and Ryan’s, Sue’s and Kari’s lives) have become, I would hope that they would leap at the chance to try to make things right. This is probably not the time or place to say this, but I think it would benefit (and strongly deter others from such heinous acts) if the people who did this had to watch a 24/7 feed of Ryan/his care for an extended period of time. The act itself was despicable. But the collateral damage that has ensued and continues to snowball is an utter disgrace.
I have just one question for the thugs and their families: How do you sleep at night?
Paula says
I always detest it when defense attorneys (or anyone else for that matter) attempt to re-victimize a victim. It is truly a pitiful thing, morally, ethically and spiritually. No one ever asks to be savagely attacked, brutalized, beaten, broken have their lives forever altered. Period.
So, whoever is out there reading this, and you think that’s an okay approach to defending the perpetrators of this crime or any such brutal crime — dig deep into your soul, as my beautiful late Mom would say, and ask yourself, if this was you, your son, daughter, grandson, mother, father — would you think it was okay if you/ they were attacked in this horrific way? Of course not.
There is no excuse. There is only acknowledging and admitting to the crime, seeking forgiveness, and making reparations and amends however you can…and if it takes the rest of your life to do it, then do it, because…if you don’t, the time will come, as it comes to all of us, when you will regret that you didn’t take responsibility for your actions.
Ken, there is no excuse for what happened to Ryan.
You, Ryan and your whole family are loved and respected for your courage, dedication and determination. Don’t let the people employing doublespeak and mind games get the better of you.
You know they’re wrong, I know they’re wrong, and you know what — they know they’re wrong too.
Love & prayers, and I believe truth survives long beyond all injustices committed on this earth
Gail Doyle says
Ken, There is nothing, Under Any Circumstance , to do what those thugs (nice word) did and they must never get away with it. Coward is too nice a word to describe them.To do this to Ryan and never feel any remorse or try to help any possible way is completely despicable.May Justice prevail and win over evil!!!! Peace to you ,Sue Ryan and Kari Love Gail
Rita says
Amen, Gail. I can’t even fathom someone trying to defend such unconscionable actions.
John Maletta says
True dat!