I’m just about ready to kickoff my “guy’s weekend” with Ryan. Sue’s traveling to Morgantown to visit with Kari today and tomorrow, taking advantage of the holiday weekend. One thing’s for sure, ESPN and NFL football will rule the house! Other than those, we’ll just wing it. Sadly, I will need to work in some chores but it might just be enjoyable in my boxers.
Okay, enough about me and my nasty ways. Here’s an update:
- UTI Possible. It is certain that Ryan is trying to fight off another urinary tract infection. Please, not again! The past three mornings his urine test showed a trace presence of leukocytes (white blood cells). Yesterday it also picked up trace level of nitrates. I botched this mornings test and must wait until he goes again. I also have a sample ready to go out for culture. Seriously, I don’t know what I’m missing to stop these UTI from happening again-and-again.
- Van. After six weeks… it’s home! The repair was just a bit higher than the estimate (like $30 or so). Thank you for helping us pay for the repair. I took it out for a spin yesterday morning to test it out and actually make a pick-up from Home Depot. I love that van. Everyone in Ashburn might be driving their new, shiny cars, but I one of the few riding in style.
- Baclofen. Ryan is now three days out from the reduction (to 135 mcg) and he is not showing any obvious negative effects. On the other side, he also is not showing any increased alertness. I’ll be requesting another reduction — to 115 mcg — on January 26th.
- Dr. Rodriguez Visit. “D-Rod”, as I call him, is coming over to the house today to give Ryan a comprehensive clinical examination. He’ll also collect blood and urine to run every imaginable test. The results should start coming in around mid-week.
- Patio. It is amazing! The crew was here earlier in the week to grade the land. The only thing left for them is to bring the Jacuzzi back up (I’ll wait until this happens to post pictures). A friend found a terrific deal (from a person who was unloading all their household possessions) on a classy set of patio furniture. Yesterday (from my Home Depot pick-up) I put together a grill and heat lamp. From our end, the only thing remaining is landscaping when the weather breaks in a few months.
- Civil Suit. This past Friday the attorneys had a status conference with the Judge. I’m it is just to complete the discovery schedule. The case can move along now that Vantrease has an attorney in Federal court (probably paid for by his parent’s homeowners insurance, is my guess). Some of the thug’s attorney’s inquired about mediating (settling) the case. Let me just say, there are more than a couple that I will NEVER settle with! Simply stated, my belief is Ryan deserves a lien on their lives. I will see to it that this happens. I have all the time in the world.
Hi Ken, Ryan, Sue, Kari and the pups~ I can only imagine the neighbors walking by your house and the visual of you walking around in your boxers:) You have a way to keep the neighbors guessing, Ken! I hope my 2 favorite girls are having a fun mom/daughter weekend. Such an important time for them to spend together.
I hope the UTI is non-existent or very minor. It has to be very frustrating for both of you. I hope the Diviney men have a wonderful weekend, lounging, watching sports and no comment on the porn:). Much love to you all~
Ken, I hope the possiblity of UTI does not materialize. At least you are on top of it and able to treat it proactively. This is a lot better that finding out late and requiring an even higher amount of treatment.
Hoping you and Ryan enjoy the football this weekend. Praying for you guys. God bless you.
Am praying for justice in court and peace in your soul. Some quiet enjoyment of the playoffs. Moments of contentment. Your updates are always so enjoyable and enriching, whether upbeat or sad. I pray that the Lord would convict the consciences of the present-day thugs so that they would feel genuine remorse and horror for what they have done and actually offer to pay restitution, even though nothing they can ever do is sufficient to make it up to Ryan. And of course I pray for Ryan’s body, mind, and soul. Sorry I went on so long.
Thank you, Ken, for taking time to update us today. I hope this is a false alarm and that Ryan is just fine, or that if it is, you caught it early and can get it cleared up. We know you will love the nice, big patio to be enjoyed by family and friends. It will be a boost to Ryan’s good health, since he is the outdoor type. We hope you enjoy your day, knowing how much you are missing your girls. Love and SHSP, NGA!
Ken, Glad for reduction that there are no bad effects ,want some GOOD ones though. Hoping UTI is not too serious and as usual you always get them early. Can’t wait to see finished work on outside and So happy you got the van back .Now if we get some nice weather again you guys can get out.. Hoping all tests from ‘D-Rod” are good ..Keep us updated on civil suit and enjoy games today…..or whatever you watch 🙂 Love gail
Ken, I hope you and Ryan enjoy all your sports and guy stuff today : ) I can’t wait to see pictures of the patio!! It’s going to be a pure delight for you and Ryan to get outside and breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun on your faces.
I am very sorry that another UTI might be developing. Praying hard that it won’t. After everything you do to prevent these from happening, I don’t know why they still do. How frustrating!! It is encouraging to see how well Ryan has been tolerating the baclofen reductions. As usual another good decision on your part to reduce it as much as possible.
Ah, the civil suit — praying for a full measure of proper consideration by the judge about this — I can’t really speak about it in terms of justice, as I feel that term rarely applies in these cases. But, we will take any and all help the judge can obtain for your family. I can only hope all who review Ryan’s case are able to grasp the magnitude of it. I pray this is so.
Thinking of you and Ryan today, and also Sue and Kari. You are always near and dear to our hearts.
Love, prayers, faith and hope~always