Good bye, 2011. I hardly even knew you. Not that I ever really wanted to, anyhow.
It’s true, too. The year is just a mental blur. It’s like pieces from a huge jigsaw puzzle that someone spilled out onto the table. Yes, they’re all there but entirely unorganized. I remember things happening, but sequencing them is a problem. To me, Christmas feels like it might have happened months-and-months ago just as easily as last week. Even the season throughout the year are difficult to place. These are like the jigsaw’s corner pieces in that I know their relative position, but am unable to decide which corner each might anchor.
I seriously doubt I’ll every take the time to put this puzzle together. What’s the point? The picture it would slowly bring to life is not one I’d like to see anyway. So, perhaps, the best thing to do is to pull out the pieces I recognize (like all the fundraising events, construction projects, and those showing your kindness) and toss the rest back into the flimsy cardboard box. I’ll store it a plastic bin next to the jigsaw puzzle of 2010. I’ll label the bin, in permanent maker, “The Dark Years” so it’s easily recognizable.
Like the past two years, I enter 2012 with unyielding resolve. I will never quit — not even slow down — until I’m being carried away. That’s not to say I won’t be smacked down or buckled at the knees from time-to-time. It will happen… a lot. By damn, getting back up will always happen.
This is neither heroic nor remarkable. It’s simply what parents do when their children need them. I’m matching my response to the situation. Yes, there is nothing that equals this peril as a parent — it is clearly the most extreme — and it requires every bit of me, and help from others, just to make it through each day.
But, making it to a another new day means another shot at happiness. No matter how foolish I am to not give up and that it will almost certainly end in heartache. There’s still a chance… I hope.
For those in the Washington D.C. metro area, please tune in to NBC-4 at noon today for the premier of Michael & Son’s series “Helping Hands”. It will feature Ryan.
Please support the Chick Magnet Article that is in a $50,000 grand prize contest by clicking on the link and sharing on it Facebook, Twitter, etc. each day through January 9th.
Paula says
You are awesome.
Will says
I wish you and your family a Blessed New Year. Take each of the days ahead one day at a time and mark each day with a kiss. My prayers continue for Ryan and his family.
Anna says
Never say Never. Wishing you a “Happier New Year”. Always praying for the best.
Gail Doyle says
Ken , There is always a chance ,just keep remembering that and we are all with you ,Ryan,Sue and Kari. We know Ryan is strong and will fight his hardest and we’re all here cheering him on .May this new year bring MUCH healing and good things for all .Always here Love Gail
Peggie says
Ken, Sue, Ryan and Kari,
Always in my prayers, grateful for the positive steps along the way so far, and forever hopeful for the miracle that we continually pray will come to your wonderful family soon. Much love to all of you as we enter this new year.
Jo says
Ryan’s Story has rocked our world! We care deeply and know where you have been the past 2 years and almost 2 months, Ken — we have been right here with you — crying with you and sometimes laughing at the things you write. There are days that, for us, you are better than Dave Barry, no kidding. You are a gifted writer, and we are a welcoming, sometimes needy, audience. On days when we cry with you, we try to encourage you with inspirational quotes, Bible verses and our own words. We do our best at making attempts to lift your spirits as well as our own. We will always be here, because we are family, and that’s what families do!
We wish Ryan the continual miracle of healing. We wish you, Sue and Kari a blessed, healthy year of good things. Happy New Year love and love to all!
Feisty NYY Fan says
Your comment about the possibilities contained within each day is shockingly simple and TRUE. Hoping the year ahead is made up of days filled with dreams come true for you and your wonderful family.