To all those who celebrate today, I wish you all the best. I remember the joy of the day and hope you are filled with peace.
The past twenty-four hours were rough in our home. Kari woke yesterday morning with a sore throat. Sue took her to get tested for strep and she, in fact, has it. We thought that a day on antibiotics would knock it out and she would be comfortable. We were wrong.
I need to hand it to Kari, she’s one tough hombre. She did her best to make yesterday evening special. But, by eight o’clock she was going downhill fast, and picking-up momentum. She only was worried about ruining the evening for Ryan. Sue put her mind at ease with her motherly “we’re family” spiel that always works so well in so many situations. I’m sure all you moms know what I’m talking about.
We tried everything we could to help her with throat. Nothing worked. Then she developed a fever that wouldn’t come off 102.9 degrees (until sometime around two o’clock, when it leveled off around 100.0). I wonder if she might also be dealing with something viral as flu-like symptoms are developing.
I took her upstairs and had her lay in our bed last night. I sat (or half-laid) next to her until six o’clock, when Sue and I swapped kids. I always kept a hand on her to both comfort her and gauge her body temperature. I am quite good — within a tenth of a degree or two — of knowing this. Sadly, I have a lot of practice.
Kari never complained. Not once. Her only request to me was “don’t let me die” (and I’m not sure she was just joking about it). Rubbing her head, I promised her that would never happen and she drifted-off to sleep, albeit a troubled sleep. I rubbed her head for hours and reassured her I was there each time she stirred. It was clear she was sicker than I remember in a long time. We all know what it feels like to be so sick it feels like your dying…
Ken & Sue – Charlie so enjoyed visiting with you and Ryan on Christmas Eve. I know it was good to see his friend and hope it was good for Ryan too. Thanks for allowing him to come over and visit when you guys have so much on your plate. We hope Kari is feeling better by now so you can enjoy every minute of her time at home. Love to you all and Happy New Year – SHSP always!
I hope today finds Kari feeling better. I’m glad she will be home for a spell to fully get recoup and re-gain her energy. As always we are thinking of all of you.
It’s terrible to be sick at any time. At a holdiay time it’s really the pits. But it’s even worse to be sick and away from home. I’m glad she’s home to be loved and cared for. xo to all of you!
Will you be my dad????? Seriously, you are an amazing man and father. Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Kari and a very Merry Christmas to the whole Diviney family. SHSP in Morgantown
God is so glorified in you guys. I hope Kari feels better, and I hope you all have an evening of rest and peace.
Thinking of you all this Christmas Day. Ryan and Kari could not be in better hands. Hope the antibiotics kick in today for Kari, 102.9 is a mean temp to fight off for Christmas Eve. God bless you all.
So much love resides in my heart for you and for your family. I pray that it finds it way to you when you need it most. Praying it takes away your pain, but, realizing it may just lift a minuscule amount, please know it comes from a place of genuine care and concern.
Today my family and I celebrate Christmas.
Remainig fully aware of the blessings surrounding me, I also recognize that I remain vulnerable to the demon that is trying to take our baby- but it hasn’t and I pray and believe it will not. Having him here with me to enjoy this day, I remain fully aware that their are many living without. It is for you and for them, that my heart hurts- but will remain strong. Strong enough to carry you forward should you need. Strong enough to validate your feelings. Strong enough to always remember. I pray this provides you some peace.
Ryan is relevant and that will also be.
With love and in prayer,
Keri, My Frankie and Family
Keri, Praying for you in your need too ,for healing of your little boy, Frankie.. You are so kind in your messages to other who are suffering too God bless you all Gail
Ken , Hoping antibiotics kick in and Kari starts to feel better. She has a great “Dr.” around to care for her. May you all have a calm day ..Always with Ryan and all your family Love Gail
Ryan and Kari are supremely blessed to have you and Sue as their loving parents. Praying for peace and restored health in your home on this Christmas Day.
Sorry to hear how sick she is. My throat is sore, too. Working the Listerine gargles and xtylenol. I have heard that this strep going around is a mean one. : ( Feel better, Kari. Thoughts today. Love
4 of us have it also….fevers, sore throat,
One of the best part of today is that it reminds us of the importance and value of family. You shine forth that in your care and concern for Kari and each day in your Christmasing to Ryan. Continue gifting each other throughout the year because as you do that you shine forth the babe and son of Mary who said yes to all her son would go through. My prayers continue for Ryan and the family. Tell Ryan, have a blessed Christmas.
Dear Divines family,
I wish you all the best this christmas day and a speedy recovery to kari! May 2012 bring you more happiness, health, and progress for Ryan. You all are in my thoughts today and always!
Merry Christmas Ken, Sue, Ryan, and Kari!
To have you by her side, Ken, must give Kari great peace of mind as well as comfort. Anyone feeling so sick and scared would feel safe under your care. It’s one thing to have the technical know how and ability to take care of those who are sick — it’s a whole other thing to be a diligent, dedicated, genuinely caring human being. You’ve got it all, Ken, and I wish there were more doctors and Dads like you.
Wishing your family a peaceful day together, and may you always know you are loved and deeply cared about.
Hugs, Paula