“This brings us back to the “Chick Magnet”, the wheels that will propel Ryan and Ken into the days ahead. A method to keep treatment appointments and one day just to be out on the road, father and son sharing some time together, watching a once familiar world pass through the windshield. A world that has changed drastically for Ken and Ryan over the last two years, but a world that is also full of hope, love and support. Not only from Ken, but also from the hundreds of people who keep in touch with the family, helping as they can to make a difficult situation the best possible.” [Ryan’s Rally “Chick Magnet” more than a classic ride; symbol of sacrifice, love, Atlanta Collector Cars Examiner].
Let me explain the above excerpt by beginning… well… at the beginning. This email hit my inbox the other day…
I hope you don’t mind, but I have entered an article about Ryan on my web page at Examiner.com. My page is about one of my hobbies, collector cars, but an opportunity to possibly help you and Ryan presented itself and I didn’t want to let it pass by. The folks at Examiner.com are running a writing competition under the topic “America Inspired” with one of the sub-headings being “Sacrifice”. Ken, I couldn’t think of a better example than what you do for Ryan 24/7.
So I pulled some photos off the blog site, duly credited to you, as well as a YouTube video, also credited to you, and wrote an article about the Chick Magnet, you and Ryan. One of the rules of the competition is that your article must relate to your topic, and the Chick Magnet afforded me the tie-in.
If my article is selected for the finals for January 9th, there will be public voting on the best articles. The grand prize, given to the subject of the article, is $50,000. I only hope that I have done a good enough job so that you win the prize. There are other cash prizes available, maybe we can get lucky and win something.
Anyway, I just wanted to make you aware of the article. A link is provided below, might be good to share on the blog. Maybe if the article gets enough clicks we can get into the finals.
I know this time of the year is very tough for all of you, but I want to wish the whole Diviney family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I delighted in reading the article. I read it several times. Please click the link (above) and take a look at it for yourself! Don’t be shy about sharing it on FaceBook, Tweeter, or any other social media. The more traffic the article receives, the more notice it might get from the judges.
Anna says
Great article about our Ryan and Ken! I am posting to facebook in hopes that my few friends will pass this on to thier many friends. Hoping for a Merry Christmas and uneventful day in the Diviney home.
jane martellino says
This will be shared with our Yes! Grace Rocks network and hopefully lead to more hits!
The Colangelis says
A wonderful article and very thoughtful of Mr. George to write it. I would love nothing more than to read that his article wins top prize. The length and quality of the article shows the amount of time and preparation he put into it. An excellent piece of work that is very well written. Thank you Mr. George and we keep our fingers crossed it wins the top award. God Bless Ryan and his family.
ToMG. says
Thank you Gail and to the rest of the Rally For Ryan followers for your kind words. Let’s make this happen by posting links to Facebook, Twitter, e-mail lists and everyone you know. Then have them pass it to everyone they know. If they will just take a second to click on the story we will get noticed. If we can get this story noticed and bumped into the finals, the power of Team Diviney can make it happen once again.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Gail Doyle says
We”ll do our best for sure ,but again what a lovely Article and we’ll all pray it wins 🙂 A Merry Christmas to you too
Kathy says
My only objection is where the author says, “It wouldn’t be considered a true classic or collector car by most people.” Hogwash! The Chick Magnet is as zesty as a 1962 Corvette!
Family friend says
I can’t help but sit here in awe reading once again the blessings that continue to unfold through Team Diviney! God is so good! Always!
Ryan’s story…….as someone coined, a miracle in slow motion! Touching thousands!
Merry Christmas Team Diviney!
Carla Liberty says
The goodness in people never ceases to amaze me. All I can say is WOW.
Paula says
Wow, I absolutely love it!!!! : ) MG, thank you!!
Ken, see how much people love you and your family? Every day, all of us continue to be inspired by your devotion and sacrifice, and this lends a fresh perspective to our lives.
God bless you, dear Ken, and I pray you and Ryan have a smooth, clear sailing day ahead.
Always here and always believing!
Rita says
What a beautiful surprise Christmas gift for you, Ken! And what thoughtful generous man of character to write this article as a tribute to the tremendous sacrifices your family makes every day out of pure love for Ryan. We will do our part in promoting this wonderful entry and pray that it receives the attention and award it deserves on your behalf. God is good, and so are many people out there! Faith, hope and love from Team Diviney always <3
Jo says
Go ahead — make my day! ToMG, just did! So glad I took a little break from the last-minute Christmas rush to read his letter to the Examiner. What an idea and a great letter, too. I HOPE we win! Now wouldn’t that just be a gift for all of us! Sharing the joy, Ken, and the love. Back to gift-wrapping and then I’ll read it again — and again! 🙂
Sending caring thoughts and love across the Potomac.
Gail Doyle says
Ken ,What a thoughtful thing for reader to do. And even more wonderful if you win, Let us know what we can do to help. Have a calm day and give Ryan a Hug. Thanks. Love Gail