I love the Chick Magnet. It’s a van with strong emotion and memory attached to it. I love it’s long, dedicated history. I appreciate the kindness of this van being given to us. I admire its strength in surviving all these twenty-five plus years. It’s simplicity is appealing.
Besides, the license plate selected by your vote just seems right on it.
So, I decided to authorize the necessary repairs from Ryan’s Trust Fund (i.e., the van is held in trust, so anything related to it must be paid from it) to make it road-worthy again. I just couldn’t give up on it and I heard from enough of you who wanted to make a donation to the repair expense. The estimate came in at $1,600 ($1,000 in parts and $600 in labor).
If this is something you’d like to help with, the easiest way is to make an online contribution via Ryan’s Special Needs Trust PayPal account [Note: if the link doesn’t work, please go to the Home page and click on “Donate” in upper-left of page.] or by check. Please indicate “Van Repair” in the memo/note field. If the total contributions were to exceed the repair cost then these will be earmarked for future van expenses.
You’ll be readily able to see how much is raised toward this goal on the left sidebar of the site’s Home page. It’s that big red thermometer on a golden background.
[poll id=”62″]Related articles
- Chick Magnet Maiden Voyage (ryansrally.org)
- License Plate on Chick Magnet (ryansrally.org)
- And the Winner is… (ryansrally.org)
- Chick Magnet Maiden Voyage (ryansrally.org)

in regard to the vote topic, not only have I been emotionally attached to a vehicle, I still have my father’s license plate on my car…he had it for 8-10 years, and I have had it for 23 years!!!!!
Yeah, look at that barometer go!! It’s a good thing to see all the people will to help you – when you are down, hopefully we will be of some comfort to you. Give Ryan a big hug and tell him how many people love him.
Happy Trails!!
The service repair center needs to read this post!
Just donated. Hope you can raise all the money to get it fixed. We all know how many OTHER expenses you have. Have a great day!
The link in the article didn’t work, but the donate one in the left column did! Donation made! We’ll just call you VANna now Ken!
A bit off topic but… I’m ready to make Amazon purchases and would like to use the ryan’s rally link.
Ken, Glad you decided to fix “chick” magnet. It looks sturdy and safe for Ryan .Can’t wait for it to be out on the road…Watch out !… 2 handsome men ,You’re sure to be followed :):) Have a peaceful day and things ,hopefully will start to look up Always here Love gail
I am glad you are getting it fixed. I just wanted you to know I tried to click on the paypal link to donate and it didnt work. It said your last transaction could not be processed. Can you double check the link to make sure it works? I would like to help so Ryan could go out cruising!!
Not sure what’s up with the link. I re-linked. Let me know if it’s working for you (worked for me).
I had that same problem, I went directly to my Pay Pal Account and was able to help from there.
I was able to donate using the link on the left. Roll down the windows and blare the music. The chics will coming running!!!
Viva la Chick Magnet!!!
Uggggh! This should have been the title of my post!
My husband says it’s wise to hang onto an old vehicle and just bite the bullet and make the flurry of repairs that are needed. You’ll spend a bit, but nowhere near what it would cost to get a comparable new van (or even a gently used one). And after you repair the few major things, you’re good for another 150,000 miles. You’re prudent to stick with the Chick Magnet!
This was my thinking too. And, the insurance is minimal to cover it.
Omigosh, Kathy! Wherever does one find a husband like yours!! New cars are made of plastic! Vintage are the best!
He likes cars of every vintage. 50s cars are huge! I grew up very fond of our 61 Ford Falcon. It was comparatively petite, but sturdy compared to the econoboxes of today.
SAVE THE VAN! This makes me really happy! You asked, so I will share: I have become attached to every car we have ever owned, but most especially our ’69 Buick Wildcat. We had to let it go at some 199,000+ miles when the cost of repairs became too much to handle. I think it had a 450 engine (? memory–again) and got less than 9 miles per gallon. Both our sons learned to drive on it, and we always felt they were safe in “The Tank.” Our younger son literally drove it until the wheels fell off (well, one, anyway!) and repair was out of the question. Attached? I’d say! Our sons and I thought the Wildcat was a living being, and I can tell you, her engine actually purred. Ken, I’ll bet you know what I mean. I cried when the tow truck pulled her away, like I did when my first car, a gold ’57 Chevy was towed. Ken, I am attached to the Chick Magnet already! What about the paint job? What is happening with that? After the manifold, of course! I thought I was over “car attachment” until Stew traded in our candy apple red Mountaineer, Candice. He said 150,000 mi. was too high for us to be taking trips in at our age. I know you would agree with me that Candy was just getting broken in! We also have a ’98 Town Car that our GD calls “The Boat.” Attached? I suppose you could say that! Yes, happy Chick Magnet is going in for repairs! Have a great day and think about how great the van is going to look soon! Love and prayers. P.S. I also get attached to rocks and trees LOL!
Is Stew okay with all these relationships? Should I start booking a hotel room for you?
May have to do that sometime, Ken. Book it in Ashburn so I can help out. Actually, he doesn’t understand our sons and my attachment to cars at all, but it’s lasted 52 years. You know what they say about opposites attracting opposites–that’s us! 🙂