For good or bad, one thing that is now a part of our marriage is the ability to effectively lie to each other. Let me explain. Last weekend, Sue came down with some sort of nasty respiratory infection. She’s been fighting it since. She had to travel to Atlanta for a couple of days in the middle of the week, so I made her (yes, made her) sleep in our bedroom while I stayed with Ryan.
As is always my luck, on the day she was to fly out I could feel the tell-tale signs of me getting sick. I didn’t tell her (even when she asked me point-blank how I was feeling). There was nothing she could do about it anyway, except worry. Yes, I lied. Anyhow, while she was on travel I was wiped-out. I did a great job of keeping this from her until last Friday. Even then, I told her that I turned the corner and was feeling peachy.
I guess turn-around is fair play. You see, while I was visiting Kari over the weekend Sue relapsed. On top of this, the nurse arrived at our house with the flu (at the direction of the agency who told her to wear a mask). Sue wouldn’t let her in the house and had to cover a night shift while being sick. She never told me. I didn’t find out until when I arrived home yesterday evening not feeling well at all myself.
In a way, it was funny. There was no way we could hide our sickness from each other. For one, we both are completely hoarse. So hoarse that the higher-pitched syllables come out as puffs of air. It’s like Bonnie Tyler talking to Rod Stewart, all raspy and coarse. For those who need an example of how this sounds, I suggest listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart, where she really belts it out after the four-minute mark.
I briefly considered asking Sue, “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?” and was pretty sure I might not like the answer… so I let it go. Besides, how would I know if she was being truthful anyhow? Apparently, she cannot be trusted. Despite popular lore, it’s not like her pants would actually catch on fire!
So, we lie to each other. Okay, maybe not outright, but by withholding information. You know what? It’s okay. It’s because we are putting the other first. Our motives are pure. Still, I don’t like her playing by my rules. Dammit, I’m the liar in this house!
Whoever said marriage cannot be survive with lies is, well, a liar! We’re proof.
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Jill in Morgantown says
Im putting a youtube link to a spoof of “total eclipse of the heart” If you haven’t seen it, this will give you a laugh says
Colleen says
Hope you and Sue feel better soon – how is Ryan with all this illness around him – I love hearing how he’s doing. I’m so happy you had a great weekend with Kari. Get some rest and feel better soon~~
Diane says
My grown son, a big Trekkie (Star Trek) fan likes to quote various characters from the movies. He has a huge repetoire of quotes that fit in almost every instance. I have only been “less than honest” with him once in his life -and when the time to divulge that occurred, he leaned back, got a big grin on his face, and quoted Mr. Spock saying, “Not a lie, an omission.” So maybe there’s your “out.”
Gail Doyle says
Ken and Sue ,Hoping you both feel better ,and you get some rest somehow .Praying Ryan stays well and “little white lies” are beneficial sometime .Always here ..Wish I was closer so I could help ……. Give Rtan a big hug. Love Gail
Gail Doyle says
How could I spell Ryan’s name wrong??????FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!
Rita says
Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear this. Praying that you both get over this bug soon and that Ryan is able to resist it himself. His defenses must be stronger than the rest of yours with all that protective lying going on in your house. Feel better soon, Divineys! (And let us know if you need anything at all.)
Paula says
I *loved* your post!! Enough said : )
Love & prayers always,
Jo says
So sorry you didn’t feel well while visiting Kari, and hoping she doesn’t get it. Sounds like it is going around if the nurse had it as well. Sue, thank you for this little lie–don’t think Ken would have left you otherwise. Feel better, Divineys. Love, prayers and virtual penicillin. says
Kari already had it before I visited, otherwise I never would have went.
Carla Liberty says
Hoping you two got some much-needed rest last night!! And hoping today is a phenomenal day of progress. It’s pretty out – maybe you could crack the sliding glass door enough to get some fresh air (but not enough for Duke and Tucker to escape!).