It wasn’t even seven o’clock in the morning and the day started off a bit rough. Nothing major, mind you, but rough just the same (for me). I guess it’s always something. I don’t think too much about the challenges of the day ahead or I might just find myself curled-up in the fetal position sucking my thumb.
Today, well, it’s urine. You heard me right… urine. Twice already I did major mop-ups followed by changing everything on Ryan. I cringe at the amount of laundry we produce, making Sue spend entire weekends (and most week nights) running upstairs to switch out and fold loads, even with people helping occasionally. She never gets a day off, moving from her career to Ryan’s care. How does she do it? I worry about her.
Equal to the laundry is the garbage that goes out to the curb twice a week. With so much of medical and personal care products being disposable or single-use, its unavoidable. I kid you not (and I’m sure my neighbors would back me up on this), the bags-upon-bags (and boxes) of trash must be breaking some sort of environmental or health law. I keep expecting a nasty letter from the disposal company or the county health agency (or my neighbors!) telling us to knock it off.
Brain injury is so messy. In turn, our life is messy. Messy, but sterile.
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The Colangelis says
We are thinking of you guys and praying for you daily. God bless you.
Paula says
I just want to fix it all…I hate that you all have to go through this….we’re all here and we’ll help however we can….with love, prayers and hope always for better days.
Anna says
God bless you Ken and Sue Diviney!
Ms. Blasé says
Still sitting here amazed at how much you guys accomplish every single day. May you continue to be strengthened by our prayers… and caffeine 🙂
Vicky Scott says
I totally understand. We produce a LOT of trash and we do a LOT of laundry. I understand that it is always something and the smallest thing can cause a LOT more laundry. I think we mentioned “depends” packed with “male guards” for extra absorbency. David places the guard on the lower part of the depends to keep the flow from going down his leg. Underneath, he uses the large cloth pads from CVS (very spendy) and on top of those he uses the disposable 30×36 ” pads from CVS all over the sheets to keep from changing them every time. That way he can remove the disposable stuff and replace and even remove the cloth pads still protecting the sheets. He also takes one of the disposable pads and lays it length wise folded three times an inch each right at waist length to soak up any other excess flow. It is all trial and error but I know you will figure it out. We use white vinegar in each wash. LA is about to ban plastic shopping bags which has been a great gift to us for disposing of things and removing odors as quickly as possible. I guess that is one more thing we will be purchasing.
You and Sue are both “on duty” all the time… She is a trooper like you. Ryan could not have better care!
Jo says
I’m right here this morning, but wishing I could be there. As an avid recycler, the first thing I would do is tackle the boxes at the curb and flatten them for recycling. There must be a volunteer out there who would be willing to do this for the environment, say — once a week? This could be done by a high school student, Boy Scout, etc. as part of their community service project. If you know someone who can help with this, please step up. MD trash companies won’t take boxes, and this could soon be coming to your area. Just a thought that might help, Ken, not a worry. Love and prayers. says
Jo, actually, the boxes you see are filled with broken down boxes!
Jo says
Ouch! Geez!! I’m notifying the BSA. This might qualify as an Eagle Scout project (as well it should, except that the work would never be completed, but another scout could take it on. ). Rita? says
If I packed the boxes any tighter they’d be wood!
Jo says
We recycle flattened, bound cardboard at curbside here. What about Ashburn, or does Loudon Co. have a recycle program at all? It would be a good thing to help kids become aware of the needs in their home town — makes for good citizens.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Don’t know how you and Sue do all that needs to be done each day. Wish there was a easier way to prevent UTIs. Hoping a better solution can be found. Always here thinking and praying for you all. Give a hug to Ryan from me ….. love Gail
Carla Liberty says
If anybody complains (your neighbors wouldn’t)….we’ll throw them to the curb too!