I’m definitely not looking forward to today. Not one iota. It’s not so much what I’m doing. Rather, it is I won’t be home. I’ll be on the road, heading east.
I must drive to New Jersey today to return some equipment. I believe it’s a four-and-a-half hour trip, one-way. I’m also planning on swinging by IBRF (Meadowlands Hospital) to see their new facility and lean on the doctors a bit. If I feel I have enough energy I’ll return tonight.I’m not at all optimistic about pulling this New Jersey road trip off in a single day. My intent was, if I was up early (like always) I’d leave before D.C. morning rush hour. Well, I was up as expected. I debated about leaving, but Sue was sleeping so soundly that I didn’t want to wake her. So, at six o’clock I dressed Ryan and put him into the HBOT for his ninety minutes of therapy. I took a quick shower and packed (which fit into a backpack and the clothes on my back… I learned how to travel light). I’m ready to roll, but will wait until Ryan is done so I can get him ready for Dr. Hinkle’s visit and kiss him good-bye. This gives Sue more time to sleep as well.
She deserves some quality shut-eye after traveling so much over the past month summer. Besides, I really cannot remember the last time she took a day off that was actually a real day off. Not a day where she was handling some issue or crisis related to Ryan.
Funny how we now consider a “day off” as one where she stays home caring for Ryan twenty-four hours.
Ken – Hope the IBRF visit was productive & informative with good news! Also hope you had a safe trip and have returned home for the weekend. Thinking of all of you… xoxo
I am confident that your visit with IBRF will go well, Ken. I am thanking God in advance that they get moving, and that they provide the needed next steps in Ryan’s journey of healing.
There is not one night that goes by that little Gracie doesn’t thank God for Ryan’s healing. We’re steadfastly focusing on the goal!
Still Believing,
Hope you had a good trip and this finds you back home safe and sound.
Drive safely.
Safe travels Ken! Hope the IBRF visit is a productive one and you are able to leave there feeling pleasantly surprised and optimistic. Praying for that….you really could use a good break.
Sue, as tired as I’m certain you are right now, I know you are just loving the fact that you have the day today to spend with Ryan! Enjoy your one on one time today and please give him a big old hug from me.
Love, Peggie
Hello Ken, praying for a smooth trip for you today. I hope you stay in New Jersey rather than tackling that ride home tonight. The traffic from Jersey back to D.C. is ridiculous. You are truly a wonderful father and husband, always making decisions that are the best for your family. I am praying that someday you and your family can take a nice day trip together and just breathe the air and feel the sunshine on your faces. O.C. is only 2 1/2 hours away. (Maybe we’ll do a convoy someday so that we can carry stuff/get food/etc. on the boardwalk.)
I’m also praying that the docs at IBRF will be able to share some new insights and direction for going forward.
Thinking of you, and sending hugs, love and prayers for you and your family.
Safe driving today Ken. Here’s to a good day for Sue and Ryan to have time together!
Ken,Peace and good thoughts go with you on your trip. Sometimes road trips are good for giving you a new sense of perspective, and you can turn the music up loud! It makes me feel better, hope it does the same for you. Still here, still praying.
Ken ,A “day off”,,doesn’t sound like it ,but safe trip and the roads are very wet here(NY) and still raining. Hope Sue’s day goes well with Ryan .Give him a big Hello from me Love Gail
Godspeed, Ken. Will be praying for your safety on wet roads today. Sue, I know you will have a great rainy day at home with Ryan, because he, along with Ken and Kari are your sunshine. They make you “happy when skies are gray.” Great song for today. Always here.