This past Friday was six weeks since Ryan’s left forearm was re-splinted. In January he broke both the ulna and radius bones while receiving therapy. At that time, he spent six weeks in a splint. Sadly, the ulna never healed and failed to connect (called a non-union). One (of the many) unfortunate challenge Ryan faces is deterioration of bone densityto a reduced physically active state. This is what happened and his bones snapped from a seemingly normal stretch. due
Since that time I have taken many steps to increase his bone density. He spends at least sixty minutes each day pumping his arms away on a passive exerciser that was given to us. He spends at least an hour getting stretched. We increased his vitamins, minerals, and supplements. I prepare a daily meal that can only be described as “nutrient dense“… to the maximum. Still, when it comes to bone density, nothing can replace what we consider a normal day of physical activity.
Without the benefit of an x-ray yet, I suspect Ryan’s arm healed. This past Friday, I gently moved it through his full range and listened at the break point with a stethoscope. There were no detectable grinding or crunching sounds. Afterwards, I had him spend thirty minutes on the passive hand-peddler and he showed no discomfort. I then listened again and all was good. This was followed-up by a moderate level of stretching and listening again. On the surface, at least, it appears healed. Another good sign is his forearm isn’t nearly as bowed as in June. It had a notice arc to it. As I like to joke… remember, I’m not a doctor on television, I just play one in real life.
I did this entire evaluation process again over the weekend and yesterday. The only difference was on Sunday I increased the speed of the ActivCycle from minimum to ¼ maximum and bumped it up to ⅓ speed yesterday. This was one of those times when the generosity of people really hit home. It mean… really touched me. I was using so much that was given to us to examine and heal him; from the stethoscope, through the exam lamp, to the ActivCycle, not to mention all the supplements that strengthen him. It was a humbling experience. I am just so thankful.
As a reminder, please vote (if you haven’t already) on Ryan’s license plate for his van. I’m really excited by this, and it appears you are too. You can vote and check results here. The poll will automatically close at ten o’clock tonight.
Related articles
- Left Forearm: Then and Now (
- Radiology Reports and Eyes (
- Ryan Sees Orthopedic Surgeon (
Ann H Tearle says
Yay! Arm healed–great job, Ken. You just absolutely amaze me…you are tenacious and the love for your beloved ‘sun’ just envelopes us all (well, you didn’t intend that, it just happens). So, I am a groupie prayer warrior, too. Still here, still praying no matter what.
Love the license–it happens to also be the one i voted for.
I love you, Ryan, Annie
Jo Hobbs says
I presume an X-Ray is in the near future to confirm that Ryan’s arm is completely healed. It will be helpful when he can return to normal excercise without worry. Still here, and still trying to calm my anger after reading once again how Ryan’s escape was blocked by the participants. In researching federal courts, it seems to me that they will be in much more trouble going this route than they would have been otherwise. Makes me feel a little better and will try to release my anger in creative ways rather than kick trees. Love and prayers.
Jo Hobbs says
Yep, groupies here, too, especially the praying kind–Ryan’s Prayer Warriors!
Will says
Glad to read about the arm. I hope the x-ray will be soon to confirm. In the meantime be careful with exercise in that break area.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Thanks for update on Ryan’s arm..So glad it finally healed. For sure ,all the work you do with Ryan is paying off ..Can’t wait to see what plate is winner. Sign me ( one of your “groupies”) Just read the response from the other day:( What’s wrong with some people is beyond me! Have a calm day and say hi to Ryan Love Gail
Paula says
Gail, some people like to victimize the victim — there’s an old expression called “gaslighting” in which the perpetrator tries to make the victim believe they’ve done something wrong. That poster was just gaslighting Ken because he/she can’t accept that the only victims in this case are Ryan and his family. Luckily Ken can spot them right away.
Carla Liberty says
I agree ladies. The worst part about it is they tried to pose as a colleague of Sue’s! As the lion from Wizard of Oz would say, “the noive!” It took everything in me not to tell that person what THEIR license plate should say. Instead I carried on with my normal Sunday routine, went to church and prayed for our boy Ryan and his family. THEY are the victims, THEY did not ask for this, NOR do they deserve it. What they DO deserve is our love and support. Call me a groupie, I don’t care. I’m proud to hold my head high and know that I (as well as the rest of the community supporting Ryan) are doing what is RIGHT by our neighbor/friend.
Paula says
Ken, it is comforting and encouraging to know that Ryan is getting the very best of care — no wonder he is making so much progress!! Praying for continued strength for you and your family and that you will always know how much you are loved and cared about. Thank you for the update on Ryan’s arm and also about the license plate. I guess it won’t be long before you and Ryan are taking a cruise in the van!! Just in time to see the autumn leaves : ) Love & prayers, Paula
p.s. Hopefully a “” logo can be painted or somehow put onto the van
Sandy Martin says
We are retired here in South Carolina but was born and raised in West Virginia. I have been following and praying for Ryan and your family since this happened. Ken you are such an inspiration to all of us. Keep sending us the good news about Ryan and you will forever be in our prayers.
Rita says
This is such good news — thank you for sharing it with us. We will keep praying for continued healing for Ryan and strength for you, Ken. All of your love and hard work are paying off.
Ms. Blasé says
I really needed a smile today. And this story did the trick. Thanks 🙂