Not surprisingly — at least so far — the Newark, DE area hasn’t published the press release. I’m in contact with the editor, and he indicates he will run it. Hmmm. Maybe you can help me get this done a bit sooner. Please copy and paste the release from yesterday’s post, Breaking News: Group Involved in Brutal Attack Sued, into an email and send it to the following:,, . I believe it is important for the members of the Newark, DE community to know this type of element roams their streets.
And, hey, if it brings shame to them and their families I suppose it’s completely deserving. If you want, post a comment letting everyone know you sent the press release. That would be great!
Anyhow, after it is (hopefully) included in their local news, I hope I can count on each of you to visit The News Journal and the Newark Post sites and comment on the article. The goal is to bring it forefront by making it the “Most Read” and “Most Commented”. Can I count on your help with this? Please?
The story is flooding the news and is on the AP Wire Service. Here’s just one I found:
Ken and Family,
I just read about this horrific tragedy in The News Journal. Alex Woods is my husband’s nephew and, of course, we knew NOTHING about this. I am mortified. I didn’t realize that Alex was such a punk, thug, loser etc. I can’t think of any words to describe how despicable he and gang are. Thank goodness that you pushed to get this in the local DE papers for everyone to read.
I 100% support your civil lawsuit. Nail them all – including Alex. It is only right that they should pay for Ryan’s care. I am upset that Vantrease wasn’t convicted of attempted murder. There are many others in DE that feel that same way.
From my heart, Strength and Peace to you and your family in this time of tragedy.
WOW, just came across this after all this time. How has your husband handled this news? Is he the father’s or mother’s brother? Too bad.
Ken your article appereared this am in our News Paper, great article. You definatly got the coverage you wanted and deserved. Great job.
The story is in the delaware news journal today!
WV is still here! We stand by, beside, behind and in front of you every day. I will comment everyday as long as able and rate the story every time as well(allows only once, I think). Unfortunate that you had to take the step of putting yourselves through another court battle due to the two selfish and irresponsible men and their enabling families but, your family made the right decision for Ryan and yourselves!
I pray every day for the moment I check in and read …. “We knew it when we seen it”!! Ryan is Relevant every day in our lives. This Mountaineer family supports you every step you take.
You can count on me to comment, rate, re-comment, and generally make a nuisance out of myself until I am worn out. Morgan will do the same I am sure. We will continue to fight this battle with and for you, Ryan, Sue and Kari.
How sad that you had to resort to this because these convicts could not and do not accept and responsibility in their lives. Hopefully a large dent in their wallet may bring them to the light. Much love, Jen
Rated and Comment left. I really hope some form of payment comes out of this lawsuit.
comments left on newark post. I didn’t see it in the New Journal.
Yes, you can count on my support, Ken. I will post a comment in that paper, The News Journal and Newark Post. Stay strong, we are all still here…Annie
Hello Ken, glad the Newark Post printed the article about Ryan. It seems that it’s very easy for many to hear about the nightmare that happened to Ryan and just turn away. If only they could walk for but a moment in your shoes…
Here is a big hug from me and congratulations for finding yet another avenue for keeping Ryan’s story out there.
What happened to Ryan cannot be changed — how we move forward in our support and love for him is totally in our control….so let’s do this thing people.
Love & prayers always, Paula
Amen sweet Paula, Amen.
Ok sent the post. And a note to everybody, the story about Ryan and the lawsuit is posted in the Newark Post today 8/28. So far 4 votes from 2 people. I left a comment. Now let us rally for Ryan. I figured a comment from someone from Central New York State would help. I continue to pray for Ryan.
I voted.
I would like to know why Will got a thumbs down on this…..??? Will, thank you for voting, and for being a great supporter of Team Diviney!
Sent an e-mail to Newark Post, Delaware Online and the editor. These news services covered these boys as high school athletes they should certainly follow their college “careers”. Looking forward to seeing the articles in their local papers. Maybe some tv news channels also. Keep up the good work Ken!
I sent an email, hoping they publish it.
SHSP! Looking forward to commenting.
Ken, As a resident of Newark, I first found out about your story when our local paper “The News Journal” ran the Washington Post story. The Newark Post is a very small newspaper that hardly anyone reads. I’ve lived in Newark all of my life and honestly couldn’t tell you if it’s a weekly or daily paper (I think it’s weekly). . Anyway, the paper you want to get in is “The News Journal”. Their website is It may actually be better if it’s not in today because people are so wrapped up in the hurricane news.
Just thought I’d try to help out by letting you know that info about the Newark Post. Keep up the great work that you are doing with Ryan. You two are a great team and will eventually pull out the win…and along the way, you will continue to teach and inspire everyone who comes in contact with your story.
Thanks for the tip… I’ll get right on it.
Update: Well, it looks like I sent it to them too. I’ll add their email address to the request.
I sent the Official Press Release (but not the blog information as it is easy to copy and paste accidentally w/official press release) to the e:mail you provided Ken. I look forward to adding my comments when the press release is published. I hope they publish it aka that they are not biased in reporting the truth.
Also I hope you all are safe and have power after all this crappy weather.
Guess we are lucky tho not getting the full force of hurricane like Isabelle in 2003! Stay strong, God Bless and Keep you All!
Thank you!