I try to make this website idiot-proof for the readers. I do try. This rarely fails because the audience is generally intelligent and articulate. But, now and then, along comes the exception. Sure, their idiocy is frustrating but it does help me improve the website. It gives me insight into the illogical and challenged mind of some.
Like I said before, some people use the success of this website’s platform to somehow think they will make their point. I even wrote an article on it back in early June, Online Haters, We Know What You Are. Take a minute to read it to get the motivation behind these people.
Now, to my point. First, I was expecting an uptick in haters this week. There is good reason that I must wait a few days to share (sorry, I’m not trying to tease) my reasoning. Anyhow, true to form, they didn’t let me down. The only problem (besides their pitiful grammar and spelling) is they didn’t know how to post their comment correctly. Instead of using the appropriately named “comments” section of a post or even reaching me through the “Contact Me” menu link, they went to the entirely wrong place. Fortunately, I found it and will share it with you. I have a sneaking suspicion this person is about to get schooled in how to comment. I’d also suggest they fully understand this website’s Disclaimer.
My reason for sharing it? Well, there’s nothing new added that everyone doesn’t already know. I also find it intriguing how some people manipulate the circumstances, despite iron-clad court testimony and media reports. Crazy! In my understanding, the worse thing Ryan might have said is “Phillies suck”. This, and drinking, somehow is justification for brutally beating a defenseless person. Just to be clear, this was not a fight. It was a brutal attack. Funny how they say my son started this, when all testified it was their smart-mouth friend, Colin McKeefrey. Ah, I’ll just let the trial transcript do the talking on this.
I don’t moderate comments unless they are: 1) redirected to my spam folder, 2) completely off topic, and/or 3) hateful without substance. By now you all know how I relish these comments. The nasty one’s send readership through the roof! It will be a banner day, for sure.
So, here you go. I have not edited these at all, so please don’t accuse me of being uneducated. I listed them in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. Enjoy!
Your son was drinking that night
Yes a fight did happen but they are all to blame for drinking…….. your son started it and got the worst of it. So yes i am saying your son is no angel either….. maybe it would have been the other way if he was not drunk…………
Bad things happen when everyone is drinking
You should stop talking bad about the other family. it was the kids that did this not the parents…… so again your kid was no angel either…he did start the fight……
Remove names of the convicted and pictures
Not sure but i think you have no right bringing up the names of them…. should check with a lawyer….before you say things out of line…….and also remove all pictures of them……… this is your site not a news site…..you are braking some kind of law by doing this…..
Name calling should also stop on your part
does it make you feel better to say bad things about the other family…go to church and talk with a clergy person…….other ways of venting then saying nasty things…. you are out of line……..
Guess this is a one sided family…..where are my posts
So my post never made it….i figured much …i guess you do not want people to know that your son started it and was drinking……. so no good comes from it……may god bless you and your family. no matter who’s is at fault.
Okay, so this person “figured much” wrong. Their comments made it, with my help. Sheesh, give me a “brake”.
Can anyone else see any logic in this? It simply doesn’t make sense. If I understand them correctly they would excuse, say, a parent who catches their sassy, slightly intoxicated, defenseless child from beating them senseless. Really?
Before anyone tells me not to focus on haters, please know that I don’t very often. I guess I just wanted to let you all experience the insanity I must deal with.
[poll id=”13″]See previous poll answers here.
This dude sounds like your typical Philadelphia Flyers fan. Knuckle dragging, illiterate loser.
Sick is what it is….but like you have said many times..the “thugs” families have never once reached out to you or your family. If they were people with feelings they would have done that back in 09!!!
I have received some comments on our blog as to how I care for Ben and how irresponsible I am!
Until people have been where we are and live the lives that we live they have no right to comment badly, judge or think they even know what to do.
These people have to remember that when the point their finger they have 3 pointing back at them and one of those being the middle!
I’m sorry this is yet another issue you have to deal with! Hold your ground and don’t let these people get to you!
Y’all are an amazing family!
I follow your blog Katie and you are an amazing caregiver and wife to Ben!!!
Hello Ken, it seems that many in this world choose to blind themselves to the truth, and they cannot be reasoned with. We know the truth because it was captured on film and testified to by witnesses who gave first hand accounts under oath.
People of the world, please give Ryan and his family what they need and deserve — your love, prayers, support and encouragement. Anything else is just syllables floating on the winds of time — sounds without substance — noise without meaning…
Ken, the members of Team Diviney from all across the country will continue to surround you and your family with a strong and protective embrace. The sun does not set without prayers being lifted up to the heavens for you and your family. God loves you, and so do I.
Love, hugs, prayers, Paula
Amen Paula! I’d like to add FINANCIAL support to your comment “People of the world, please give Ryan and his family what they need and deserve — your love, prayers, support and encouragement. Anything else is just syllables floating on the winds of time — sounds without substance — noise without meaning…”
I like Bryan Tiplady’s message too: “Jon May (won’t pay)”. If the families of these individuals would come forward to help offset some of the Diviney’s exorbitant expenses, I might have a change of heart. But unless and until they do that, I can’t. We should trend #WhyDon’tTheyPay on Twitter. Just sayin…..
Ken, I really think you should post the video of Ryan backing away from this fight, it wasn’t in his character to be involved in anything like that. You don’t have anything to prove, but perhaps it would keep the haters from trying to sweep what happened, under the rug. Or not–they don’t matter, you know what happened, and that is all that matters. Also, their names and pictures are a matter of public record now, so they can just get over themselves. Bunch of losers–they won’t stand corrected as they are not honorable people.
We are still here and always will be. I am so very sorry you have to deal with any nonsense like this. These fools are delusional to think any decent person would really care a twit what they think. God bless and daily prayers for you all. Annie
The folks who wrote these stupid comments are clueless!Austin Vantrease and Jon May would not be in the condition Ryan is in due to a punch or a kick in the head from Ryan. That is out of character for Ryan, he had never been in a fight, never been expelled or asked to leave a school for his behavior. Unlike Austin and Jon May, Ryan did not have a reputation of fighting. Watch the video and see Ryan backing away with his hands up. So sad, these folks will never get it.
Some people really just have no idea what they are talking about. Accusing you of breaking a law that they don’t even know exists. Enough said.
Keep up the good work, Ken.
I continue to urge everyone to tell their friends and family about this blog. Please continue to pray, spread the word, and unconditionally support this blog. We’re still here, and we will ALWAYS be here for Ryan.
I just can’t get past the meanspiritedness that the convict’s family continues to exhibit toward the victim and his family. To the drafter of these meanspirited communications:
Certainly, neither God or any clergy member would advise anyone to proceed in the fashion in which you have. You have exhibited absolutely no grace and not one kindness toward the Diviney family.
Absolute strangers to the Diviney’s (prior to Nov 7, 2009) have done more for Ryan and his family than you have. If I were in your shoes of course I would be very sad while still loving my son who was convicted, but I would understand that the price of his behavior must be paid. In the face of the magnitude of the injury to Ryan, you should be thankful to the Lord that your son was not up against murder charges instead. Also, I would do all that I could for the victim and his family. The best thing that you can do is accept what has happened and help your son deal with the consequences of his behavior.
Have you ever thought of paying out of your own pocket to contribute toward the victim’s now very long list of needs? Or hold a fundraiser? Those of us that are operating as God has called us to do have proceeded in that way.
It is unbelievable that you continue to be blind to the path forward . . . repent (with genuine remorse) and seek forgiveness. It is your only hope. Unless you change your path forward you will continue to reap a life full of anger and hatred because those are the seeds that you have sowed. It is in your hands to proceed forward in a remorseful and kind manner. If you do not it will lead to more of the self destructive behavior that has brought you to where you are now.
I couldn’t have said it better myself, Karen.
Amen Karen
The things that people will do to justify their actions. Eventually justice will fall on the heads of those who harmed Ryan.
Seriously. Clueless. <3RKD
It is the thought (or lack of) process that bothers me by these individuals. Once again what comes to mind is that the apples did not fall far from the trees. Hang in there Ken and Sue.
Just because people can procreate…..doesn’t mean they all should. i’m just sayin’ Annie
I think you should just resend that jerk the video where Ryan is backing up away from the fight and then we can just pray for that writer to see reality… Ryan was the bigger, and only, MAN in this whole event. You have all our support in this!
Here’s my question – how did someone who obviously cannot speak the English language manage to actually get on a computer? How does this person manage to go about a daily life? I would have thought that mother nature would get rid of idiots like these. You know, natural selection and all that. It kills me that there are people that can’t even take the time to use spell-check.
If you take the time though, you’ll quickly realize that these people come to you to teach you one lesson. Well, indirectly anyway as I cannot fathom how they would put enough words together to teach a lesson…but I digress. The lesson I would take from this is that you can now see how fortunate you are in the people that surround and support you, both on this website and in the various events put together for Ryan (like this football one coming up).
We can spell and we got this!
That’s got to be the greatest “Disclaimer” page I’ve ever seen. Job well done. (And your punctuation/spelling/grammar is stellar.)
I think you should order this fellow a new t-shirt:
I sat here at the keyboard for about five minutes. Typed several responses and was disgusted with myself for the profanity I was using. To the idiot that believes that these convicts have any rights and that they come from “good families”, I suggest that you seek therapy. Good families, that is total b—sh–. ACCOUNTABLITY. Look it up. In closing, the PHILLIES SUCK!
“This comment is causing a lot of interest or debate” leave it to me!
I believe both of them were 18+ at the time, correct? So neither of their names were protected even before/during the trial. Now their convictions are public record. No laws are being “braken” here.
Does anyone else find it ironic that they were hiding behind a dumpster where TRASH goes?
Actually, I was thinking more in terms of RATS.
The convicts, OOPS, sorry, “convicted” lost their right to privacy and not having their pictures displayed when they chose to break the law and attack Ryan. I’m pretty sure their mugshots can be accessed all over the internet and of course the jail website.
I’m so very sorry that you and your family (and the general public for that matter) have to ever be exposed in any way to the ignorant, uneducated haters that leave such comments.
My boys and I are praying for Ryan and your entire family every day.
I am with you a hundred percent… and I for one love all updates and like the ones that feature where these loosers are now… I have no idea who has posted that you should not focus on that… I for one want to know what the heck is going on with these people also…
“no matter who’s is at fault.”
Question: This person passed English?
OMG Carla
I literally LOL’d reading that persons ridiculous comment “no matter who’s is at fault.” I guess we have to consider the source
In answer to your question whether the poster passed English, “i thunk thay didnot'”.
That is so ridiculous, I don’t even know how to comment!
Drinking justifies this? And you’re the one that needs to see a clergy person? Please. I could continue on with everything that is wrong with these comments, but I’ll just leave it at this: pathetic.
I find it amazing that there is continued harrassment from the “accused and convicted” clan.
They should be counting their blessings that Van Trease (what a piece) and May (won’t pay) will get out as young men.
Still Here watching your back!
Bryan, I agree with you …They really got away free from any “real” punishment and to keep saying such things ….just can’t believe it We’re all behind you Ken and family Gail
Was this written by an illiterate child?? Besides not knowing the difference between breaking the law and braking in a car, what does i figure much mean?? And they want pictures of the “CONVICTED” removed?? Why – embarrassed?? The author of these comments is obviously delusional. I wouldn’t have wasted your time or ours but I understand why you did. I’m just sorry you have to endure such nonsense while dealing with the reality of what the thugs behind the dumpster did to Ryan. The author should really grow up and grab a dictionary.