New Chick Machine
Renie, the kind woman from Morgantown, WV (who is donating the van to Ryan) snapped this picture for me yesterday. As you can see, it’s in remarkable condition for a twenty-seven year old 1984 vehicle.
What’s wonderful is it comes equipped with an electric rear wheelchair lift already installed. I’ll set-up the inside similar to an ambulance with suction, oxygen, monitoring, and various other supplies. Sadly, I’ve spent more time in the back of an ambulance than I care to remember so I really have a feel for how they are functionally set up.
Now, I know you women will have a hard time keeping yourselves away from us as we cruise on by in our new ride. Feel free to give us a honk and a cat call as we drive on by.
[poll id=”8″]See previous poll answers here.
New Nutrition
On a separate topic, baked chicken breast was successfully integrated as a part of Ryan’s diet. I tried it for three days, then off for four days, then back on for another three. He tolerated it without any changes to his digestive system.
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- Ryan to get Van (

Beautiful van. Appears to be in excellent condition. We are happy for you.
Im glad to see that you got a van now you get it equiped for Ryan and Your On Your Way
As long as you don’t pimp it out by installing a hydraulic lift kit to make it hop up and down, you’re good.
Weeeeeeee that looks like an awesome van!! My son Matt loves this kind of van, he says they’re cool!!
Ohhhh Ken….you and Ryan will be hearing honking and woohooing and all manner of cheers from the streets of Ashburn and beyond!!
I’m heading to OC in search of ocean pleasures, you and your family are always in my thoughts! Sending love & hugs, and as always, my prayers.
That would make it a Di-Van-ny?
Shaggin’ wagon?
If this van’s rockin, don’t bother rockin’ !!
Gads!!!!! “Knockin” I’m reading while I rest my knee that just had an injection of Synvisc!
Ken, Good looking van and I’m sure when you are finished doing your work on it, you and Ryan will enjoy the rides, Please post “after ” pic too Good luck and Ryan and Duke can be on lookout for girls 🙂 Hope all is going well. Gail
Ken, Good looking van and I’m sure when you are finished doing your work on it, you and Ryan will enjoy the rides, Please post “after ” pic too Good luck and Ryan and Duke can be on lookout for girls 🙂 Hope all is going well. Gail
Why am I suddenly having visions of Clark Griswold cruising down the road as the mysterious blonde drives by in the red Ferrari?
Have fun at WallyWorld Clark! 😉
It’s not old, it’s vintage!
I think I see Mr T in the back window
Someone has to work the women……
Obviously, we’ll need Duke.
This is a beauty! I love it and you boys will be cruising town in no time. Sue better watch out when she has to go to NYC for a few, your gasoline bill will go up for sure.
But at least it’s old enough that I can still roll back the odometer.
I left the comment below about Clark Griswold. But now after reading this comment, not sure if I should call you Clark or Ferris Beuhler!
Just don’t call me Thelma or Louise.
Now, Kenneth, can’t believe you would ever do this! We sure did, but that was in the mid-50’s. Now all parents can do is just check mileage. LOL
Wow! Hot off the press! I’m impressed! This is a beauty. Thanks for posting the photo, Ken. Ashburn Emergency Services might get you a deal on the items needed to equip the van. They are a wonderful source of all kinds of information–just ask. Always here with hope, faith, love and prayers.
Are you going to have it in time to enter the antique car show this weekend?
Sure winner!
Did you mean Ken or the van?????lol