For the sake of comparison, I thought it might be helpful to eyeball Ryan’s forearm injury side-by-side over time. To me (and the orthopedic surgeon) it seems the smaller-boned radius is mostly healed. Although, the doctor wouldn’t commit to saying it is healed. I clearly see new bone around the injury and the fracture line is no longer apparent.
The larger-boned ulna has yet to join (a “non-union”), but bone is growing out from each end of the break. Eventually, these should meet. By all accounts, this will take four to six more weeks. During this time Ryan will continuously wear a hard splint, keeping his elbow bent at ninety degrees.
I look forward to the day when I will no longer have restrictions on Ryan’s therapy. I conjured up (in my mind) a contraption that will work his legs and arms at the same time (hence, the pulleys already delivered from the wish list). I was really hoping to be using this setup by now, but the x-Rays tell me this is not doable. I suppose this is for the best anyhow, as I can really do it up right when Ryan is transferred to the basement (hopefully by week’s end).
We hired a moving company to move his bed to the lower level. It’s something I might have been able to do myself (and surely with some other men), but there was a risk of voiding the warranty. So, Sue called the bed manufacturer (Hill-Rom) and they put her in touch with a mover. They are scheduled to come Thursday.
So, this is a great time to try out a new website feature: Polling. Let’s give it a try now.
[poll id=”2″]Go ahead and give the poll a try. You only get one vote so guess wisely, my friend.
Related articles
- Ryan Sees Orthopedic Surgeon (
- Radiology Reports and Eyes (
- Tests Performed at Reston Hospital (

I’m so excited for all of you about Ryan’s ‘new pad’! It’s going to be such a morale booster for everyone! How great it will be for Ryan to be able to look outside and even go outside to catch some fresh air and hear the birds. This has been one of the quickest remodeling projects I’ve ever heard of. You have some great friends, old & new.
I hope that Ryan’s new orthopaedic doctor’s plan does the trick for his arm. It would be good to put that portion of his recovery behind you.
If there is anything you need, please let us know. SHSP, NGA!
Lots of love & hugs!!
Ken,Hopefully Ryan’s arm will heal in this cast. Like the poll too. Ryan new rooms sound great for him and you Pi tures when you can. Love to see Ryan and how he’s doing. God bless all. love Gail
Did the Doc mention that healing is slow because of the Calcium formation process is messed up. Be careful with very aggressive physical therapy. You just need enough to maintain Ryan’s current muscle strength. He is not being trained for an Olympic event he can do that on his own when he is completely healing and come’s out of the coma. With Calcium loss his bones might not stand up to aggressive therapy.
Will, I’m sure Ken is very careful in his therapy with Ryan. Keep in mind he takes every precaution necessary to avoid injuring him in his quest to help him. I think the fault of this bone not healing clearly lies with the hospital that refused to set the arm. This is blatant malpractice.
PS: I did not mean to come off as flippant on my prior post. If I did, I apologize. I was just trying to say to Will that I believe the hospital is to blame for this arm being in the state it is today as they did not reset the bone when the injury first occurred. (I’m sure the calcium formation process, etc. could/does have something to do with the “slowness of healing”…I’m not a doctor or nurse but I wanted to say that this probably wouldn’t be happening right now if the hospital had done its job). Again, my apologies to Will or whoever I offended as it appears I’ve garnered two “dislikes” in my quest to place blame on the hospital.
Hello Ken,
I am so glad that you’ve finally found a good doctor to properly treat Ryan’s arm. If the doctor doesn’t think Ryan’s other bone is healed, did he recommend a treatment plan for it?
I have never seen a renovation happen as quickly as this one. Wow, very impressive, hats off Bryan Tiplady and of course, Michael and Sons!!! Thank you, gentlemen!!
Sunshine, light, a lovely view, an open window (once in a while?), the sounds of birds chirping, cicadas humming, the soothing drone of rain on the window, the winterscape of sparkling snow, autumn’s splash of color, moonbeams, stars glittering in the midnight sky….sometimes it’s the things we take for granted that can spark our senses. I am sure between the windows and the trips outside, Ryan’s spirits will be lifted!!
The polling feature is addicting and fun. Thanks for adding it!!!
Hoping you and Ryan have a good day together and praying for Ryan’s continued healing every day.
Love, Paula
Just curious, how will you get Ryan down to the lower level once it is complete? (I hope this doesn’t sound too dumb!)
We have a walkout basement. We’ll push him around outside and right in. It’s very nice down there, with windows providing natural daylight. We can keep the blinds up and let him enjoy the outside view. We also like that we can push him right out the door to get some fresh air.
Ryan gets up early, so this will allow him to go outdoors and hear the birds singing at their best. Hope he can see the sunrise, but the sunset will do–
Not to mention the Vitamin D he would get from the sunlight 🙂
Hmmm–looks like medical malpractice to me. Yes, I voted, and it will be interesting to see the results. I am looking forward to seeing photos of Ryan’s new digs! So exciting! Always here with caring thoughts.
I am thinking about it.
SHSP, NGA. We got this.
Love, carla