Yesterday was another extremely busy day (I guess like any other day). The sounds of construction were heard throughout the house for over twelve hours as Michael and Son push through the basement renovation. We were also visited by two news organization, one a local newspaper and another a regional television broadcast. I was happy to give the interviews for two reasons: 1) Michael and Son deserves any publicity I can send their way for their kindness, and 2) It keeps Ryan’s story relevant.
Yes, happy to accommodate… but it’s really hard on me. I’m called upon to recount the past (nearly) 21 months in a brief amount of time. I never leave the interviews without a great deal of sadness that stays with me for days. Anyhow, that is where I am now emotionally. I call it a “mental hangover”, and people seem to understand what I mean by this. Doing the interviews is like taking multiple shots (say, 21) of hard liquor that I’m sure I’ll be paying the price for later. An mental hangover, for sure.
The segment I embedded below was aired yesterday evening on WUSA. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to watch the segment when it originally aired but did find it on the stations website.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, That was an emotional interview and like so many people said ,we are here for however long the ride is …I’m only able to help in a few ways (Wish I was closer) but I will never stop praying or thinking about Ryan and hoping the ride is short to his healing : Always here ,never going away Love Gail
Paula says
Ken, sending hugs, hugs and more hugs. I could see how hard that interview was for you. The one thing that binds us all together is our love for you and your family. As Bryan said, we’re not leaving. I’m depending on God to get us all through this. How I pray for your happiness and for Ryan’s recovery. Love always, Paula
Carla Liberty says
Today my inspirational calendar has the following verse from Isaiah 58:11 (NIV):
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land…You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
This verse goes along precisely with what Bryan said above. The Lord is watching over Ryan, GUIDING his recovery by surrounding you with so many people who love/care/want to help you. (Not to mention your awesome medical team!). He is seeing to it that your NEEDS ARE BEING SATISFIED by the folks who have your back. You are like that WELL-WATERED GARDEN because LOVE IS IN ABUNDANCE. And like those SPRING WATERS, we will NEVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE.
Giving glory to God for His goodness! Always praying to Him to keep perfecting His plan for Ryan.
Love, carla
Sam says
Wow, Bryan summed it up so beautifully. I ride my part of the train in Minnesota, but Ryan is never more than a breath outside my thoughts. I also have to add that the news segment gave me a more recent view of how Ryan’s doing. I know this is a miracle in slow motion, but I was very surprised at how much better and more alert, reactive Ryan seems to be than the last segment I watched. I also love and will ALWAYS love the way you tassel his hair and talk to him with such love and devotion.
Ms. Blasé says
Very powerful segment… the Michael & Son part really got me. If all of society possessed that kind of generosity, this world would definitely be a better place.
As Ryan continues to make strides and improve, I pray that you’ll gradually be able to fully embrace and enjoy all of life again, i.e. to “sober up” from your emotional hangover and laugh and live with abandon. Judging from Ryan’s steady progression, I’m believing that day will be here soon.
*Happy belated b-day to Kari*
Bryan says
Things are moving along at a break-neck pace. You’ve got a lot of people in your corner fighting along with you through this hellish journey you call everyday living.
Dispite everything, all of the hardships, all of the pain and all of the suffering, I can’t help but be heartened when we see the outpouring of help and love.
It’s all about Ryan. It always was and always will be.
You made a remarkable statement yesterday…one that still resonates with me. You said “I used to be selfish and am not sure that I would do what these people are doing for us”.
I used to be extremely selfish as well, and still struggle with selfishness (ask my wife…..).
You wish this never had to happen, so do we
You didn’t ask for this pain and heartache, neither did we.
In as much as you are simply doing what you must in order to provide care for Ryan, SO ARE WE.
When I say we, I am talking about everyone on the care team, the prayer warriors, Diviney’s Diva’s, all of the family, friends, neighbors and strangers who are pulling together for Ryan.
Where am I going with all of this?
This leads to the only possible conclusion….we are in this together. Hell or high water, we’re here. We are all putting our selfish self aside. We’re finding time to help. We’re finding people to assist. Don’t even get me started on Michael and Son’s.
a) This is not a journey you will take alone. Yes, you are the driver, navigator, conductor and engine. You’re not the only one on the train heading to that station, sir.
2) I suggest that if it was one of mine in Ryan’s shoes, you would be right there with us, doing whatever you (and the rest of the Divney’s) could do to help. Of this I am sure.
This situation was presented to all of us. No one likes it. We all have to deal with it, or lose ourselves.
I, for one will go down fighting for Ryan.
Now, let me get another box of kleenex and move on with my day.
Paula says
Beautifully stated. Pass the kleenex. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Bryan, and also your beautiful wife, for your unending support for Ryan and his family.
Hugs, Paula
Colleen says
Nicely put.
Jo Hobbs says
Wishing a belated Happy Birthday to Kari.
Jo Hobbs says
Thank you, Ken. I missed it also, since we were out of town. I usually watch the news on WUSA at 12 noon every day. I thought the video had excellent coverage of Ryan’s story, although I always want more, more, more. I liked the statement made by Michael and Sons. Truly, this company has “heart.” Their employees are well-qualified, trustworthy, friendly and informative. Here now, catching up on your blog. Love