Yesterday I received a check ($144.18) in the mail from an advertising sponsor I use on this website. Given, it’s not like hitting the lottery (considering no taxes were withheld too), but it is money that will be directed to Ryan’s care and treatment. I know it’s silly — maybe even bordering on lame — but I had a distinct sense of accomplishment.
I am also hoping the Amazon-backed store will continue to make gains (especially with back-to-school supplies). I see a lot of potential with it, but struggle with how to improve it. I’ll continue to look for ways to make it better. If you know a way to make it better for you, please let me know. After all, I must serve you well to serve Ryan better.
I really must watch myself in my obvious attempt to poke you into supporting the sponsors. You see, the sponsor’s terms of service doesn’t allow me to be specific. Although, I can ask you to click on an ad or two every day, that is, if you are interested. Please, do not abuse this! I’d hate to lose my good standing (and/or affiliation) with this sponsor. I want to make this legitimate, as they are in this to make money too. I ask you to only click on ads of interest… but also to look for ads of interest. Does that make any sense?
My thanks to each of you who took a minute each day to click on a relevant sponsor link or two. Right now the topics advertised are sponsor-driven. I started digging into it a bit and see I might be able to customize it more to our audience. With a little more work on my part I hope to put more relevant ads on here for you.
For clarity, below is a working example of a sponsored ad similar to what you would see in the sidebars of some pages (including this one). These ads are dynamic, changing every so often.
One thing that is a screaming success is Ryan’s Wish List. Holy crap! I never imagined the generosity and sincere wanting to help that existed. I am so angry at myself for letting my pride get in the way and delaying this for Ryan. I was embarrassed to ask for help. Really, I was (and still am, if you must know). Can you believe it?!?
I guess it’s okay if I’m my own worse enemy, but I can not allow this to ever again extend to my son.
Mike says
Congrats, Ken! That’s great news, more money to help Ryan with. Glad to see the site is doing this well, keep up the great work my friend!
Gail Doyle says
Dear Ken A nice little paycheck to get or do something for Ryan.. The wish list is great and so happy to be able to help Ryan in some small way! I’m glad Lorraine mentioned it and you followed through,Don’t forget we’re here to do all we can to help …….Ryan ,get better we’ll be here for you Love Gail
Colleen says
I love Ryans Wish List – I’ve already ordered items for him twice – It’s the next thing I check after I read your blog. You and your family certainly deserve all the generosity we offer to you given the fact that the thugs that did this along with their loser families havn’t owned up to any financial responsibility. We love you and when every I can, I’ll send the UPS truck your way – keep it coming and we’ll keep it coming – nothing to be embarassed about – this was not your doing. Would love to hear how Ryan is doing!
Paula says
Hi Ken! That’s great news about the advertisements!! I’ll step out and say I actually read the ads because I’m just wierd that way — I am a confessed information addict. Plus there have been many ads that I’ve actually been interested in : )
Hats off to you for even thinking about setting up all this stuff (blog, store, ads, etc)!! Don’t beat yourself up about not doing it sooner. Remember — you’re a man of integrity, and people of integrity are always concerned about the effect their behavior has on others. I admire and respect the way you think things through before taking an action.
Now you can see how many of your readers are chomping at the bit to do something tangible for Ryan. Buying things for him from the store is very satisfying because it helps one feel more connected to him.
Methinks you are wayyyy too tough on yourself…it’s impossible to know every right decision to make in advance — but you do a pretty darn good job of it!! Look at how well Ryan has done — his health and progress tell the tale.
Love, hugs, prayers — hoping you and Ryan enjoy a smooth day. Paula
Paula says
I give all credit to Lorraine Lundqvist. She guided me down this path. Thank goodness it was an excellent idea because sometimes I just blindly follow attractive women. Wonder why? Oh, yea, I’m a man…
Paula says
Thank you, Lorraine!!!!!!!
Ken, I think you are attracted to *smart* women who happen to be gorgeous and nice like Lorraine : )
Jo Hobbs says
Yep, you’re a man, and you are a wonder! And thank you, Lorraine!
Rita says
Like, like, like! This is all great news for your family, and we love having access to Ryan’s Wish List! Not only are you exquisite, Ken (“a diamond in the scrubs” as Jo put it — love that), you’re incredibly resourceful and innovative — all to Ryan’s benefit. Sue and Kari must be so proud of you — hopefully they help you out with all those well-deserved pats on the back 🙂
Vicky Scott says
I am sure when you received the check, you immediately thought about what it could buy for Ryan. That check is priceless and a great motivator to keep doing what you are doing. I am stating the obvious but a life changing event also includes huge financial costs. I think it is sheer genius on your part to have thought of ways you could help generous and caring people find ways to help your family. In addition to all you do, it takes time, but you have made it easy for people to participate in Ryan’s recovery. On a scale of one to ten, I give you a ten!
Sam says
Congratulations advertising sponsor. You have now paid more than the thug express and we LIKE you!
Anna says
Hey Ken, how funny is is that you have South Moon Under as your example?? Liz is one of a few working part-time as an unpaid intern there this summer writing for their website. She is describing the new clothes, paring them with accessories and writing a newsletter for them! Hope everyone clicks them on and reads her descriptions of the new items and orders something! They have a sale now. They have fun and funky clothes, great accessories and great gifts for the young adult. They are based down at the beach, started as a little shack for beach clothes.
I am glad you are letting folks help with Ryan’s wish list! As I said before, we have budgeted to purchase monthly, plus its fun to look at your list what you receive each day.
Nicole says
Ryan’s wish list was SUCH a great idea. I love knowing that I can help out just a little bit. I’m so impressed with what you’ve done with this blog!
Ms. Blasé says
Oh, and don’t worry… I won’t go overboard. As with practically everything else in this life, I’ll do it in moderation :0)
Ms. Blasé says
Can’t type much now… busy clicking on ads.