Time. Ah, it’s a nasty bitch. It waits for no one, as they say. Though this is true, there are ways to get around it. Kinda. In the business world, it’s called multitasking. The thing is, I was never really into multitasking myself. True, I expected it out of those who worked for me but I would certainly not ever be accused of “practicing what I preach”. I was such a hypocrite (freely admitted it too) and would not hesitate to pull the boss card if someone had the nerve to broach the subject. The actuality was I was never good at focusing on more than one task at a time.
I’ll come clean here. Multitasking was waaaaaaaay down my list of strengths. To my despised credit, I was the “master-of-all-delegators. Followed closed by a prankster. I was always on the verge of some sort of sensitivity training, but my cunning was simply too good for them to stick anything on me. Yes, I was Teflon… Teflon with baby oil coated over it.
You must know it is not natural for me to have balls in the air (besides, that’s a painful condition). So I simply cannot brag enough about myself on maximizing Ryan’s day. In the video you’ll see below, my past weakness is long gone. Poof! Outta here.
So, there you have it.
Loved this! Great job!
Ryan looks so good. Courtney is having alot of problems with her tone in wrist and ankles. It is worrying me alot these days. We have bought her a piece of physicial therapy equipment. It is call the Quadriciser. Would love to know what you think about it. I learn so much from you. I think finding this blog was kinda God’s way of preparing me for the day when Courtney comes home. Which will be soon!! The addition to the house is done and we are trying now to get the rest of the house straight. Knowing we will not be able to do this once she is home. Thanks for all you do with Ryan and thanks for encouraging a scared mom.
is your standing table home made or purchased. if purchased, can you please send me the details. thanks.
Can Ryan listen to a book on tape or music (with or without earplugs) while he is multitasking? Not sure he is allowed use of earplugs or if the machine is too loud to hear over, just an idea. Six days you say without the girls. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the next days…..
He can… and does.
better be adding books on tape to your wish list then ken!
That’s amazing! You’re amazing; Ryan’s progress is amazing; God’s grace in all circumstances is amazing. I just hope He never calls on me to become such a multitasker, because I don’t think I’d adapt as well as you have, Ken. Oh, and Ryan looks so good standing up working on those therapies. Go, Ryan!!
Ken I,m so elated with how Ryan looks and is doing .You are the Number One multitasker of all times .It’s simply beyond amazing what you have done . Always here praying for Ryan to continue healing …You’re the best :):):) love Gail
Great job! Not only did you multi-task with Ryan’s therapies, but you also satisfied your blog audience with a video. Talk about thinking outside the box! You’re really out-doing yourself this morning, Ken. I am truly impressed!! Just don’t get cocky or smart-alecky now.
Seriously, I hope you have a great day!!
Actually, I’m even MORE elated 😀
Can we say brilliant?
… And yet another encouraging post from the Diviney crew.
When I came into work today, a post you did back in April called “Scary Good” was at the top of my reader so I thought that it was your most recent. It contained some major good news about Ryan’s improvements and left me feeling pretty elated. However, now that I realize that THIS is your latest post… I’m still very elated 😛
Hi Ken!! Well – in a year and a half you’ve gone from only focusing on one task at a time to now doing the jobs of (at least) ten people!!
LOL about the sensitivity training — it’s the prankster in you that keeps this ship afloat. Add the ability to at once inspire people and make them laugh to your ever growing list of talents. When we come to your blog we expect to get the raw and real rather than the schmooze and sensitivity.
And that’s just how we like it!!
Ryan looks great — don’t know how you keep all those balls in the air at one time, but clearly, when it comes to multi tasking — as the young people like to say, you’re the (insert inappropriate curse word that means awesome lol) : )
Hugs, Paula
Impressive! Always here–waiting for updates. With hope, faith and love.
You’re putting it all together! I really respect all you folks that can multi-task. Great Job.
Boss card? I think that’s still around here somewhere…. Occasionally making an appearence when needed. 🙂
excellent! That just says progress right there.