Overnight Changes
Last week I noticed that Ryan wasn’t putting out much urine at night. Always below 500ml, or roughly two cups. In fact, it is usually around 250ml. At first, this caused me some concern. Yet, he was making up for it during the day. The urine was clear and odorless, his blood work showed a dead-center normal white blood cell count, and our weekly home urine test was normal. I was perplexed, to say the least. I welcome most changes as positive signs, but with a skeptical eye.
Then, an idea hit me that might explain it. Hopeful thinking?
What if, perhaps, Ryan was sleeping a more normal sleep. One closer to as we (by “we” I do not include myself) experience. This would certainly explain the decline in urine overnight. His body, maybe, is holding it until he gets up in the morning. This would be a good sign, indeed.
I just wish I could know for sure. Knowing might be possible if we can coordinate the sleep study recommended by IBRF. Sue will be working on getting this in motion today.
New CPM on Way
Many will likely know WVU Professor Daniel Brewster. He has done so much for this family, including Kari. Some time ago he bought a CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) machine for Ryan’s legs. Well, it served it purpose well. It was used so much that the motor burnt out.
This machine kept Ryan’s legs limber. It prevented blood clots from forming. It reduced the frequency of urinary tract infections. Yes, my friends, it performed well.
I was mortified when I noticed the distinct electrical smell emanating from it, knowing its time was short.
So, I began looking into replacing it. I even posted it on Ryan’s Wish List. This is where it was noticed by a family in Oklahoma who owns one. It was used for their elderly mother until her passing. They send me an email telling me they would love to donate it to Ryan! Long story short… it will be here tomorrow!
Related articles
- Pay attention to the color and smell of your urine (kevinmd.com)
That just shows that we have Caring people out in the world that they would donate that machine for Ryan. Your Family has so much Support from Everyone and I am So Glad to see that. We are all gonna support Ryan and One day see him up and walking and Back into school and back to living life as it was before. May God Bless
I promised Andrew from the start that I won’t put potty stories on his Carepages but I never said I wouldn’t share them if they might be helpful to others. We put Andrew in “Diapers/Briefs” about 6-8 months after his accident. He was still considered ‘vegetative’. When he did pee it was a flood, usually total bed change. After a few months I asked for a urnial, if I knew he hadn’t done anything for a while I put him on the urnial. It wasn’t really often at first but he started to get good at it. Now 3 years post accident Andrew is in underwear 24/7. I’m not saying we don’t have accidents from time to time but I really think you are right and you should plan on more improvements. Don’t wait for the professionals to tell you to try something new, they never will. A urinal cost less then $5.00 and you can use it as a classy vase when Ryan doesn’t need it.
We are praying for all of you daily and I’m sure you don’t want to hear it but YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB! And I would know. Keep pushing on and expecting great things. They told us Andrew would probably never get out of bed and 2 weeks ago he was up walking on a treadmill for 35 SECONDS. This was his first attempt. We are always expecting great things.
Peace to you for your friends in Muskegon, Michigan.>
Thank you for sharing Andrew’s journey with us. Praise God for his incredible progress! It’s so encouraging to hear… Go, Andrew! Go, Ryan! And may God continue to bless both your family and the Divineys.
Hello Myke!! Andrew is an amazing young man; he has overcome so many obstacles and continues to progress.
Thank you for your post — I am so encouraged every time I read an update about Andrew. Even if he’s struggilng with an issue, I marvel at how determined he is. Hope you will share other insights when the spirit moves you.
Sending love & prayers from Ashburn, VA
Thanks so much to the family from Oklahoma! You are a wonderful family, and so sorry for your loss. I remember seeing your offer for the CPM and reading your story.
Exciting idea about Ryan’s urine pattern! Hoping his tests prove your theory out. Hot, hot, and muggy here today!
Stay cool Diviney’s.
That is awesome about getting a new CPM!
God, and sometimes even people, are so good!
Ken I will pray that less urine at night means something GOOD !!!!And God bless the family in Oklahoma for the leg machine .Ryan is so working every part of his body ,thanks to your great care and friends and family.Still here NGA ..Gail.
P,S, When I try to send something on list ,( and it’s under Ryans List ) when I go to checkout it only asks for my address How does it work to get it sent to you…Says the address will appear ,but doesn’t :(. If anyone can advise me i’ d appreciate it. thanks. Gail
I had the same problem – I just typed it in myself. The address is on the store/wish list page on the top of the Amazon box.
Thanks Nicole ,I’ll try that
goosebumps…after reading todays update. Continue to heal Ryan.
So happy to see that so many of the items on Ryan’s wish list have been/are being checked off!
I never thought I’d get this excited about urine, but this definitely sounds like the dawning of something great 😀
How wonderful! Dear Family from Oklahoma – thank you so much for blessing Ryan and the Diviney family.
Hello Ken! I think you are definitely on to something about Ryan’s sleep patterns. Every day he is healing, and it can be so subtle at times. Then, he does something that points to his continued healing. He is truly a miracle unfolding!!
How generous and caring of the family in Oklahoma to donate their CPM machine to Ryan. Sometimes when I step back and look at the many people who love and support your family, it just makes me feel so good! I think Ryan’s strength and resilience inspire people to want to help him.
Ryan is on the road to recovery and it is a privilege to share his journey with you and your family. All the things you’ve been doing for Ryan — it’s all paying off in spades. Amazing — all of it — everything you’ve done; truly amazing.
Love & prayers always, Paula
I love the story of the equipment coming from another family. How much medical equipment is out there that could be recycled into the homes of families that need it? I am so thankful this family picked up on your need. Great story.
So happy to hear about your observations regarding Ryan. May it be so!
I hope that someday it will be us giving away supplies that are no longer needed.
And your considerable expertise because you have a lot to offer and there will be people extremely grateful to know it.
WOW!! Did everyone see the new event for Ryan that must have just been recently added? AUGUST 20th there is going to be a Ryan Diviney Festival at the Broadlands shopping center!!! Please see the events page for more info!!!