I didn’t post yesterday. Can you really be angry at me? Sue wrote a touching post on Father’s Day that I wanted EVERYONE to read. My ego needs it. It’s nice to hear good things about yourself, am I right?
I was a nice pick-me-up after one of my rougher weeks in a long while.
Don’t get me wrong, we never have a “good” week, in the normal sense anyhow. At least not yet. They are either okay, bad, or awful. Like myself, Sue cycles among these, wandering through anger and heartache and back again. Often the co-exist. It sucks. Big time.
Our life is in a deep rut… and we’re beyond thankful for it! Getting outside the rut likely means something has gone wrong. Oh yes, give us the mundane and routine. We want it. Bring it on. Inject it right in to our veins.
Right now, consistency is our flavor of choice. Sure, we’re walking through something akin to what those of faith call “hell”, but at least we found our stride. We’re not sure where we’re going or where we’ll end up, still we are pushing on. It’s better than lying down and giving-up.
There must be something, anything, better ahead of us.
Loved the post from Sue yesterday, both about you, Ken and her dad. Loving Fathers are so instrumental in turning children into mature, compassionate adults. I hope when I am through this health rut I am in, I can come over and help in some way to make your, Sue and Ryan’s day a bit more joyful, even if for just a little bit. Much love to all of you~
Wonder where this rumor about May came from? I replied too soon– I was so hoping it was true, Ken, but no, it is not. Always here.
p.s. It’s Tuesday — you know what that means — lunch and/or dinner at Ruby Tuesdays!!! Great way to get out of having to cook and you can help Ryan at the same time!! See you there!!
Wish I could do it today, but I’m thrown in too many directions. Maybe next week …
Bring the kids!! : )
“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher” – Chinese proverb
Ken, Sue does not have to post for us to see what an amazing dad you are, you show us EVERY day. Like I said the other day you are amazing in your resourcefullness. I am still amazed at the Wish List you set up through Amazon. I think that’s a stroke of genius! It helps everyone, those who want to help and Ryan. Changing the subject, just read that the Louden County Council waived all fees and variances for your basement project! They are amazing and finally we see government helping those who help themselves! If I lived there I would re-vote them all back in.
And of course if it wasn’t for Brian T. and Michael and Son this would not be in the stages it is in. Kudos to them, good men raising good kids! Also, just to get my “thumbs down” for the day,…. Can’t believe that Jon May has made an attempt to pay! Guess he did not like that everyone saw what a low life he still is, out of jail and no remorse, no payment. Snuck out of Morgantown after the fight, snuck out of jail, and now sending pennies. How thoughtful of him, kind of reminds me of “Pennies from Heaven” Guess he needed a vacation after his prison time, maybe that is what took him a while to send his “pennies”. If it was not for Jon May, Ryan would not have been on the ground for Austin to kick him, he is just as guilty as Austin. Shame on him and shame on his parents for still not making him responsible for his actions. Like you and Sue, several of Ryan’s friends families have periods of anger. It’s hard not to when you see such cold callus behavior toward the victim.
He DID make a payment? How did I miss this??
No. He did not.
And me, I missed it, too! I have hope for this young man, and I hope that Vantrease will do the same as May — pay!
Sorry! I thought Ken’s news said he has paid cents! In that case, more than shame on him!
Hello Ken,
I still believe the day will come when you and Sue will have a *good* week.
A while back, you wrote something like — “if you’re bored, be thankful, because that means you’re not in terrible stress” or something like that. I have never forgotten that.
I still believe in miracles, I believe in you and your family, and eagerly anticipate continued recovery for Ryan each day.
“… but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ”
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Respect & Love for you and your family, Ken. Keep believing!!
I remember writing that on FaceBook. We were in Atlanta (at Shepherd Center) at the time. Must have been around January 2010.
You are never more than a breath outside my thoughts. Kari’s persistant fight for happiness in your world inspires me. I know she has horrible days, but she just fights so hard to give you joy, I love that about her. You and Sue are the kind of parents that most of us wish we could be when things are easy, can’t imagine adding the challenge of life not being so good and still being the parents you are. And Ryan, our dear Ryan… we love that you share him with us. You hear in sports, “oh, he’s a fighter”, but wow, what a fighter he is. We are honored to be his surrogate family and cheering squad. Hope today gives you another small miracle. You are never alone!
Ken, I believe that good things are right around the corner! I think you mentioned in the past, it’s not a race it’s a marathon. You are the “Marathon Man”. I just hope your back holds up.
Sue’s tribute was both lovely and heartbreaking. I cried several times reading it the other day. I know right now faith is a struggle for you, but today my inspirational calendar had the following scripture, and I thought it might bring comfort to you:
For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. ~~Psalm 48:14
God is guiding you, even in those peaks, valleys, and ruts. Still here, still praying, NGA.