I must start by telling you how sincerely grateful we are for everything done for Ryan. Like I’ve said before, he never would be in the best possible place to come back to us without your help.
The generous response is more than I ever imagined. It’s a much needed reminder to me just how much people care for Ryan. You see, I often worry that people will move on with their lives with him as a thought that pops up now and then.
In shot this short clip yesterday morning. It shows Ryan using a new piece of therapy equipment bought from his wish list. By its very nature, this is the best sample of how we immediately put your gifts to work (from supplements to medications to equipment). I thought about showing a video of me eating the meals people bring, but inhaling a meal (they’re fuddrucking delicious) would just make me look silly…
I can hardly contain myself each day waiting for the mailman or FedEx. Both for receiving something that will help Ryan and my daily renewal of belief that there are many good people in this world. People who never think twice to help another person in need. Those that can counter the evil and hatred. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hi Ken,
I watched this video a couple times and it is so wonderful to see that everyone’s contributions are helping with his recovery! Please know that your family and Ryan are always on my mind and that will never end. I visited with my Dad today for father’s day and had such a great time with him. I hope that you and your kids had a nice day together. Words cannot explain what an inspiration you are in your dedication and love for your family. Happy Father’s Day to you!!!
Excellent piece of equipment. Ryan’s arm get movement–while you are free to do something else for Ryan…
Had to send this. So after sending you a message yesterday, I sat down to talk with my son. I was explaining to him how kind it was for you to take the time with talking to him. That you reached out to someone in need with kind words. Taking time to talk with and be of encouragement when you have so much going on taking care of Ryan. He looked a little confused at me and said. “Mom I’m not talking about that Ryan’s dad”. “Gosh MOM”. LOL oops…Just goes to show you, when someone says Ryan, he is the first one to come to mind. Happy Fathers Day. Becky
Yes, it seems that Ryan Diviney is the ‘first’ Ryan that comes to mind for most of us.
its gail and craig again (villanova, pa). could you please send me the information on that piece of equipment that you just got. also, any info on any physical therapy equipment that you have at home. just starting that project for craig, and you may be able to save some steps and time.
happy fathers day.
I loved your post today. The appreciation you show for what comes naturally for so many (the act of giving) is so meaningful to all of us. Seeing Ryan, and hearing your voice explaining his new piece of exercise equipment is a joy to see. None of us ever doubted that every cent contributed goes to his care, but to see it in action is inspiring. Hopefully, this will allow a bit of healing for your own hands as well.
Those of us who have made the commitment to keep Ryan and your family a part of our family must contiue to spread the word about Ryan’s story, and the effects of TBI’s on the individual and their families.
I have been a bit out of the loop for a week or so because of my own health. Please do not ever think I have drifted away from keeping Ryan a priority. He and I have a standing 12:00 prayer date daily. Re-read this whenever you are doubting whether Ryan remains a priority with people. He does and will remain so. Have a love filled Father’s Day! Much love~Jen
I love the new video. not only is the machine good for Ryan, but that means you aren’t sitting there moving his arms round and round. Even though it will be less work for you, I think you will just find something else to do instead of resting.
Ken, Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful, dedicated Father! YTM!
Ken, your commitment, perseverance and love is endless and beautiful. More than that, we can see the results of your work. I wish you a wonderful Father’s Day tomorrow. Having all your family together is a blessing.
This morning my son Joshua woke up out of sleep to tell me the kind words you said to him. I wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to talk with him. This (as you know) is very hard on the family. So you speaking with him means alot to me. I look at your page everyday and include Ryan in my prayers. As much I hope for Courtney I hope for Ryan. You, Sue, Ryan and Kari are just such an inspiration to me. I pray that when Courtney comes home I can help her stay as healthy as you have kept Ryan. He looks wonderful!!! All our Love and Prayers, Becky
Praying for Courtney to heal ,Stay strong!!!!
Dear Ken We will always be here for Ryan,doing all we can to help.You all and Ryan will always be in our thoughts and prayers Never forget that ..Still here ,Always here!,, Have a Happy Fathers Day and tell Ryan to keep it up with the arm machine,He’s doing great …..Love Gail
Look at Ryan!! Every day he is healing and progressing. Thank you Ken, Sue and Kari for giving Ryan the love and strength he needs to keep getting better. Thank you to all the family, friends and strangers who believe in Ryan’s ability to overcome and continue to show love and support for him.
And thank God for Love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things; Love never fails.
Hope you and your family enjoy a positive weekend, together, Ken. There will never be a time when you and your family are not near and dear to our hearts!!
Hug, Paula
Ken, seeing this video just gives me even more incentive to continue to help raise money for Ryan. Keep up the great work with Ryan…..Still Here. Always here!
Ken, This video of Ryan using his new toy brings tears to my eyes. This video of him, his excellent lab values, and his overall physical condition are a testament to you, Sue and Kari. What a wonderful example of a father you are to showcase for this Father’s Day weekend. The hours of computer research you do, surrounding Ryan with certain houseplants and creating the Store/Wish List is a perfect example of how a super father would dig down deep for their family to give them what they need. Don’t ever think we will go on with our lives and have Ryan be a fleeting thought here and there. First thing every morning I do is check on Ryan, last thing every night I do is check on Ryan.
I will do this until he is well or I die. Know that his friends might not be there physically as much as before, but Ryan is always in their heart and thoughts. We talk about any progress he makes or any thing on the blog/facebook daily here in our home. He is and will always be with them. I love that you are recieving daily gifts, we have a monthly budget in our home and we have included an order from Ryans list in the monthly budget, so keep the list going. It makes us feel helpful, live to far to help prepare meals, but this is a great way to really feel like we are making a difference.
You are super Ken! Have a peaceful Father’s Day weekend!