Thank You
Yesterday Greg Wells held the golf tournament at the 1757 Golf Club in support of Ryan. Really, we couldn’t have asked for a better day weather-wise. Temperatures in the 70’s, not much wind, and not a rain cloud in sight. Perfect weather at a beautiful venue.
It was my honor to finally meet Greg in person. A man who made wonderful things happen yesterday.
I’m touched that Greg took on Ryan’s cause. He didn’t even know us (nor we him) until earlier in the year. He was moved by our son’s never-ending trial and simply wanted to help. And he’s a man who can get things done, in a big way.
The event was nothing short of spectacular. Thank you, Greg and everyone who donated merchandise, bid on items, and pitched in to help! It means so much to us.
A Nice Surprise
It was a blast from the past. Kari and I had just arrived at the event when a man walked over that looked very familiar. I knew I knew him, but couldn’t place it. Twenty-five years separation can do this to a person. Then another man walked over, and I recognized him right away.
Standing before were two men that I hadn’t seen since college. My Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity brothers. But not just any brothers. One was my Big Brother, Kevin, and the other was my Little Brother, Tim. It was another one of those moments were I had to do everything in my power to keep it together. I was so nice seeing them (and two other brothers) looking well.
When the event was over, we stood in the parking lot for 30 minutes or so talking. Kevin reached into his trunk and pulled out the paddle I made him. He kept it all these years. Memories of college rushed in. Those we great times.
I do have to brag a bit here. Kari was genuinely impressed with my skills making and painting the paddle. I told her how I spent countless hours using a toothpick as a paint brush to get the details just so. Seeing it yesterday makes me think I’m so much more than a stick figure artist!
Tim says
Ken, it was great seeing you. I am sorry it was after 20 years, but I am glad to see you and meet Kari. Funny, I felt like I knew her for a long time.
Greg Wells and his team of volunteers did such a great job in a a very short time! Thanks for all of your efforts. I was very impressed with the generosity of so many folks, although I think a few glasses of wine put a few folks in a good mood. (just kidding) –
The Colangelis says
Nice job Greg! To hear the event ran so smoothly is a testament to all the effort and planning that went into it. I’m sure the participants also enjoyed it — I know I really enjoy playing in tournaments that are well organized and makes for a fun day by all — especially when the proceeds go to a good cause as well. Very kind and generous thing on your part — especially when it requires a lot of one’s personal time and effort.
Galya says
What a wonderful experience you had!!! I am sooooo glad for you!
Mike says
I’m glad the event went off well, that’s good news 😀 Also glad you got to see some of your college buddies and reminisce for a little bit. As a fraternity man I understand how that must have felt, especially after your big brother took the paddle you made him all those years ago. I still have mine and will hold onto them forever. Hope you and the family have a nice, peaceful weekend.
J.R. says
Yeah, I think I’m with her in being shocked that you were a frat brother back in the ’80s. Seriously. No, I mean it. LOL.
I’m only a year out from college(University of Delaware Class of ’10), so I can only imagine what a treat it will be to run into old college friends you haven’t seen in twenty-five years. It’s pretty touching to hear that your old friends came out to help, so many decades later.
Ms. Blasé says
What Greg Wells did is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It’s always nice to read another story detailing how Ryan motivated people to come together for good. Nice way to start my Friday 🙂
And you (*insert massive amount of sarcasm*) as a frat brother? No! 😀 Glad you got a chance to catch up with your brothers. Moments like those can be so energizing, like a shot of adrenaline. And now that you’ve confessed to possessing some mean art skills, stick figures will no longer be acceptable.