The upstart Rotary Club of Ashburn held an “amazing” fundraiser event for Ryan on Saturday night. Sue attended and was truly impressed. I kid you not, she just keeps going on and on about it. She tells me the key-note speaker, John Warren (local Rotary Club President), delivered an incredible speech. Apparently, it involved some humor at my expensive. I love it! Remember, you can’t offend me… I’m married!
Sue found herself overcome with emotion and appreciation at all the love and support from the community. She cried as she told me about the event when she came home. She was still crying (in a good way) the next morning. She talked about all the wonderful people who attended, to include my harem (as she now refers to them), the prayer warriors, the rotary club, our neighbors, and so many others.
In just a few days (Thursday), Kari is coming home for the summer! Her last final exam is Wednesday afternoon. So far, just one final grade is in; she got an “A” in Advertising 215! I wish her well with the rest of her semester.
I’ll drive to WVU on Thursday to move her out. I’m hoping my neighbor from two houses up will allow me the use of their van, since I’m certain Kari is coming home with more than she went. I had intended to just move much of her belonging into her new off-campus house, but she is not allowed in until May 20.
Much headway was made “decluttering” the basement this weekend. As I said last week, we intend to move Ryan down as soon as possible. Thank you to Michelle and the Prayer Warriors for all your hard work helping Sue go through our belonging. I just hope I didn’t hide anything incriminating or embarrassing in all that clutter (like a stash of porn and cigars)…
Right now, the bulk of the belongings in the storage area are moved into the finished section. Piles (or, more accurately, mountains) are label with various destination: Goodwill, garage, storage and trash. We have so much trash (I’m proud of you, Sue) that I just might take a picture of it when I put it on the curb for pick-up.
Meanwhile, Bryan Tiplady (or, as Ryan calls him, Mr. T) is pulling together the logistics and volunteers for finishing it out. He is even going so far as to measure the air particles circulating through our home! This is a monumental undertaking and we simply cannot thank him enough.
Ryan’s “Allergies”
For the most part, it seems Ryan’s allergies (or whatever was making him cough last month) has quieted down. He’s not having the coughing fits any longer. Still, at night I hear him cough every once-in-a-while. It’s a welcome improvement!
Miranda says
Hi Mr. Ken!!! 🙂
It was wonderful visiting you and your family on Sunday. That was an especially hard day for me–my friend had died that morning–I cannot thank you enough for inviting me into your home and helping me to take my mind off of things…I always feel so much happiness seeing Ryan and how healthy he is <3 I hope to visit you guys again someday, Ms. Sue and I laughed a lot when sorting through things in the basement–I learned what an "8 Track Tape" was!! 😀 Goodbye for now, and I hope that you are hanging in there as you take the night shift, I'm sending you a big big hug, and one for Ryan, Duke, and Tucker as well <3 Xoxo
The Colangelis says
Good luck with the start of the basement renovation. It will be a much more comfortable set-up for you and Ryan when you’re done. Our prayers continue for Ryan and I know he’s getting better. God Bless Ryan and his family.
J.R. says
The fact that Ryan can cough by himself is a good thing, right?
Dianne says
Yes, that is a good thing.
Paula says
The Rotary party was fantastic!! This organization pulled out all the stops to make this event a first class affair. There was great music, drinks, delicious food and so many interesting and amazing items at the silent auction. Unless I was dreaming it (anything is possible with me) I believe Senator Mark Herring was there!! Wow!! John Warren and all his colleagues who made this happen deserve our deepest gratitude for everything they did. You guys are simply aweseome!! Lorraine L. got the coolest auction item (in my opinion lol), a Woodstock pendant made from the actual fence at Woodstock. It also had the most amazing picture ever of a “magic bus.” Makes me want to get on that bus and stay on it lol. Congrats Lorraine!!!!! signed, jealous in Ashburn
Brittany says
Paula, I’ve witnessed your unwavering support for Ryan and his family since day one. It gives me so much hope knowing that there are still kind, caring individuals like you in this world. Thank you for all that you (and the Ashburn community) have done to help provide strength and support to the Diviney clan. God bless you!
Ms. Blasé says
“We have so much trash… that I just might take a picture of it…”
Something about that just sounds scary 😯
Dianne says
I assume the garage is the next project? If I help with that it might motivate me to tackle our garage! Hope you and Ryan have a good day!!
Rita says
No porn but lots of 8-track tapes 🙂
ryansrally.org says
I’d have felt better if you’d found porn instead!
Rita says
I promise I’ll never reveal what you used to listen to in the 70s, but be forewarned that Sue now has some ammunition she can zing you with if you cross the line, Ken!
Rita says
I promise not to reveal what music you used to listen to in the 70s, but know that Sue now has something she could zing you with if you ever cross the line, Ken 😉