Our Strength is Needed
Very early this morning the following email hit my inbox. Our help is urgently needed to protect this family from what I perceive as unfair and uncaring behavior. This will only take a couple minutes of your time, but will have profound impact. Please, I beg you, take the time.
From: Jane Martellino (of Yes! GraceRocks)
Another one of the patients that Yes! Grace supports in a non-financial way (they asked only for prayer and to join forces with them on helmet safety which we are currently designing a t-shirt). If they ever need a grant, they know they can apply. But they do need our help with getting this word out (see email below):
———— Forwarded Message to Jane ————
We desperately need your help! United Healthcare is denying further coverage for Joseph at TIRR. On Monday they make the final decision to not only cut off coverage, but put us in a position of owing back medical bills. The worst part is that Joseph meets all the requirements for coverage and UHC is STILL denying coverage. If we all can band together over the weekend and make A LOT of “noise”, we believe we can get UHC to change their minds and do the right thing for Joseph and continue his care that he needs and is positively responding to at TIRR. If you can do 1 or ALL of the following and ask all your friends and family to do the same, then we have a great chance!
This web “bombing” is not unnoticed by United Healthcare, so please please, please help us help Joseph!!
“like” and comment on [Jospeh’s] Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UHC-is-Denying-Care-Unite-for-Joseph-NOW/127569453984216#!/pages/UHC-is-Denying-Care-Unite-for-Joseph-NOW/127569453984216
For those on Twitter. TWEET on Twitter @UHCFEDS and let them know how unfair and unacceptable this is to deny care to people that are deserving and progressing.
For those non-tech savy warriors…
Click on the following link and e-mail these people with your concerns and thoughts about Joseph’s care. We need to continue to reach out to them so THEY HEAR US! Title the subject to get their attention. http://www.uhc.com/news_room/media_contacts/relatedinformation/ff61abdc57e1a010VgnVCM100000c520720a____.htm
Email the following PR folks at UHC: Donald_nathan@uhc.com;Kelley_knigge@uhc.com;Anayo_afolabi@uhc.com;Kim_t_whitaker@uhc.com;Tyler_mason@uhc.com;Daryl_richard@uhc.com;
Please take the time and voice your opinion – trust me UHC is listening to these Social Media sites.
And don’t be shy about voicing your opinion ALL weekend LONG!! Thank you so much!!
(Joseph’s Sister)
Subject: announcement
Ryan’s Rally has strength and influence is so many ways. You are a powerful group of loving, intelligent, and unselfish people. Our family has lived this firsthand. I hope you will make this family’s struggle easier.
Jane Martellino says
Thank you all for posting on behalf of Joseph. I will give Ken an update once we know anything more.
Gail Doyle says
Already did,very unfair situation ,these insurance co.don’t see the day to day life the patient is going through:(
Vicky says
BTW, what is the update on Ryan’s therapy visits?
How did last night go?
Vicky says
Paula says
ditto. Damn it this makes me mad.