Sue and I have been kicking around the idea of moving Ryan, all his equipment and items to the basement level. It would be a somewhat massive undertaking, given the weight of his bed and shear volume of equipment. The storage area is beyond a mess. But, here’s our thinking…
The basement is 2/3 finished, with a storage area that we’d like to tackle in phase II. This area would eventually be Ryan’s room, with a small sitting room off of it — where Sue or I could go for a little privacy — while being within earshot and arm shot of Ryan. We have a full bathroom already in place. The idea would be to convert the tub/shower into a zero-entry shower. We believe Ryan benefited greatly from showering when at Kessler. Since being home, we have not had this ability and have been giving him bed baths (which, by the way, creates loads of laundry).
We also have a walk-out basement, which means we could easily take him outside onto a deck. It also offers seclusion and has a beautiful view. Further, it is there in case of an emergency, provided we lay a sidewalk for easy access. The basement does have two full-sized double windows to provide natural light, but I’m sure we’d need to beef up the illumination.
The “main” area of the basement is wide-open, with no walls (just a support pillar). This is ideal for making into a therapy area.
The nice thing is, we could begin converting this at any time once we have emergency access available. I can’t think of a single thing we would sacrifice.
I will coodinate and manage this effort for Ryan and the Diviney Family
In the next few days, I will do an assessment to identify the necessary work and wish to begin identifying resources for this effort.
I will be looking for volunteers who posess the following skills. If you have capabilities or can recommend the “right person” to assist, please contact me at
I will be looking for the following skills
Basic/finish carpentry (walls, floors, ceiling, trim)
Plumbing (install bathroom)
Electrical (Wire new space)
Drywall (finisher)
I can be reached at Please submit your name and skill(s) and the level of effort that you are willing to provide.
Thanks and blessings to all.
Bryan, thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like another great idea. I wish we were closer so we could help. Please let me know if there is anything we can do from here.
Great idea and rally the troups to assist you. People will bless you with the gifts they have to share.
yes and just think – if it is a man cave, you can put up old Farrah posters for you and Ryan to enjoy and even smoke your cigars. Sue will never know.
I think you are the best…. every day I think about how wonderful you are.. can you ask the other people if you could post ther info so I can follow them too… I took care of my brother for a lot of years before he passed.. love jo
Sounds like you got it all planned out. My Preachers wife had a anurism and bad stroke a couple yrs ago. Since that he put in a shower where he can just put the chair right into the shower its like the ones they have at facilities for wheelchair accessable. He says it really helps alot. Because she cant walk along with other things but the shower thing really helps with her now. Hope that everything goes well with your plans.
Will give you the opportunity to do a little work to complete finishing the basement while having Ryan in view. Also, Ryan may welcome the different sounds and activity of watching your work. Sounds great to me. Good luck with the move.
Sounds like a brilliant idea 🙂
Although I’m not available during the work week, I can certainly lend a hand on the weekend. Just let us know when Ryan’s big move is.
This sounds like a great idea, Ken. We had Kerri in the middle of our great room before we moved since her bedroom was upstairs. We used to carry her in a bath chair and lower her into my bath tub every other night. The rest of the times she had bed baths.
We were fortunate to find a home with a roll-in shower in the her bathroom. Our house was built for a handicapped person. Kerri gets a shower everyday and she really enjoys it. I hope your plan becomes a reality!
Any dampness problems down there?
Are you thinking about possible mold issues?
No dampness. We have great movement and since only a portion is underground, it is not as inclined to become damp. We have a gravel drainage system under the cement slab, that leads to a sump pump. I’ve never heard it go on.
Great thinking, Ken! Was wondering if there could be a deck upstairs with a ramp leading down to a patio area outside the basement. I googled a few pictures to get some ideas. As you said, a pathway would go from the patio to the front of the house. The shower is an excellent idea — there’s something about a shower that stirs up the senses. Sounds like you got a man cave in the works for the basement — awesome : )
lol on the *mancave*…. however I vote for keeping Ryan upstairs I think he would be happier upstairs with you and Sue.
Good thinking, sounds like the thing to do. Good luck
This sounds great! I’m here to help, too!!
We moved our Thomas to the downstairs part of the house (walkout basement) quite a few years ago. It was very difficult emotionally for me- it seemed like he was in a different country. That feeling passed after 3 days and now I would recommend doing it to everyone. We now have the freedom to move about our home (when the nurse is here) wearing only our underwear if we wanted to. We can leave bank statements and private papers out on the counter without wondering eyes looking at them.
We did get a platform stairlift put in when we moved Thomas downstairs. He comes up to supper every night with the family. This lift was a lifesaver one evening when there was a fire downstairs between us and the door. Thank God that Thomas was already in his wheelchair- we just loaded him on the lift and he exited out the upper level.
It occurs to me Ken that Sue would be really relieved to think that if you are running around in your underwear that only family would see you. I have a feeling if the day inspires you, you really don’t care if a nurse is there or not if you are in your underwear and need to go somewhere near Ryan!
Wait?!? I have to wear underwear???
Great idea! Just say the word and we will be there!
Excellent, & I’m in to help!! <3
I have to say I have read your post with envy, because taking care of JMan in an apartment is extremely difficult and totally understand the bed bath thing. I probably dream daily of what you are writing about. I pray that this can happen for you and I believe it will. I know HE knows how it will happen and HE already has a plan. Putting the thoughts out there is one of the first steps. Praying.
Sounds like a plan, Ken! Volunteers? I know you are out there!