The Text the Explains Much
On Monday, April 4 at 10:31 PM, I was surprised to receive a text message from an employee of Capital Home Health Care (CHHC). You will remember how CHHC unceremoniously “discharged” Ryan from receiving their therapy. They said they contacted insurance to advise, but there is definitely some questions about that too. More on that later.
As you will see in the following transcribed text message, this employee (who shall remain nameless for now) offered to send me a letter to save her integrity. I never received it, despite asking for it again and again.
Well, here you go (as written… please insert the punctuation and disregard the spelling errors). This text was so long, it came in as three text bubbles.
I need to talk to you i am sorry this ssituation got so out of hand i am upset and need to explain everything to you capital and i did ryan wrong
I was pressured into something by the company that i should not have been capital has told me not to talk with you i do not care i need to save my integrity
What you have heard from me is not who i am if you will read it id like to send you a letter. [Signed]
Insurance Has no Record of Being Contacted
When we called our insurance company last week to look into other therapy organizations we were hit with another bombshell. Amazingly, they had no record of being contacted by CHHC to neither notify them of Ryan’s discharged nor inquire about other agencies they could refer us to. This is clearly in complete contrast to what I was told in the previous Monday’s voice mail. In fact, it was the first the case manager heard of this!
Adding Insult to Injury
Last December, at the CHHC holiday party, the company president (I believe) got up in front of all the employees and announced that CHHC would be donating a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to help us three days a weeks for 4 hours each day. This was to start immediately. This position would do tasks in support of Ryan. Examples would include doing his laundry, cleaning his room, cleaning his equipment, and so on.
Well, on the first day the CNA was to arrive, she called in sick (at least that’s what I was told). Let me just put it this way, it must be one hell of an illness because CHHC never fulfilled their pledge. To this day, CHHC hasn’t sent a CNA!
It seems to me this is a company that operates unethically, but I’ll let you make-up your own mind.
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Sam Durham says
Dear Employee, if you are reading this, please send the letter. My sister made a comment once regarding one of the attackers friends, a brave young lady, that testified AGAINST her “friend” saying the following, “some people just have been brought up so well they just aren’t able to not do the right thing, no matter how hard it is”. I hope you do the same thing, though I can imagine the pressure you are under. You will sleep better at night and you will surely find a better job with a company that cares as much as you appear to. Ryan is worth it. Your peace of mind is worth it. CHHC is not worth it.
Paula says
Anna says
Who raises these people? People like May, Vantrease, the “president” of CHHC, and any employees involved in this insurance scam. These people have been shown no moral compass or value of human life. Too bad for them because they are missing out on alot in life that can be good. Shame on all of them!
Paula says
Wow. I hope this employee follows through and sends a letter to you. If she (he?) does not follow through with that, then a conversation would be extremely helpful. This person has been put into an untenable situation, but it sounds like she wants to do the right thing. If the company forced her to break the law, more trouble is afoot.
I am assuming that the insurance company will pursue CHHC about its dishonest behavior. This is important because the lies that CHHC is telling could directly affect the reputation of your insurance company. After all, CHHC is blaming the insurance company for its own misdoings, and not only that, does not seem to be fulfilling its contractual agreement with the insurance company.
Which brings me to another thought…I hope CHHC is conducting all its business affairs above board. I hope there isn’t any kind of fraud going on here in which Medicaid and/or the insurance company is perhaps being billed for services that may never have been provided (to Ryan). That would be fraud. To the best of my knowledge it’s a federal crime to bill medicare/medicaid for services not provided — a felony. I’m just sayin’ …
The insurance company knows all this and I hope will conduct a *thorough* investigation into this matter. There is a piece to this puzzle that is missing, and, I think the insurance would do well to find out what it is.
Meanwhile, in my opinion, Ryan has been re-victimized by having been denied services under potentially fraudulent circumstances. Companies should not put themselves out there as being in the business of helping others get better if that’s not what they do. I hope you can find out how to file a formal complaint with your insurance company in order to get to the bottom of this. They need to know if something is amiss. And for what it’s worth, I think Ryan deserves compensation for lost time in therapy. He doesn’t deserve this crap.
Carla Liberty says
Paula you are so right. What I don’t understand is….why did they want to stop providing care if they were getting paid to provide this service and weren’t getting any flak from the insurance company about it? What was it about them? Were they feeling guilty that they never provided the “donated care” that they told Ken they would give? Were they just trying to slink away quietly? I can tell you that CHHC’s name is lower than slug slime in my book, and when I find out the TRUE CAUSE as to why they decided to leave Ryan high and dry….God help them, because I will be calling Seven on Your Side and Lord knows who else! We will expose these frauds for who/what they are! If this individual therapist was being told to do something (maybe her feet were being held to the fire) and was afraid of losing her job as a result…she has grounds for a lawsuit too. It’s called Employment Practices Liability. The more that comes out….the more I feel CHHC is going to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. And I’ll be waving bye-bye and good flipping riddance!
Vicky Scott says
Keep digging. Keep exposing. Not only for Ryan, but for others in similar situations.