Okay. Never saw this one coming. Yet, it makes perfect sense. I am certain I developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist. I checked my symptoms online, and sure enough, I am the new poster child.
Worse yet, one of the symptoms is loss of sleep! Seriously?
I have no doubt how I developed it. I spend hours twisting Ryan’s toes, fingers, and limbs. On top of this, crushing pills all day only compounds it. At first I found it curious that it developed in my non-dominant hand. After some thought I realized this stands to reason, as my left is weaker.
To me, this is just another outcome left in the debris field of November 7, 2009. Sure, I blame Vantrease and May for my carpal tunnel syndrome. Just as I blame them for my stress, lack of sleep, loss of intimacy, cabin fever, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and ingrown toenail. Okay, Okay, maybe not the ingrown toenail. I blame that one on my parents and their genes. I’m sure Ryan does the same to me. 🙂
Enough about me.
Sue and I will be on a video conference call with IBRF this afternoon. The purpose is to begin educating us on administering their protocol. Much (but not all) will hinge on the outcome of Ryan’s blood work, but we want to be ready to move forward. At least for now we are assuming there will be no issues found. In fact, we began giving Ryan a new supplement already. He received his first dose last night and had another this morning.
I intend to put out another post later today, after our video conference. Please check back.
You know i thought that i had CTS but it came to be Gout. It was in both wrist and hurt so bad. It was hard to do daily things at work and they was gonna send me for a test since they thought it was CTS but like i said it ended up being Gout. So if you happen to get it in both wrist that may be what it is. Best of Luck!
Hi Ken,
Like everyone else above, I just have to say, this is THE LAST thing you need right now. I can’t do much but I can continue to offer prayers (and crabcakes!!!). See you Sunday, that is if you aren’t sick of them????
Sick of crab cakes? Is that possible lol?
Dear Ken .Just one more issue you don,t need .Hopefully you will find sometime to have it looked at ;Praying the conference call goes well and blood work is all good Take Care ~SHSP. Gail
Ken, I am so sorry to hear about this added problem for you. I too have had CTS in both hands. Most likely, and I am not a medical professional, if it is just tendonitis of the wrist, splints and rest will help it, but if it is full blown CTS, only surgery will take care of it. Don’t let it go too long, it will only get worse and become more painful and aggrivating. I will add this, even though I know you are not in Morgantown. Dr. Gregg O’Malley at Mountainstate Orthopedics in Morgantown, walks on water for this operation. For me, it was same day surgery, local anesthetic, and he had me back on my hands in no time. I know lots and lots of other people who have seen him also. I did my homework before I went to see him. Good luck with this and with the call from IBRF. Still here, still praying.
And locally (here in Ashburn), Dr. Lower is an excellent orthopedic surgeon.
One of my clients and friends is also a very respected orthopaedic surgeon. Dr. Stephen W. Pournaras. (703)391-0111. He is in Fairfax and treats many of my family members.
I second that about Dr. Lower — if you go to his practice, make sure you get him specifically. The best docs are always the busiest : )
Maybe you could get one of there to help with the pill crushing?
Not sure if the electronic one is avaliable yet, but there are other models that seem easy.
Good luck with the video conference — we will be lifting you and Sue up in prayer to be encouraged by the guidance you receive from the IBRF experts.
I initially developed CTS in both wrists during my first pregnancy. It was exacerbated by the repetitive labwork I used to do until I finally had the surgery to correct it, but it took years to reach that point. (It was worse in my non-dominant hand also.) In the meantime, yes — wearing splints, especially at night, does help. CTS definitely interferes with sleep. (How often to you wake up during the night with your hand/arm asleep?) Taking something like Aleve for the inflammation in your wrists might also be helpful. So sorry you have one more annoying issue to deal with…
Hi Ken, I had to start wearing a special glove on my wrist because it began tingling and then started to affect my ability to use my hands. This happened from copious amounts of writing, and I did not see it coming. It makes sense that through the intense use of your hands and arms, strong though they are, the repetitive motion is messing with the nerves. It won’t go away, as I once tried to convince myself, so just tell your doc about it and they’ll help you find the best solution. Take care of yourself as best you can, I know that probably sounds ridiculous because, after all, exactly when do you have the time for that. With God, all things are possible, even in the seemingly impossible…for real.
So sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel syndrome. I have it too and it stinks. At a minimum, get a good splint from the doctor. They have them OTC, but they’re really not worth it. They do help relieve the pain and tingling quite a bit. Dr. Rodriguez might be able to help you out with it. Good luck with your CTS and especiallly with your video conference today. <3
I suggest the same. Get to your Doctor, for Ryan’s sake. All those symptoms need attention as soon as posible. My prayers continue.
How your own supplements, Son! I would tell you to take 600 mg. ibuproven and call me in the morning, but that OTC med. sometimes aggravates hypertension. LOL How about getting a complete physical, check vitamins, esp. D3, B12, magnesium and whatever the doctor orders. I learned everything I know from my nutritionist, and your physician will likely order you to see one, too. I hope you feel better, but little hope for that until you begin to take care of yourself as well as you take care of Ryan. Still here, and yes, I am old enough to be your mother, and I have learned a lot over the years. Love
Ken thanks for keeping us updated! Will check in this afternoon, keeping my fingers crossed.