Yesterday’s news of Ryan’s acceptance into the IBRF protocol is certainly the best we’ve heard in some time. While we appreciate and can surely claim some of the credit for making this possible, the simple truth is it would never have happened without the outpouring of support.
Obviously, all the fundraisers and financial donations allowed us to move forward. Without this, Ryan is ready without means. We put the $25,000 installment on our credit card and will float this for thirty days or so. Then we’ll tap into the funds provided by all of you to pay it off.
Beyond the money, the community has provided for us in ways that allowed us to remain entirely focused on Ryan’s recovery. The meals cooked for us have given untold hours that we, in turn, spent working with Ryan. I wish I could list and remember all the kind acts. What I will never forget is how it freed us up to do our best for Ryan.
Last night we watched the State of the Union with Ryan. Ryan loved watching and critiquing most political speeches, but the State of the Union was probably his favorite. Anyhow, the President was talking about how people make a difference. Think big and help your fellow-man, was his underlying message. Although he was talking about small business, I immediately thought of the support system that envelopes Ryan. I was touched so deeply in that moment. I think of all of you often. I thank you for loving my son.
You always say things so eloquently, but to be honest, if everyone who follows this website could send $1 or what they could comfortably afford as a donation, it would make a world of difference in Ryan’s world! As a nurse, I can tell everyone there is so much equipment that insurance does NOT cover. As a mother of a severely disabled child, I can honestly say it is a labor of love that drives this entire family. I think how much we each spend daily on a cup of Starbuck’s or a quick sandwich. Let’s show some power behind our kind words and challenge each other to make another difference in Ryan’s life…..
I totally agree, Michele, and I hope and pray everyone jumps on the bandwagon and helps Ryan to get the treatment he needs and deserves!!
We love you Ken, Sue, Ryan and Kari….XOXOOXXO
My father was a minister and one of the things I remember him saying over and over was : “You have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and walk a mile in them.” In my mind, I cannot put myself in the shoes of Ryan or his family because the ability to comprehend this kind of tragedy and pain is beyond me. I CAN put myself in the shoes of a mother (or father!) who loves their child more than anything in the world and would do anything for them…so I follow the FB page, the blog, and donate what I can. For me to make a monetary donation, no matter the size, cannot compare to the sacrifices and struggles this family endures now on a daily basis, and for years to come. Please donate.
Ken, we love you too!!!
I might be the pain here, but I just want to make sure this messages stays in front so I will likely post it a lot. Donations are so critical to keeping Ryan moving here. If you can give even just a little, please consider it. I have not yet met Ryan, though I plan to one day, but I give a little every so often, as I can slip into my budget because I know that a lot of people doing even just a little makes a huge difference. Here is the donation information again. Please understand to use the paypal link you do NOT have to have a paypal account:
Donations for Ryan can be made via paypal at
or mail to:
Ryan’s Rally
c/o Ashburn Village Sports Pavilion
20585 Ashburn Village Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147
I have been having trouble since last night trying to get my credit card through for a donation….I am using a Mastercard. It says I can’t use that type of card. My friend Paula just tried, and it would ONLY allow her to use a Mastercard. I’m a little confused by this! If the site is doing this, I pray it doesn’t send people away. I will make a donation regardless, whether it is mailed or not, but just wanted to give you the heads up.
Prior to this I have always made donations through Ryans Rally with no problems.
PS: this is the message I get:
The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number.
Dear Ken Like so many other people ,I also first saw you on the Today show and my heart went out to you all for such a vicious ,senseless thing to happen to Ryan ,breaks all our hearts. We are with you through all that is to come. And I truly believe “our” Ryan will get better. Thank you for sharing ~
I have been following your story since I saw it on the Today Show. I have two children and I was so outraged by what happened to Ryan and also touched so deeply by your family’s love for him. I can truly not imagine how difficult it is to process what those boys did to Ryan. But I do know that your family has great strength and I have faith that Ryan will make a great deal of progress with his acceptance to IBRF. I am praying for your family and wishing all the best for your family during your son’s recovery.
Wow Ken — we love you, Kari, Sue and Ryan — and for myself, the Lord has given me a great abundance of drive to help take care of you and to look out for Ryan. I could hardly believe it when I read your words to “go big,” for those are the exact words He put on our hearts months ago — to go big for Ryan, don’t be afraid, have faith and do it. I am anticipating many good things to come, praise God!! I hope you, Ryan and Sue have a great day — and Kari, if you’re reading this, I’m thinking of you!! Love & prayers always, Paula
I learned about Ryan on The Today Show. Love is truly present in your midst and with that is the presence of God. It is hard to explain. Somehow we are instruments of God’s love flowing through the internet into your home. So that when we join with you in caring for Ryan all of us are connected in love. I continue to pray for Ryan’s healing and for strength for the family.
No thanks is necessary. You make it easy to love you all and to want to reach out to help. Your challenge has helped to change a lot of lives and to want people to be better and to help. HUGS.
I, like many others, became aware of your story since the Today Show. I have followed your blog since and I pray for Ryan and your family daily. Yesterday was great news.
This State of the Union speech was probably my favorite, too! It seemed to overflow with compassion, looking out for the little guy, making a difference, and working together for America……it’s people. People have stories and I’m honored to be a part of yours. I admire the endless effort surrounding your family, how family and strangers have pulled together in love and support, and will continue to lift all of you up in prayer. To the only ONE who can send the healing miracle! May you feel our love and God’s presence today!
You have become a part of many lives. I know you don’t know me personally, but since that December day when I saw your story on the Today Show, you have all become part of my family. Although be it in my heart, I feel so close to you. Never has a family whom I’ve never met touched my life so dramatically. Yesterday I was reading the website and my son walked up behind me – he said “How’s Ryan doing Mom?” He’s 21 and I’ve talked to him about this senseless tragedy. He too has been touched by the story – he and my other Son (23 years) have each given me $25.00 gift cards they got for Christmas to give to Ryan. I tried to use them on Pay Pal but apparently you can’t use Visa Gift Cards as a Credit Card. I will use my Credit Card to make this Donation, but I wanted you to know it came from two young men who think of you and your family often.
I’ve said it before, as a parent, I can’t imagine doing anything differently than what you have done, I just wish I had more to give. I will match my sons’ donation and give again when I can. You remain in our lives, thoughts and prayers. Yesterdays’ news was a great accomplishment and we’re sure more good news will follow.
Colleen, I tried to make another donation last night with my Mastercard and it said it wouldn’t take that type of card either. Normally i use my VISA debit card for this site but I wanted to make a larger donation and it wouldn’t take my Mastercard. Hmmmm…..
God Bless You and your boys for loving this precious family. 🙂
Ryan and Kari are so lucky to have you and Sue as their parents, Ken. The undying devotion you show to them truly is a gift from God. People naturally want to help those in need, but when folks see you and Sue – and the amazing love you have for your son and daughter -it warms the heart and feeds the soul….and they feed on that. We will never leave your side.
Always, always praying and believing. God is good!!!
Amen. I think the title of your book should be “Relentless Love”. Between the love that you and Sue and Kari have for each other and Ryan, God’s amazing love and all of ours for you, the healing work in your boy will continue, and the Lord will continue to provide for your family through whatever means available. This is what answered prayer looks like, one step at a time.
Good Morning I was also glad to hear yesterdays news i knew it was gonna be good news I had the Faith that you were all gonna get the good news. Now I will continue to Pray for the Miracle and That you guys do get more help from the system that you need. My Prayers also goes to give your family strength to get through each and everyday. You are Great People i dont know you personally but getting to know you all just from this Blog. God Bless and Have A Great Day!