Ryan’s temperature fell fast again last night. We wrapped him in heated blankets, scarfs, and a hoody. Ryan bottomed out at 95.1 ℉. This concerns us since the last time Ryan’s temperature went low, he was in the emergency room two days later. We will watch him even more closely over the next 48 hours in case this is a precursor to something bigger.
Yesterday was our first full day back home. I had Ryan up at dawn and he didn’t go back to bed until 9:00 PM. It was a day of finding and testing our routine again. Today we will continue to refine it.
It is always a challenge to decide the best way to use the 24 hours each day. So, I suppose, the refinement to his schedule never really ends. We actively look for efficiencies in each aspect of his day. Since I hate “trade-offs”, my mind is mostly in high-gear mentally playing out what will give him the most benefit throughout the day.
This includes household chores too. What’s the best way to manage the laundry? What’s the quickest approach to mopping floors? How can the surfaces be sanitized the fastest? Well, you get the idea…
So, let the day begin!
The best part of the day, at least for me, was getting Ryan down on the mat. He was given a complete body/joint/muscle range-of-motion. The efforts to keep him mobile while in ICU clearly paid off. He is just as limber now as before the hospital stay.
As Susanne typed, (Never give up. Keep trusting and hoping!) and I will add to that, keep trusting and believing.
JESUS!!!!! Strengthen this Family and Lord, please, please… just one touch from you Lord, is all we need.
Dear Ryan, God is with you and he has your life in his hands. Love the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all your ways. WE Love You!
My prayers have never stopped for all of you.
May God Bless you!
Good job keeping Ryan limber and we hope his temperature is OK. We’re prayting for you guys.
Ken and Family
I am Praying that Ryans temp stays normal. I Pray everynight for Him that God shows a Miracle through Ryan. My Prayers goes out for you all 24/7.
Good Morning Divineys…
We’re still here with you. Your West Virginia family is always standing
strong for you and you’re in our thoughts and prayers constantly.
We’re all here, many who may not write, but check to see how you
and Ryan are doing.
You are not alone and never will be. We love you all.
Blessings from Sycamore, WV.
God Bless you and your whole family. I think you are demanding to much for yourself. Try to slow down a little for Ryan’s sake. Have you tried not getting Ryan up at dawn. Maybe a little longer sleep in. I was wondering about his stress level so soon after returning from such a demaning hospital stay. I know that the last time I was in the hospital for some infection taht first elevated my body Temp and then lowered it after I got home I was exhausted amnd slept till noon for three days.
My prayers continue for Ryan.
I am right there with you in spirit, imagining the fullness of your day and the constant mental challenges that pop up throughout those 24 hours, adjusting and readjusting, thinking and rethinking. praying and praying and praying that you may find some comfort and reassurance in your tireless giving. You mentioned in a previous post that you have never been able to “catch your breath” because events turn and Ryan’s recovery causes you to shift focus and regroup constantly. I’m hoping today that Ryan’s temperature returns to normal and his PT routines can be continued. How awesome it is that you have kept him limber and ready for the day when awakens! Ken, you and your family provide wonderful care and your efforts are inspirational. Never give up. Keep trusting and hoping!
Will keep you all in our thoughts today and pray for Ryan’s temperature to stay in check, Ken. XOXO
Dear Ken & Sue, I am thinking of you, and praying for you. I feel the anguish. Love you guys, Paula
It sounds like you guys had a very full day and are doing everything you can to keep each other strong. Hopefully, Ryan’s temperature drop was just a temporary response to all the stress and changes his body’s been through recently. We pray that his temp will self-regulate this time (what a positive sign of progress that would be!), so you can both get back to the hard work of recovery and physical therapy. We continue to lift up your family in prayer for the strength and wisdom to get through one day at a time. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to support you… because sometimes 24 hours are not enough for one or two people to do everything that needs to be accomplished on a given day. We are all here for you <3
I hope Ryan’s temperature remains normal today. I’m not sure how you have time in your day or night to write these updates but they are appreciated. As always I will be thinking of all of you today.