Yesterday was uneventful. This is a good thing. A very good thing, indeed! Unless something was overlooked it appears Ryan will be returning home later today. Two weeks of ICU is exhausting.
We can’t wait to get Ryan back with the pets, sounds, and smells, and general chaos of home. He just seems more comfortable in an environment that is associated with love, comfort, and joy. The thought of us all huddled together in his room does my heart good.
The plan is to be on our way, via ambulance, sometime around mid-day. Like always, it’s a production to transport him. Even though we have gotten much more efficient, it continues to be rough on Ryan as well as us. At some point I’ll have to break down and think about getting a used, purely functional, run-of-the-mill handicap van. I’m sure it will be the eyesore of the street, but I have amazing neighbors. It really wouldn’t shock me to walk out one morning and see they pimped my ride.
Prayers still going Your Way. Hang in there your not gonna need a Van, Gods Gonna show a Miracle and Your not going to need it due to Ryans Gonna Be A Walking, Talking Miracle. Thank You Jesus For The Miracle I Am Claiming. So glad He got Home. God Is Good!!!
Great article in the Dominion Post today! I hope the donations continue so your family can provide the best medical care for Ryan. I’m glad that you have been connecting with other families who have endured trauma such as Ryan’s and that stories and relief efforts can be shared. Every day when you discuss Ryan’s care and medical progress I catch a glimpse of what a HUGE realm of events this encompasses. You have a huge responsibility to Ryan and your family, and God keeps leading you in the way you should go. Keep looking to Him for guidance and strength. I pray that Ryan made it home safely today and you are spending family time in the privacy and comfort of your home. Have a blessed and peaceful night.
Hello Diviney family!! There’s definitely no place like home. Praying your family can get back into a familiar routine. I am thankful that Ryan received such wonderful care at Loudoun Hospital. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses and each and every person there who treated Ryan and his family so well! His excellent care has not gone unnoticed!! So, here we are, in 2011 — relishing each moment as best we can, thanking God for what is good, and relying upon Him and each other to find the joy in life. Love & prayers to you, dear Divineys. We’re still here, and we’re still praying!!
Happy for the news that you are heading home. I beleive Ryan will appreciate the familiar sounds and scents of his comfortable home and family. God bless you guys.
Can’t wait to read the entry on a safe return home for Ryan! Hoping the tranistion back home is well for you all.
Great to hear the good news ! …….still sending lots of love….Crystal
Joy, joy, joy! This news fills my heart with joy and continued HOPE for Ryan’s recovery. Thanks be to God. What a wonderful way to begin our day! You will be in our prayers for a safe trip home to begin this year of discovery (new medically scientific discoveries for the brain injured) and healing. Jan. 2, a good day to return to your routine at home, Ryan. In our thoughts — all day, all night. We’re here for you!
Happy, Blessed New Year.
What a relief and joy to be coming home today! We are all so happy for you, especially that Ryan is recovering so well after going through a very rough patch over the holidays. We are also thankful that you have such awesome neighbors who love to love on you 🙂 We’re praying that the transport and transition back to home go very smoothly and that you all can finally relax a little as a family, maybe even do something fun to celebrate Christmas/New Year’s on your own calendar. Thank God for “uneventful” days — may 2011 be full of those as well as great strides in Ryan’s progress. Now get home and hug those dogs of yours 😉