I’m sad to report that Ryan was rushed by paramedics to the emergency room earlier this afternoon. He began developing a high fever, that topped around 106.8 degrees. His breathing became labored and shallow, with trouble holding his oxygen saturation. He was moaning in pain and just could not get comfortable. His body began to flush.
Chest x-Rays show pneumonia developed in his upper-right lung. It appears we caught it early. The likely cause is from an episode of vomiting yesterday morning. Despite my attempt to clear his airway by deep suctioning, it is almost certain he sucked some of the stomach fluid back into his lung.
He is now in the ICU resting, getting an IV of propofol to sedate him. To protect his airway and deliver oxygen, the doctors inserted a tube down his airway. He is currently on a ventilator. His length of stay will likely be 5 to 7 days, from what we know. Another Christmas in ICU…
Dr. Rodriguez continues to be incredible! He came to the hospital immediately; Ryan was still in the ER. He laid the groundwork for making sure anything and everything will be done for Ryan during his stay.
Praying for you all….ask the Lord for a healing and if you can gather a prayer chain to fill up his room and pray for him with sincere faith he will come back to you…my friends mother had a brain tumor and was near death….it was 12 years ago that I stood in her hospital room and watched 20+ people stand around and pray for her and anoint her with oil and she was healed….when they took her for surgery they did one last check and the tumor had shrunk nearly half and they continued to check her for a week and at the end of the week the tumor was gone….she is a grandma today and is alive and well and serving the Lord…it was a neat experience. I believe so much that Ryan will be healed…this story has deeply touched my heart. I will continue to keep an eye on you all and pray for you all. Lord I ask for you to heal Ryan…I ask you to give this family peace and continue to give them strength. I pray that you lay your precious hands on Ryan and return him to his old state of health and kindness and good deeds so he can continue to serve you Lord. Peace to the Diviney family Lord and blessings and provide them with the financial means to continue providing for their son…..In Jesus name I pray…Amen.
I am so sorry to hear about Ryan. I will continue to pray for him and all of your family. You are always on my mind. Keep the faith and God will answer your prayers.
I don’t know any of you. Just have been following the story. I am a WVU Alumni and a parent. I can’t imagine what you are going through. To see you son suffer. Please find some comfort that there are many people praying for your Ryan.
We will be keeping Ryan and your family in our prayers as always, but especially during his latest setback. Hang in there. Hopefully, he will be home soon.
Sue / Ken / Kari,
Thinking of you and praying constantly. You and your family are always on my heart.
Much love and continued healing for Ryan.
Still here and praying in Morgantown. Merry Christmas to all of you
Still here, still praying. Love you guys.
Dear Jesus,
Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thou name, thou Kingdom come, thou will be done, on earth as it is in HEAVEN! You are the Divine Healer that does all things WELL!
Peace and Love you give to this BLESSED Family!
I was extreamly saddend by this latest development. i will continue to pray for ryans recovery and for god to give you all the strength to cope with whatever each day brings. I ask that everyone prays for both. Sending lots of love……Crystal
We are still here and parying for Ryan and the family.
May God Bless all of you.
I’m so sorry to hear this. It sounded like he was doing so well. I know another set back is hard on all of you. Just wanted to let you know you all have been in my prayers since the beginning and I will continue to pray for Ryan and your family.
Thank the Lord for Dr. Rodriguez!! Dr. Rodriguez, you are a wonderful doctor and human being. Thank you for taking such good care of Ryan. All of us are grateful for what you’ve been doing for him.
Hello Divineys, Still here and still praying. Please tell us if there’s something we can bring you or do for you. We want to help. Love you guys, Paula
I pray that this is just another bump in the road, the pneumonia was treated early, and that Ryan will recover fast. It breaks my heart to see him like this! I cannot imagine how you all keep going, but I thank God, He is giving you strength. I hope it helps to know that His love surrounds you and ours does also; I just wish we could do more to help you. Love
Ryan and family, please stay strong…I can only imagine how very, very hard this must be.There really are no words I can offer to bring you any comfort, but still, I pray for Ryan and each one of you every day. Hoping to hear that Ryan is feeling better soon.
It is hard to know what to say. Things seemed to be looking up there for a while. Please know we are still here, and still praying. I hope it gives you all some measure of comfort to know so many people are out here pulling for your whole family.
Im Still Praying for Ryan. I know with God he will be back home soon. God Just Be With Him and The Family and Shelter Him With Your Loving Arms that He will get Feeling Better!
Still here. Still praying. Always will be. He’s going to pull through no matter what 🙂