If you remember, at the beginning of this year I installed multiple cameras and continuous surveillance in and around my home. It’s top-of-the-line, with night vision so clear that the room can be pitch-black and it lights it up like daytime. Almost every square inch is covered by at least two cameras from different angles. The video is automatically captured on a hard drive. I did this to protect myself from baseless accusations after some trouble-maker called Adult Protective Services. Hey, I can’t stop people from doing this, but I can make sure my impeccable care of my son is NEVER doubted. The peace of mind is, in itself, worth the cost.
Since then, there are times when I would review video footage. For example, if the nurse tells me Ryan did something overnight that she thought was interesting it’s as simple as flipping on the monitor and rewinding the video.
In my post from yesterday, Injury Averted: Ryan Falls through Sling, I shared how the day started off with one hell of a scare. Yes, I take every precaution I can think of to keep Ryan safe while up in his sling, but injury was certainly a possibility when he slide through. I certainly didn’t ever expect that to happen! Who ever would? Still, the planning for a lift failure worked for the sling. If he would have gotten hurt I can tell you I’d be thanking my lucky stars for the video.
Also, without this footage I’m not so sure I would even share what happened with you. Fortunately, I can. So, I pulled two frames from the video to show.
The first picture (below) shows that split second where Ryan slipped through. He is in mid-fall and I am reacting by sweeping my arms around him and tucking my head against his body. I would say I have cat-like reflexes, but that would be giving cats too much credit!
This next picture is how we wound up. In that fraction of a second I was able to get my arms completely around him and protect his head. Cats have nothing on me!
Incredibly, he didn’t hit the floor because his feet dangled from the sling and his upper-body landed gently on me (as I slowed his descent). Ryan’s full weight had my legs, crossed over like I was at a pow-wow, pinned.
I briefly considered taking up the habit to smoke-um peace pipe.
You are a master of technology! The Web site, your cameras, computer, not to mention the skills you’ve achieved in medicine too.
SOmeone complained to Child Protective Services!! SOme people are nuts.
Glad Ryan is ok.
My prayers continue.
Did you get the new sling? Couldn’t find it on your wish list. Lots of love.
It was ordered from the wish list on Saturday!
Yes, like I wrote yesterday, THANK GOD that you…
I can’t believe I missed yesterday’s post — that helps explain why you were so ready to cut loose at the fundraiser last night! Thank God that your strong arms and superpower reflexes were there for Ryan, as always. I have to believe that your guardian angel and Ryan’s were also there to assist š Breathing a huge sigh and prayer of relief. Love you guys!
Rita, what I can’t believe is there’s no mention of a potato in the whole blog post. I still think he should have blogged from the fundraiser. š
Great catch!! Did the sling rip or something? Luckily you were right there and not reaching for something else, and. Thank God it was you and not sue or the nurse. It looks like he came down hard and quick. You protected his head. GREAT JOB!! This would have scared the mess out of me.
It was indeed a sling failure. I’ve been watching the video all day to isolate the defect.
A picture is worth a thousand words….
Thank you for posting and thank God for His grace and mercy! Thank God for wisdom and foresight to do every thing you can possibly think of to bless your son, Ryan. In prayers for you continuously!
Hello Ken,
Oh my gosh — these pictures!! That catch!! Your boy — and you!! All incredible.
You rock!!!
Wishing you a good day and sending you my love and prayers, hugs, and my admiration.
Ken, What a catch!!!Ryan seems to have more flexibility and you are so quick ,Thanks goodness . Like Carla said, Ryan is blessed to have you and Sue as parents Have a good day ,,,Hope Finnigans worked out well for Ryan
love Gail
I went to school with Ryan and I read your blog almost everyday. But some days I cant read it because I cry just thinking of what you guys are going through. I commend you for all that you do for him. You are a wonderful family. Just remember I think about you guys daily and pray it gets easier.
I guess this is why you played wide receiver. Nice catch!
Ahhhh… glory days fondly remembered, but that was the most important catch of my life.
“I briefly considered taking up the habit to smoke-um peace pipe.”
…Love your humor, even in very scary circumstances!!! I know I sound like a broken record, but I thank God every day that Ryan has you and Sue and Kari.
Sending love and hugs to all the Divineys,