Kari Home for Summer
At 1:00 AM last night, Kari officially is home for summer! I drove the Mesmer’s SUV to WVU last night, with Katie as my co-pilot. Well, not so much a co-pilot as a chatter-box. It made the time go by quickly!
I was delighted to see Kari had just about everything packed. She even loaded (the first of 4) a bin for me to wheel down to the car. We spent just around an hour getting her belongings down from her room and were on the road by 10:00 PM. The SUV was without an inch to spare. I kid you not!
My face must have had a smile plastered on it the entire ride home. Kari and Katie feed off of each other. The conversation never went silent. In fact, it kept getting louder. They talked about college. They played music entirely too loudly. They laughed as Katie told stories of Ryan. They made summer plans. Ever 50 miles or so they would remember I was there…
Basement Project Takes Major Step
Our thanks to Mary and Mitchell, who carried a ton of stuff from the basement to the curb for trash pick-up today. It is gone! I watched in a tinge of angst as our belongings were crushed into the back of the garbage truck.
They carried another ton to the porch to donate to charity.
The basement is starting to open up. I’ll be meeting with Bryan Tiplady and a contractor on Tuesday to get the plans laid down. It’s exciting to see things moving forward.
sallly ellis says
I’m glad everyone is home safe and sound. There will be a lot of positive energy flowing through your house this summer. The voices and laughter should be good for Ryan. As always still hear and thinking about you.
Debbie says
Yeah!!! Kari is home for the Summer. Ken, I know you, Sue and Ryan are so happy to have her back home. I know she makes you all so so happy!! I’m glad you made it back safely. I don’t know how you and Duke pulled an all nighter with the nurse calling off and then driving to West Virginia and back the next day. And so glad that Sue made it back home from Atlanta safely. How scary is that to be on an airplane that leaks? XOXOXOXOXXOXOX
Carla Liberty says
So happy to hear that Kari is home safe and sound, and that the basement is coming along nicely. Before long Ryan will be in his new digs!!!! Vicky said it best when she talked about the Lord’s commandment to love thy neighbor as you would love yourself, because that is what is happening! You must be overjoyed at the love this community has for you and your family. God is good! As always, SHSP. ††
Lyn says
Happy that Kari is home. The extra pair of hands will be helpful and maybe you can get some time for yourself. That is always a good thing for your mental and physical well being. I am saying prayers for Ryan daily.
Paula says
So glad the trip went smoothly, Kari is now home, and Mary was able to move all that stuff (God bless you, Mary!!). Let’s see, it’s now early May — praying that the work on the basement progresses such that you may be able to use it by … end of June? I guess it just depends on how available the contractors are — but, in any case, thank you to every person who is helping to make this dream a reality for the Divineys. Love is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
Dianne says
Welcome home, Kari! I know it must be soooo exciting to be home, and especially out of the dorm! I’m glad you were such good company and distraction for your dad on the drive home. Everyone has been awaiting your return home for the summer, most of all, RYAN! I know he lights up when you walk in the room, just like your Dad does. I’m looking forward to meeting you soon. Lots of hugs & big wishes for a great day!!!
Jo Hobbs says
“What makes us special is the signature of God on our lives,” Max Lucado. I see His signature right here on this blog and CTRD every single day! Love and prayers for a most special Summer with your special family and friends. Much love and many prayers for all.
Sam says
Kari and Katie… watch out Ry!!!!
Gail Doyle says
Dear Ken ,Happy for all that Kari is home and hope it will be a good summer with Ryan showing much progress.Sound like all went smooth moving her stuff 🙂 Also glad Ryan’s rooms are coming along.Hope that makes it easier for Ryan and you.Wish I could do something to help…..keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers… Gail
Vicky says
I just have a feeling that this summer is going to be significant, in a great way, for your whole family. I pray that those that continue to be “hands and feet” to your family will be blessed as they have blessed you. It is great to continue to hear the progress and readers get to see community and one of the Lord’s commandments in action: Love they neighbor as yourself.
Thank you for continuing to keep us informed.
Big hugs to Ryan.
Vicky says
Love THY neighbor as yourself